Homeland Security Calls Anyone Against Orwellian Media Surveillance "tinfoil hat-wearing, black-helicopter conspiracy theorists"

in #news7 years ago

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Because that's how you talk to the constitutents at whose leisure you serve...when you are at the tail end of the height of a despotic empire.

America sucks. It's getting hard to mince words about this one.

We honestly appear to be working as hard as possible to make grandpappy Goebbels jealous of our advancements in the reduction of all citizens to chattel. Every government department is collecting "information databases" on our behavior, our finances, our DNA or our voting records.

Data like this is used heavily, and illegally, in what the Feds call "parallel construction." Basically, departments illegally share data that they never had a warrant to receive, and then use that data to come up with a way to unconstitutionally arrest you.

Here's an example. You're the government, and you have no respect for your citizens or the laws they place upon you. Much of your intelligence is illegally or unconstitutionally acquired, because remember, you don't give a shit and you are a collection of terrible human beings with no ethics or value to the human race whatsoever.

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How could this have possibly gotten here?

Say you get word of a drug deal from an illegal phone tap. You can't just go arrest these citizens because of a pesky thing called the Constitution and your sworn duty to uphold it or die. You need to fabricate an excuse for being at the scene of this "future" crime.

So, what do you do? You lie, and have an agent who is illegally surveilling call in a fake warning about a crime in progress, fabricating probable cause to enter and arrest. You've just legalized illegal surveillance, nice work, you piece of shit.

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Sorry, that should be pieces.

Anyway, this is what these assholes do all day. They get paid, by you, to dream up new ways to abuse your rights, then lie to you about it, then mock you publicly for questioning their open violations of the Constitution. Reductio ad absurdium is their default fallacious response to criticism, like third-graders.

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How an asshole Tweets.

The gradual encroachment on any remaining rights we have will turn us all into for lobbyists and corporations.

Grease up the lamp-posts and stock up on rope. We're almost to the French American Revolution.

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controlling through surveillance is a way of democratic nation, they will know what you think and what you do without knowing you've been watching by the government to hide the dark secret of democracy and to prove to anybody that capitalism is the best form of government.

America is under Attack with terrorism

Government is a terrorist organization.

RACISM was born in America & TERRORISM is funded by America.

Racism is far older than America. Not all terrorism is a black flag or covert op government program.


Red Indians killed
Human Zoos
Black Enslavement
KKK (In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.”)

etc. etc.

First arm the rebels, then takeover.. However they are so unsuccessful in Syria.

Its the Govt and elites that brainwashed us, into hating each other, the divide and rule policy.
My recent trip to USA and mexico. i felt extremely unwelcome in USA, but homely in mexico, was not afraid to roam around late nights, no cops were looking at me as some criminal. I came across great friendly people there, eventhough i travelled solo, then in USA. I did come across some racist people in USA, but not all are like that. Just wanted to do the rocky tour, and since im into aquariums, wanted to buy loads of stuff related to it. Beautiful place though.

Not all terrorism is a black flag or covert op government program.

Red Indians killed - government war

Human Zoos.........?
Black Enslavement.......?

KKK (In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.”)

.....that one was

Vietnam.....government sponsored war.


....all government sponsored terrorism

I have been traveling for over 2 decades on pretty much every continent.
(not Mexico or central/south America.)

There are nice people and wankers everywhere, it's not a country thing... lol

true, nice people are everywhere, iv lived in thailand for two years, travelled to many countries, personally for the first time i did not feel comfortable in usa, was visiting my sis. There was an episode with her friend who is indian too, she was stopped by a cop, showed her green card, the cop told her to go back and dont take citizenship here. he also told her to tell this to her fellow indian friends. Its sad whats going on there, plus these cop killing unarmed videos on youtube, its crazy. Saw 3 cops beating a pregnant woman, a cop beating an old lady who was homeless, its scary out there. Also recently a man was killed by 15 police officers on street. Looks like a police state. Never seen such things anywhere, not even in europe.

Unfortunately, I think that in a couple of decades Orwell's idea will be an understatement.

The system keeps pushing to do whatever it pleases. The more money and more power the system has, the more they feel they can get away with it.

I'm encouraged by the number of people waking up and seeking legal ways to way remedy the situation.

I'm highly discouraged by the amount of people who are willing to do as they are told, give up privacy because they like the fact that Google tells them where to avoid traffic jams during their morning commute, and those who just say, "Oh well. They will figure out everything anyways...."

It's easier for most to stay asleep.

I'm personally proud of the number of tin-foil hats I wear. I keep coming up with new designs for them -- one to match each outfit... :)

I've accepted that you cannot reason with unreasonable people. I've also accepted that you knowing the truth, being able to prove the truth and insist on provable truth being upheld, does not change the truth -- even when they deny it.

Many of their attitudes are, "What exactly are you going to do about it? We have more money than you. We can fabricate evidence against you anytime we want, hold you without cause, deny you an attorney and hold you indefinitely. Did we mention we can freeze all of your assets, ruin your reputation, completely destroy you -- all with the stroke of a pen and push of button on the keyboard?"

This is why they keep doing what they do.

I'm encouraged that more and more people realize the last thing we have to lose is our collective freedoms -- Everything America was founded on, everything we fought for. Without it, we are no longer America.

Pay tax and pay for your own rope or don't, and have a uncomfortable life (for) now.... decisions... decisions...

Politicians are doing this to people since long. Powerful lobby has always being using rights of weaker. It was history says.They are never truthful to people.
Now in this internet century, our data is being breached openly as in Facebook. They try to go to any level to leave people deprived of their rights

Hello @lexiconical. Absolute power corrupts that's what going on here.

The police structure we have in America has taken control of the government. When most people think of the government they think of waste, then they think of the police, the fbi and other government watch groups.
If you tell certain people in America that you had a bad experience with a cop they will tell you they know a cop, or they have a family member who is a cop.
The psychology is dont tell me anything negative about cops or "law enforcement" because I will get offended. So the citizens are being silenced, because of the connections we have to the government instead of forcing government to comply with what citizens believe to be right and just.
Because remember the citizens are the government......Americans have forgotten this.

Government is working exactly as intended.

Lets support Trump in his push to get Sessions to do full scale investigation of all the FISA court abuses. Secret courts are always dangerous. Obama abuses with FISA court should scare all citizens of the USA

There is too much truth here. Mind blown.

I have withdrawn my financial contributions to this empire, and have not had a bank account since 2009. I make every effort to pay in cash in person for essential goods and services, to preclude creating surveillance data. I have as small a data footprint as possible, excepting my rants on Steemit.

I reckon that this is an essential first step we all need to take, regardless of it's convenience. India has effected a national biometric ID system that all Indian citizens need to use to buy food, and all essential goods and services. The government of India states that they intend to create an official cryptocurrency that will be public tender. No Indian financial institutions are permitted to conduct transactions in cash, other cryptocurrencies, or otherwise, any longer.

This will be exported once they have worked out (or in) some critical bugs, such as that biometric data theft is common.

While this is going to hurt, Indians are going to need to find ways to transact outside officially sanctioned means, and while cryptocurrencies can no longer be exchanged for official currency there, and are banned, it is likely that means of transacting directly in cryptocurrency without exchanging it for fiat will be undertaken, as well as trade using PMs.

A large segment of the global population is soon going to be using cryptocurrency as actual money, outside of use as legal tender.

We are going to have to do that here, too, and globally, soon.

I have shown it is possible to do without the benefit of cryptocurrencies at all. I highly recommend folks give this due consideration, and closely watch for indications of how the Indian people are managing to use cryptocurrency as actual money, so we can be prepared to join in as need arises.
