Idlib, Syria, a lab for the newest warfare: By Jorge Trevino

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Deceased Harvard political scientist and adviser, Samuel P. Huntington, published in 1996 his Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. On it, Samuel Huntington hypothesizes that cultural and religious identities were to be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world. Although he made his point in there, something we are actually witnessing right now within the frame of the Eastern (China, Russia, Iran, Syria, and with Turkey blinking its eye to this group after being hopelessly expelled from the European Union) and Western (NATO + the Quad + the triple axis Washinghton, Tel Aviv, Riyadh) clash in the ME, he missed the point in forecasting that Islamic extremism would turn to be, 15 years after 9/11!, the indispensable skill for the Anglo-Saxon Israeili axis against the ‘revisionist’ (term adhered by the Western MSM to discredit those countries willing to be independent and sovereign) powers of China and Russia.

It is within this context that Western main powers (the U.S., Great Britain, Israel) astonishingly became intimate of terrorist organisations in the Middle East and beyond as leverage entities of their proxy wars against Russia and China, the two countries that insist in challenging the American control of the planet by pushing their own national and regional agenda. Make no mistake, the conflicts in the Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan, North Korea, the South and East China Sea belong to this Western multi-faceted war against Russia and China. Anything else is just Western rhetoric that only the most naive can believe.

The seven years war in Syria is now on an impasse where, although military speaking the war is basically over on the Syria, Russia, Hezbollah and Iran side, the U.S., Britain and Israeli forces are still pushing for an impasse trying to gain time to see if their regime change chances can be restored and avoid the humiliation of withdrawing with the tail within their legs accepting a defeat that would expose them to global ridicule and exposure. That is something they will not abide to for that would be accept they are defeatable, something is just not acceptable from an imperial point of view.

It was in this scenario that the Israeili Air Force (IAF) managed the Syrians air defences to accidentally shot down the Russian II-20 surveillance aircraft by provoking an attack on Syria’s territory and using the biggest Russian plane radar shadow as shield by notifying the Russians of the attack only one minute before the provocation, by far too late to avoid what was already on the making. The Israeilis knew exactly what were doing and they do it masterfully, however, the Russians didn’t bite the hook. Their Russian radars in Latakia showed them unsuccinctly that everything was well planned and that the shot down of that aircraft was a well organised military mission from the Israeilis.

And here it comes what is next:


The new arrival on Syrian soil Russian-made S-300 small contingent with only four launchers but backed-up by secret radar and electronic warfere that no one knows what about their real capabilities has arrived in Syria. The operation of that unit will be managed by Russian servicemen but the shooting trigger will remain on a Syrian soldier to shoot down any flying device menacing the Syrian soil in the region of Latakia (Mediterranean coast of Syria). The Israeilis, following their traditional warmongering stance, have said they will use their 8 delivered state-of-the-art F-35 American stealth fighter jets that, is well known, is not yet fighting capable and has been found problematic on specific combat issues. For some reason, the F-35 jets have been landed when Russian Su-35 fighter jets come up flying near the American state-of-the-art jets. It is yet not known if this is a result of hiding their real capabilities out of the Russian satelite reconnaissance warfare, or hiding their weaknesses and exposure of the big fraud that trillion dollar war machine is.

In these terms the last facet of the Syrian war in Idlib right nnow is already a military lab for the last state-of-the-art American air capabilities against the S-300 Russian made 80’s tech capabilities possibly upgraded with Russian state-of-the-art radar, satellite and jamming upgrades.

The war in Syria is the last real military front, Idlib, has become the theatre of operations of the newest war machines in the world. Russia has been clear, the S-300 small four launchers unit is to be operated by Russian servicemen letting the shooting button to a Syrian soldier. Should an alien flying machine nears the Syrian Mediterranean will become a target for the Russian made launchers. We still don’t know if such capabilities include Lebanon’s skies or not. However, the Israeilis already know that such equipment will be controlled by Russian servicemen and if he is willing to ‘take out’ those launchers then he is aware that Russian servicemen will be killed by him. Netanyahu and his gang have said that this won’t stop them for fighting Iranian forces anywhere in the ME and that that S-300 unit can be targeted with his eight F-35 figher jets. What will become the outcome of all this? We don’t know, but we have to be certain that if Netanyahu decides succesfully to take out that Russian unit with Russian servicemen in it, he will face a Russian military retaliation already tired of Putin’s equanimity.

Two scenarios show up from here: On the other side, if for any resaon an Israeili F-35 is to shot down by a Russian 1980’s technology S-300 battery (upgraded or not), that will definitely be a deadly blow out to the American “leadership” on air capabilities, and the economic reminiscence of such shot down would be catastrophic for both, Lockheed and the Pentagon. However, if the IAF takes down the Russian S-300 unit with Russian servicemen in it, what will Russia do? Will they take another lost? Or will they avenge their soldiers? It is already well known that the Russian military is done with Putin’s patience.

Be careful, certain people in the Pentagon’s corridors is playing with fire. The outcome has the potential to become a Russian-American clash in the only way that they can be dealed: Mutual annihilation with catastrophic consequences for the rest of the world. Indeed, the white world (the U.S., Canada and the whole of Europe, including Russia) would extinct, the rest will suffer, but we will persist.

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