Government loses vote on publishing Brexit impact assessments

in #news7 years ago (edited) - Guardian - Sky News

So in another attempt to try and thwart Brexit the EU loyalists seem to be completely ramping up what Brexiters have decided to nickname quite rightly I think 'Project Fear' not only are they spamming negative news articles in the media about Brexit left and right they have also decided to try and force the government to release all their information regarding the impact Brexit will have on the economy, in particular various industries.

Even as somebody who voted leave however, I will be very interested in checking out this data that they have. I do think that one thing that the remainers will spam are the sectors that everybody knew would be quite heavily effected by Brexit, however just like whenever the report anything negative on the economy they will deliberately leave out anything positive that is happening elsewhere like for instance in manufacturing and I will be quite happy to explain why I think this later after the data comes out because we've seen this happen before when postive news comes out about manufacturing and for instance the FTSE 250 reaching highs constantly on the stock market. The left wing media especially simply don't report on stuff like this, because it breaks their narrative and I suspect any data that contradicts them will be left out of their own 'reports' when all of this information gets out now the vote has gone through parliament. - Telegraph

There will be sectors that will get massively hit and one thing I have noticed about voting patterns which I find particularly interesting, is that you have people very much voting in their own interests. The more metropolitan cities and so on that will have voted against Brexit are going to be the ones hardest hit, all the government employees and so on people whose income does indeed rely on the EU, it was no surprise to me to find out that the most die hard remainers in universities for example were abusing their positions to spread anti-Brexit sentiment.

We often here for example about the "poor desperate farmer" narrative from the left wing media which they've been awfully quite about lately, constantly making claims that if we close down the borders ( Which isn't actually what most people are proposing ) then there will be fruit and vegetables rotting in the fields. Well you know something? That pisses me off quite a bit, because not only am I sure that actually where would be quite a few British people that wouldn't mind those jobs anyway even if they're low paying, the left especially and these farmers are pretty much admitting they're exploiting cheap migrant labour because they're more than willing to do these kind of jobs for so little and we're supposed to believe these guys are all just and righteous? That ticked me off and it seems that with the left especially this isn't a unique phenomenon, I mean I still remember this idiot going "Who will serve our coffee in Pret?" really? That's what you think of when you think of migrants? Cheap servants to wait on you? Get the fuck out of here, this is why a lot of the hardcore remainers want open border migration and they couldn't give a fuck about the other types of migrants that come in and cause trouble because of their policies.