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RE: Pablo Escobar's Hippos Are Multiplying in Colombia and Causing All Sorts of Trouble
Anytime people introduce new species to an environment there are always unexpected reprucussions. They always seem to thrive in these new environments and eventually overtake them and become a nuisance. It's strange that they are hippos though, usually it's like an insect, plant or fish. Friggin hippos!! Crazy
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Very true, @leaky20. If you know about the rabbit incident in Australia last century, it was also along the same line.
Some army man decided to take 6 rabbits to his home country, to show them how the new species, and pretty soon there were a several thousand of them and Australia is trying to eradicate them till today.
Yeah. Happens all of the time a d all over the world. For us it was zebra mussels in our lakes. Now they've taken over completely lol
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in the ancient Rome happened the same in some island with two rabbits. One legion had to go there and kill them all
Any sources where I could read about it @kingaustral? Would be immensely helpful.
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Estrabón and Plinio, talked about the rabbit plague in times of Augustus, who born in the actual Córdoba province (Spain). In fact, Hispania its the result of a transliteration of the fenician lenguaje, and it means "land of rabbits". Later, Plinio due a lack of interpretation, named the Hispania province as "Cuniculosa" (it means the same, land of rabbits). The references are two, but later i found another one with the whole episode, in wich a full legion got to kill the massive rabbit population in the balearic islands. Sorry for my english:
Plinio ( NH 3, 78; 8, 217-218)
Estrabón (3, 2, 6)
Edit: you got to search something like "Estrabon, book III, rabbit plague of Turdetania". There is another sad history with rabbits of all kind
Interesting. I will definitely look into it. Thanks for taking out the time @kingaustral. Hope to keep knowing you in the future.
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