The Critical Thinking Times - Weekly Round-Up

in #news6 years ago

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In this crazy world of lies and propaganda it's time to once again look at what real news has made the papers this week, and as always I highly recommend reading all articles, watching all videos and listening to all podcasts.

Monday's edition
Tuesday's edition
Wednesday's edition
Thursday's edition
No Friday edition this week due to time issues.

The first article from Monday's edition comes from Eurasia Future written by Janice Kortkamp:

An American Housewife in Syria – Part 2: Damascus (continued)

”The questions at the moment were how bad was it? How many more Syrian soldiers and civilians would be killed in their own country by the US and its allies? Was this going to be the start of an all-out invasion? The “leaders of the free world” were at it again, “defending freedom” by bombing a country far away that has never threatened nor been a threat to them; and doing it with all the pride and pomp of two-bit emperors wearing no clothes.”

An excellent article by Janice Kortkamp detailing her experiences in Syria at a time when the war criminals of the Empire are trying to destroy the country in order to steal their resources and help the expansion of the racist supremacist state which exists on stolen Palestinian land.

Second article from Monday's edition comes from Gilad Atzmon:

Truth, Truthfulness and Palestine

”history laws such as Holocaust denial laws in Europe or the Nakba law in Israel exist to defy alteration, refutation or scholarly debate about the past. Instead of helping us to grasp our past, the existence of such laws reveals to us that some parties are desperate to stop anyone from exploring what really happened.”

A very good article from Gilad Atzmon pointing out some important questions and observations which people need to understand in order to get a better understanding of the crazy propagandised world we all find ourselves living in, when certain aspects of our collective history are hidden behind laws and not allowed to be investigated even by historians, that should scream out to everyone that something is very wrong here, ask yourself, what needs to be protected from investigation, truth or lies?

Next up from Monday's edition is the always brilliant Sunday Wire, coming to us from 21st Century Wire and the Alternate Current Radio Network:

Episode #236 – ‘Parts Unknown’ with guests Gilad Atzmon and Robert Inlakesh

”This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE as host Patrick Henningsen is joined in-studio by Mike Robinson editor of the UK Column with all the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we’ll discuss the continued fall-out from Israel’s massacre of unarmed protesters in Gaza, Palestine, as well as the mysterious death of maverick American TV host and best-selling author, Anthony Bourdain. Later in the first hour we’ll be joined LIVE by a very special guest, artist and author Gilad Atzmon to discuss the current aggressive attacks on free speech by the Israeli Lobby and its affiliate organizations, as we try and analyze why the intensity of attacks has increased so much in recent months and how this relates the the situation on the ground in the Middle East. In the second hour we’ll connect with independent journalist and advocate for Palestine, Robert Inlakesh, to discuss recent events in Gaza and the West Bank. Later in the final segment we’ll take a critical look at the political character known as Tommy Robinson and how his current case is stoking racial tensions in the UK and possibly empowering the state to enact even more security measures. And this and more. Enjoy the show...”

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Lasly from Monday's edition is the always fantastic Type1Radio Lounge coming from Type 1 Radio:

Type1Radio Lounge – 09/06/2018 – Bilderberg Special with Mark Anderson

”On this episode of The Lounge we are joined by Mark Anderson to discuss the Bilderberg meeting currently going on in Turin, Italy. And he is actual right here with us in person with Miles as well.”


Onto Tuesday's edition, first article comes from BSNews written by Jonathan Cook:

The corporate media’s world of illusions

”Once kings told us they had blue blood and a divine right. Today, we need a different kind of narrative, but one designed to achieve the same end. Just like kings and barons once owned everything, now a tiny corporate elite rule the world. They have to justify that to themselves and to us.”

”The king and the barons had their courtiers, the clergy and a wider circle of hanger-ons who most of the time benefited enough from the system not to disrupt it. The role of the clergy in particular was to sanction the gross imbalance of power, to argue that it was God’s will. Today, the media function like the clergy of old. God may be dead, as Nietzsche observed, but the corporate media has taken his place. In the unquestioned premises of every article, we are told who should rule and who should be ruled, who are the Good Guys and who the Bad.”

A very good article by Jonathan Cook detailing how the Western narrative is used against the populations of the world and how the corporate media have become the new clergy, forcing their religion of lies and propaganda into the minds of humanity in order to keep us divided so that their parasitical elite masters can remain in control.

Next article from Tuesday's edition, comes from The Unz Review by Philip Giraldi:

Understanding Jewish Power

”It does not take a genius to figure out that the United States is deeply involved in a series of seemingly endless wars pitting it against predominantly Muslim nations even though Washington has no vital interests at stake in places like Syria, Libya and Iraq. Who is driving the process and benefiting? Israel is clearly the intended beneficiary of a coordinated effort mounted by more than 600 Jewish organizations in the U.S. that have at least as part of their programs the promotion and protection of Israel.”

An excellent article by Philip Giraldi discussing Jewish power in America and how it is responsible for the disastrous illegal wars the US has been waging against mainly Muslim countries in the Middle East, even though Israel is a foreign country that has murdered Americans in incidents like the attack on the USS Liberty or their involvement in 9/11 most Americans have been brainwashed by the corporate media and their own government into believing that Israel is Americas ally, when in reality Israel is a racist supremacist state formed by using terrorism which it still uses today especially against the Palestinians, Israel is no ones ally, it and its racist supremacist nutjobs are a danger to the entire planet.

