Stock Market Update - More Warning Signs of an Imminent Crash

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Diclaimer: The following is our opinion and is not financial advice.

Tesla was downgraded today by Goldman. It's price target puts it well below trendline support. I've said repeatedly that Telsa is the poster child for this false economy (like Lehman was in 2008 and Enron was in 2000). When Tesla goes, I fully expect the whole market to follow it.

The emerging market sector continues to decline significantly. Fiat currencies across the world are crashing. This will have an impact across the globe. It WILL have an impact here. Bank on it!

Bitcoin continues to show signs that it may have bottomed. We see significant support at 5950. I maintain that crypto currency will have a place in the world monetary system moving forward. It's still up 600% from the beginning of 2017 and it has a long farther to go esp. when you consider that DEBT BACKED fiat currencies are dying across the world as a result of historic massive credit bubbles that are now bursting (again). It should go without saying but apparently people just don't learn - when you take on so much debt that you can't pay it back, then THIS IS A BAD THING. We are way past that point now and by we I mean pretty much every nation in the world (see debt to GDP).

The situation in Syria is about to get hot again as Syrian forces move to retake the Ildib province from Al-Nusra. In a stunning show of hypocrisy (not really a surprise if you've been following what the US has been doing in Syria), Trump came out and warned Syria on Twitter not to move into Ildib. That's right. The US is backing Al-Nusra and ISIS. It has been for a long time. Now it doesn't even hide it. They are claiming another "humanitarian crisis". There are no words for this hypocrisy except that that our government is truly OUT OF CONTROL when it comes to the military industrial complex.

Finally, I'll leave you with this. If you've been following us for any amount of time, this will NOT be a surprise to you.

Hyperinflation is coming. Inflation is already setting in. Soon we will all witness a severe economic decline. This is the STAGFLATION event I've been warning about for the last several years. If you don't know what Stagflation is, now would be a good time to read up on it because we will be knee deep in it very soon. We fully expect Assad to be accused of using chemical weapons yet again as a justification to a larger war in the region. And YES THEY REALLY DO THINK YOU ARE THAT STUPID!!!

Act accordingly,

The Market Vigilante