EU Newly Exposed Vassal Role in the World: By Jorge Trevino

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Is the Transatlantic alliance in tatters, or is the U.S. boosting its long time forgotten world primacy to its highest?

Its been a while since the U.S. is being said administrating its decadence. However, it is also possible that the Empire is still alive and kicking and the only thing it has to do is to give a hard push to its dominating stance in the world. No-one seems to know.

Indeed, it is certain the U.S. is not in its best shape. In the not so long ago, the Empire's soft power sufficed to bend over the whole western world and the second and third class colonies around the globe. Yes. The EU just seem to realize they have been nothing but first class parasites living around the unique center.

Not anymore. In the present the U.S. has been forced to show its physical muscle (military and economic sanctions) because it lacks its ancient attractive economical-financial appeal, exhausted due its astronomical public and private debt. Something the world can't get rid off because it will expose the rest of the world to reality. A nightmare the EU is not capable to deal with.

All of this takes us to the present situation: The EU has been trapped in the same game they have been used to play for decades while America used them to destroy them in "good will" for its own unilateral interests.

Not anymore, that game is over. The Empire has taken its mask off and now it reveals the way it really is: A one-way-side-game with the U.S. mastering the game with all of the rest watching the ball from passing from side to side.

Its a pity, by plain guilt or temporary convenience, the game is over.

The EU played the American house of cards for decades thinking they were part of the team. Now they are paying the consequences of such ingenuity.

They loved to believe they were "allies", even "friends". Unfortunately such terms mean less than nothing in real politic, in Geopolitics. The time has come. Or you bend over or you assume the consequences of being playing "the Russians are coming" silly game. Its too late, you were playing the anti-Russian hysteria a month ago without absolutely no proof and you are still playing the absolutist stance without hard proof. Pay the consequences and say 'thank you' to Theresa May's hysterical approach on the Skirpal's non-case and try to figure out how to deal with your new tag of puppet.

Now, the time has come Europe: Your choice was playing the childish card for decades, you always thought 'daddy U.S.A.' was going to be there to baby-sit you, care you and look for you. It didn't happen. Quite the contrary, a grown-up business-oriented leader took over the U.S. and let you childish alone.

What are you gonna do? What are your skills? Are you aware now you're on your own, or still you're waiting for daddy U.S. to come back and sing you a baby tune?

The answer is crystal clear; Europeans have been used as lady-boys (that Thai phrase applies here beautifully) for 73 years, now is their time to turn around and bend over. Indeed, the EU will accept all of the American demands because the whole bloc is economically and financially attached to their Master. European's lack the guts and resources to disobey Master Trump.

What will happen next?

I don't know, the only thing I'm certain is that Europe's empress will capitulate to it doesn't matter what and how many demands Trump will pose the bloc.

At the same time but once the Football World Cup will finish, Mr Putin will come back to stage. By then, Putin will be back on track and it is certain that he will try to obtain a profit of this transatlantic hecatombe that is cracking the pilars of the post WW2 world order, an order already mutilated and in terminal phase.

As a Russian bear, he's hibernating licking his wounds from the last couple of months. But he will definitely come back, and will come back on the offensive with an invigorated economy with oil in record 'highs' in three years.