Is a 'coloured-revolution' looming in the U.S.: By Jorge Trevino

in #news6 years ago

After navigating civil wars in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Keith Mines (U.S. Army Special Forces, U.N. and State Department official) identified five common symptoms when a civil war looms, namely:

Entrenched national polarization with low place for resolution
Increasingly divisive press coverage and information flows
Weakened institutions, notably Congress and the judiciary
A sellout or abandonment of responsibility by political leadership
Legitimation of violence as the way to conduct discourse or solve disputes
Indeed, Mines makes his point under these threats, undoubtedly present in today’s American political spectrum, however, he forgets the obvious: A civil war (namely ‘coloured revolutions’ nowadays), is only plausible with the participation of powerful countries running the show on the sidelines through their global MSM propaganda, and their colossal military funding backing up the ‘spontaneous revolutionary movement’.

With no doubt there is a risk of serious unrests in the U.S. every now and then; Charlottesville, Ferguson, Charleston, Dallas, St. Paul, Baltimore, Baton Rouge and Alexandria are obvious examples for what can happen in the future at any time). Nevertheless, even if one third of Americans think another civil war could break out in the next five years (Rasmuseen 1,000 likely voters survey showed), the truth is that without a powerful third country funding and planning (there are not even candidates to do so!) a color revolution in the States, the possibilities to manufacture a a civil unrest are almost nil.

Yes, I agree, the divisions within the U.S. are huge. They are ideological (nationalists v. globalists, urban v. rural), racial (whites v. blacks v. latins), political (Republicans v. Democrats) or social ( supremacists and neo-Nazis v. everyone else, and Police v. citizens with the formers shooting down the latters on a regular basis). What remains? Basically nothing, the 900 active and growing hate groups in the U.S. are proof of so. What is left?, unfortunately not much; non-elected bureaucrats at the ‘Intelligence Agencies’ (the F.B.I. and the C.I.A.) and the Military Industrial Complex; all of them driving wedges with half of humanity. Very unfortunate!

Since the nineteen-hundreds a series of ‘colour-revolutions’ have devastated Eastern Europe (Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovaquia, Bulldozer Revolution in Yugoslavia, Orange Revolution in the Ukraine, Jeans Revolution in Belarus, Grape Revolution in Moldova), North Africa (Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, Lotus Revolution in Egypt), the Middle East (Purple Revolution in Irak, Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, Blue Revolution in Kuwait, Green Revolution in Iran, Coffee Revolution in Yemen, and Syria), the Caucasus (Rose Revolution in Georgia, Velvet Revolution in Armenia) and Central Asia (Tulip Revolution in Kyrgystan).

It doesn’t take much to figure out that, ‘curiously’, non of them occured on the Western countries, and even more ‘curious’, all these ‘revolutions’ ended-up in putting in place governments friendly to the United States.

According to Wikipedia, a ‘Coloured Revolution’ is a term widely used by western media outlets since the nineteen hundreds to describe various movements that developed in former Soviet Union, Balkans, Middle Eastern and North African countries that, through non-violent resistance protests against governments seen as corrupt and/or authoritarian, advocated democracy.

They normally start as harmless and noble ‘student’s movements’ advocating for free speech, western democracy and freedom for the masses. It doesn’t take long before they become violent, illegal, armed, and in the last phases, lethal (with masked snipers shooting those same students calling for democracy), to any government not alligned to the U.S. macabre interests in the region. For some reason they always count with the sympathies of the Western MSM outlets (which proofs one way or the other some sort of American, meddling in the internal affairs of a soverign state, to say the very least) even when students mysteriously don’t show up any more and the military takes over instead. At that stage, the MSM stores the subject and moves on to the next color revolution.

In these terms, in every coloured revolution that has happened since the nineteen hundreds we observe two constant variables: 1) the Western media meddling and, for some curious reason, 2) the sympathy of the American establishment towards these movements taking over by force instead of waiting for the democratic process to change things.

Thereby, we can now be certain that the so-called ‘Coloured Revolutions’ are possible because they are feed, supported, funded, planned and executed from abroad: Either by the media, through military assistance and funding, or economic pressures from the West encouraging a ‘Regime Change’ (or more likely, all of them at once).

Back to the initial subject: Is the U.S. on the brink of a ‘Colour Revolution-Regime Change’ operation in the foreseeable future? Yes and no. A classic coloured revolution requires the participation of foreign powers and the U.S. lacks such particularity.

For those assiduous MSM ‘Russian haters’ I can tell you one thing: Russian economy is as little as the Italian annual GDP, its population is 144 million (less than half of the U.S.), its military budget is $66 billion dollars (America’s is $610 billion and NATO’s altogether is $1.1 trillion dollars). So no, Russia does not have the capacity, nor the mean or interest in undermining the U.S. system, Russia is not the bully but the bullied. To put this in perspective, suffice to Google the figure of American military bases in the world (800 to 1000) and compare it to those of Russia (5), not mentioning NATO’s bases encroaching Russia in all fronts.

What it is actually not even possible but probable is an intelligence-driven ‘coup’, drove by the Cold War 60yo minds aka American Deep State (embedded in the House, the Senate, the military industrial complex, the Pentagon, the ‘intelligence’ agencies and of course, their MSM lying machinery) obsessed with war with Russia, first nuclear power on earth!

The results of the mid-term elections to be held in November will clarify what the deep state’s options are. If The Donald loses the election and the Democrats reach half+1 of the House (218 seats) and two-thirds of Senate (67 seats) the possibilities for impeachment will grow exponentially. However, history shows that the president’s party generally loses 2 Senate seats in a midterm election, and that would not be enough (there are 47 Democrats and 2 independents, it takes 67 votes to convict in an impeachment proceeding, and this has never been done).

This scenario will leave the deep state with only three options: 1) Invoke the 25th amendment (situation in which the president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office”) 2) Holocaust 3) Or let The Donald do and wait until the termination of his term. Whatever of the three options they choose from it is clear that no ‘colour revolution’. The first option falls within the Technical Coup and the second is the assassination of an American president which has occured in the past.

Whatever happens it is obvious that Trump is urged of allies. Perhaps his single and most powerful one is Israel and its lobby in D.C. We’ll see if they can do something to impede his fall.

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