Abby Martin's "Empire Files" Forced Off Air - BREAKINGsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news6 years ago

11 EatingWay.png

As you know, alternative and independent media is being crushed and suppressed at every turn. Now, one of the most important investigative shows is ENDING due to U.S. sanctions. Abby Martin's show Empire Files has closed its doors because of the insane U.S. sanctions on Venezuela.

So they need our help to continue. If they find enough funding, Abby Martin can continue her phenomenal reporting. You might know her from her previous show "Breaking Set." She has reported first hand from the rubble in Palestine, the jungles of Columbia, and the US-backed violent protests in Venezuela. Her show is honestly what it looks like to be a TRUE journalist - not a corporate stooge like you'll find on CNN, Fox News, & MSNBC. She reports with heart and honesty - and what she says is NOT allowed on corporate airwaves.

Corporate America will never fund the truth. So it's up to you and me.

Click here to help via GoFundMe.
Click here to help via Patreon.
Or click here to read an extended statement from the Empire Files team.


why dont they look into joining Steemit? if their content is good then they could bring their userbase here which would then create instant funding!! There is also a huge crowd of people here who would love this content!!

Redacted tonight is smart for joining the steemitecosystem. if you want to really grow your funding then you should start funneling your facebook followers into the steemit platform. Putting your videos on will also be a great boost.

My point is that funding can be found easily without patreon and gofund me especially if you are already a huge act like Redacted tonight or Empire files.

I would love to help you all grow your presence on the platform if your would like some help!! there is so much potential for media organizations like yours to succeed in this platform.

Reach out to us over on discord at our community would love to support the growth of this awesomenews group!

I wholeheartedly agree, and encourage Lee and Abby to get onto Steemit.

Various other shows have shifted to Steemit, and most have done quite well, partly because of the subscribers / followers they brought along, but also because of the large audience Steemit provides.

If she's not a stooge then how come sanctions in Venezuela are killing her show? Is it cuz she's a Venezuelan stooge? I like some of her work but RT has its biases too. We all remember where she came from.

Hear, hear! At least on Steem, they can ghost the information but they cannot hide it! 😉

We need more courageous, outspoken women like her!

She is also on minds:
Her website with youtube videos (still works)

I love Abby. Her show "The Empire Files" and yours, "Redacted Tonight" are two of my favorite go-tos. I am glad that you are on Steemit, Lee.

Never heard about her but I totally support the initiative!

@leecamp any chance you can get her on steemit ?

My thoughts exactly, here we can give her support the way we know how!

My thoughts exactly,
Here we can give her support
The way we know how!

                 - cmplxty

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Keeping fighting the good fight! By fight I mean educateing the masses that no longer watches TV news; and instead chooses to turn to good and honest comedians such as yourself, Jon Oliver, Jonathan pie, Jimmy door the list goes on. By good fight I mean pushing progressive policies that actually help humanity. You know like less war, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and calling out politicians on there B.S.

I think post is a lot of quality post. Thank you