Moving onto Wednesday's edition, the first article comes from Mint Press News written by Ben Norton:

US-Backed Coalition Bombs New Cholera Treatment Center in Yemen

”A military coalition formally led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and supported by the United States and Britain, bombed a newly constructed cholera treatment center in Yemen on Monday, June 11.This attack comes after Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East, suffered through the worst cholera outbreak in recorded history, with more than 1 million cases reported in 2017 alone.”

As the Wahhabi head chopping nutcases continue to slaughter the Yemeni people with the help and support of the war criminals of the US and the UK we have them committing a new war crime, bombing a cholera treatment facility after having created the cholera crisis in the first place, of all the illegal wars and genocides perpetrated by the Empire and supported by the parasites in corporate media this one has to be up there as one of the most disgusting and despicable to date.

Next from Wednesday's edition, is a great interview with F. William Engdahl by Guns+Butter:

Brzezinski's Ghost: The Geopolitics of the Trump Administration

”National Endowment for Democracy an NGO controlled by the CIA; Reagan Administration guarantees Soviets no movement of NATO eastward in return for peaceful reunification of Germany under NATO; top secret CONPLAN 8022 global strike capability activated June 2004 by Rumsfeld; fake NED and NGO democracy apparatus orchestrates both the Ukraine Orange Color Revolution of 2004 and the Georgian Rose Revolution; Soros Foundation deeply involved in both Ukrainian color revolutions; 2018 Armenian Revolution follows the fake democracy script; US economic sanctions on Russian oligarchs; Trump administration abrogation of 2015 nuclear treaty with Iran and European reaction; EU activation of 1996 Blocking Statute symbolic; US secondary sanctions effective; US Treasury becomes a central component of national intelligence council; Secretary of State Pompeo’s twelve draconian conditions for Iran constitute economic warfare on that country; Netanyahu meets Putin on May 9th for talks on future of Syria and Iran; Russia limits its involvement in Syria; continuity of Trump Administration geopolitics; three Eurasian powers – Russia, China and Iran – systematically targeted a la Paul Wolfowitz’s Defense Planning Guidance and Zbigniew Brzezinski’s The Grand Chessboard; US trade war with China; Made in China 2025 policy to replace China 2035 co-written by Robert Zoellick and the World Bank; hyper-instability of global geopolitical situation.”

And now to Thursday's edition we have this very good interview with Syrian President Assad coming from the Syrian Arab News Agency:

President al-Assad to Iranian Al-ALAM TV: Syrian-Iranian relation is strategic… the strongest response to Israel is to strike its terrorists in Syria

”President al-Assad affirmed that since the beginning of the war, particularly when it started to have a clear military nature on the southern front in particular, the Israelis used to shell Syrian forces continuously, and consequently provide direct support to the terrorists. Israeli artillery and aircraft are the terrorists’ artillery and aircraft”

EXCLUSIVE interview with Syria's President Bashar Assad

This last article from Thursday's edition comes from Moon of Alabama:

”The attack from the south includes 3,000 to 5,000 troops under the command of Tariq Sale, a cousin of the recently killed former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh. They have been equipped with trucks and new weapons by the UAE. More forces are on their way from Aden and Taiz. They are supported by Emirati artillery, tanks and Saudi aerial bombing. The Saudi coalition forces are commanded by former officers from Australia, the U.S. and UK who have been hired by the UAE.”

The Wahhabi head chopping psychopaths along with the help and support of US and UK war criminals are now attempting to starve 18 million people to death in Yemen, as the Wahhabis have been failing in spectacular fashion while trying to invade and take over Yemen they are now switching to the tactic of trying to starve the country to death all with the help of Western war criminals and a disgusting corporate media that helps cover up such crimes.

As usual I leave you with videos from each edition:

AlQuds Day Toronto Speech by Sister Eva Bartlett

Dalia Al-Najjar Discusses Her Cousins Murder by Israeli Snipers


Cloned Kosher Pork, Stem-cell Sandwich, Marijuana Industry, Rodman and North Korea – Boiler Room EP #167

”Join ACR host & producer, Hesher with the lovely Spore co-hosting, Infidel Pharaoh and Jay Dyer of Jay’s Analysis riding shotgun. So dawn your Social Rejects Club battle jackets, lace up those boots, turn it up and sink in for another journey through the splendid secretions of the Independent Media with the Boiler Room on ACR.
Tonight the Social Reject Club is hashing out some Second Amendment political Jackassery, Dawkin’s ‘taboos of cannibalism’, a Rabbi’s claim that Pork is Kosher (as long as its cloned), Gremlins 2 as a metaphor for monopolistic globoculture (what could possibly go wrong?!), The Omega Man, Soylent Green gone main stream, Dennis Rodman, Trump and the North Korean summit with Kim Jong-un Please support ACR, become a Patron and share the show page around! Find Boiler Room on iTunes, iHeartRadio and”


Where you can find me:

The Critical Thinking Times


Absolutely brilliant man. Lots & lots of resources on the debacle that is the proxy war on Syria. Read it & weep!

Upvoted, re-steemed & shared on farcebook.

Thanks for sharing my friend, and for commenting, much appreciated :)