The big case is revealed
- Recently revealed a major case of food with famous brands that have expired re-processed and replaced expiration date with a date that is still worth consuming a total of almost 2 container evidence with the mascot label making machine and there are about 96,060 kinds of products found such as baby milk, mayonaise , pastries, sauces, instant spices, jams and others

The raid was carried out by the west Jakarta police station in the iron bridge area, persima 1 the location of the label making and the storage warehouse of its products is PT.PRS (PANDAWA REZEKI SEMESTA) warehoused Angke Indah-cengkareng and its service office in Hayam Wuruk
Given monthly turnover of about Rp 6 billion per month nomial is really fantastic right.
Not take responsibility to get big profits they dare to circulate their products in big stores and agents

* It is very worrying that until many people consume foods that are not feasible to be consumed, the effect would be very bad for the body and health. Money really makes people justify any means to get it.
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Hey @keizh, thanks for the update! I get most of my news updates from social media and such so it's nice to have great posts to stay informed. Keep up the good work! Cheers
Thank u @exxodus 😊