The decay of an Empire and the surge of new powers and axis

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Let’s get it started from the big picture on today’s world affairs: The uni polar American world is nearly over and what is left is in tatters. Empires, as everything else in Earth, born, grows and eventually, dies, that is the natural way of things and we can’t do nothing about it.

Some people may question if the US is an empire or not. Well, from my point of view it’s quite simple, empires look to continuously expand and rule over other nations. The US born, expanded through its Capitalism worldwide via its corporations and military, and when someone in the world dared to challenge the American manifest: “Do not challenge me or pay the consequences”, which basically means suffer a preemptive political and economical crackdown, followed by a direct military intervention or a "civil unrest" (called in the mainstream media 'Color Revolution') that 'Oh Fortuna!', always binds with the American agenda: Latin america, the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and the South Pacific show plenty of macabre examples that proofs that.

However, things are changing and two natural phenomenons are showing up at present. The US is crumbling down from the inside (as all the other empires do in history its decay and death comes from the inside rather than from the outside, although outside matters clout and even speed up the decay).

Proof number one of the American decay is of course the $21 trillion dollar public debt and the continuous never changing economic policy of keep spending by the billions on the military rather than in schools, roads, bridges, airports, hospitals and so on that is what keep societies in the path of growth. The US is technically bankrupted but no one has the guts to say it because that would cause an economic pandemonium worldwide. This sad situation shows up its repercussions in others places:

In the past, just 30 years ago, the US used to, and could, buy allies all around the world under the promise to provide investment and loans for the ‘allied’ pro-American regimes. Most of the world were happy to sell-off their sovereignty in exchange of billions of dollars on loans and investments for the development of their economies and their corrupted oligarchs (profiting from their control of the indigenous natural resources and their businesses with the Western corporations). But all of a sudden, one day, the US couldn’t find the money to keep feeding those ‘allies’ and so these started looking for financial resources and technology in other parts of the world: the EU, China, Japan, South Korea and even India, joined the club of the technologically savvy with economic capabilities.

Examples are many but suffice to say that in the very selective space industry, the former number and envy of the world, the US and its space program, lacks now of its own space vehicle to launch satellites into orbit. For doing so, NASA is getting the engine's rockets from Russia (no kidding!).

In this industry, the US is facing the challenge of traditional, but also new players, in the market: The former traditional space powers (the US, Russia, the UK, France and the EU) are now facing emerging competitors like China, Japan, India, Iran, North Korea and even Brazil (in the process of developing it own indigenous space vehicle).

This economic and technology downturn in the US has been followed, as always in history, by the surge of new centres of power that each day represent a new challenge for the American “exceptionalism” of “Your are with me, or against me” in his relationships with allies, partners and foes. Barack Obama Capital Sin was to push Russia into the arms of China, and vice-versa. By setting up his “Pivot to China” policy (disguised of “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea) against China, Obama ruined what the US foreign policy accomplished for decades: To keep China and Russia apart. Nevertheless, Obama misguided and drove a wedge with China in moments the US was in a proxy war with Russia in Syria. The result: China and Russia are now living one of their best moments in history exemplified by this year’s Sino-Russian joined military drills in Siberia ‘Vostok-2018’ “of unprecedented scale since Soviet times”. On the same term, each time the US applies a new round of sanctions against Russia China throws the Russians an economic lifeline. Both countries are certain that if they are gotten apart they will be an easy prey to shoot at.

Both countries, feeling bullied by the US (in Syria, the Ukraine, Iran, the South China Sea and recently in Taiwan) are bolstering their partnership in a similar way the US and the UK did until the Trump era (which is now falling apart together with all the system of alliances the US built since the end of WW2 that consolidated and expanded its global power for nearly 60 years!).

And if Obama did that between Russia and China (both together represent an overwhelming power with China providing the financial resources, its know how in business and Artificial Intelligence skills, whereas Russia brings up its space industry, weaponry, huge natural resources, vast farming lands and agro-business know how), now we have The Donald blowing up the historical alliances with the UK, Germany, the EU, Turkey and even Canada causing a huge vacuum of power that China and Russia are more than happy to fill.

Nevertheless, the bad news for the American empire don’t end there: New power poles are surging everywhere and a new challenge to the US world domain shows up on a regular basis. Iran, North Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, Turkey (a key NATO ally covering the Russian south front and encircling her is now taking sides with Russia, Iran and China) are now starting to ditch the dollar and commence to trade in local currencies. And if we consider than historically speaking all the presidents that one day intended to ditch the dollar are all dead by now (Irak’s Hussein and Lybia’s Gaddafi are two excellent instances), we realise that the steps of those countries challenging the American unipolar world are quite serious and are not languishing but spreading out around the world.

One thing is certain, we are at a turning point, the turn of the screw. The change of paradigm looks closer and if things don’t change its clash course the US may sank within the next decade. The question is no longer if the US will collapse or not, the question is 'how soon'.

That, is one of the things we’ll be analysing over the time in website.

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