India female rape case... And how to prevent it
India has one of the highest rape crimes against women in Asia, and I think its time for us to protect these women. Today, India’s Supreme Court confirmed that the men who gang-raped a 23-year-old paramedic in 2012 will be hanged. The brutal incident shocked the nation, sparking protests and changes in laws regarding sex crimes.
Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in India. According to National Crime Records Bureau 2013 annual report, 24923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012. Out of these, 98% of the cases were committed by someone known to the victim....
This is unacceptable. 98% of the cases were committed by someone known to the victim... Imagine all the cases that were not reported...
Growing up in a family with an Asian background, I have realised that there are a lot of discrimination against women, especially in Asian countries.
I think this goes back into our history, where we placed more emphasis on the males to do "greater" things like work and earn for the family, while female are usually tasked to stay at home and do house chores. This is still deeply embedded in our culture, giving males more authority over the females. However, in relatively more developed countries like Korea and in developed regions in China, this has slowly seen a decrease, as we realise how backward thinking this culture and mindset is.
I think that this false sense of authority, is one of the main reason why man (who takes advantage of woman) thinks they can do whatever they want, and this should be stopped.
While I believe with time this will slowly improve, we should implement measures to stop man from raping woman. In India where rape cases are extreme, I think capital punishment is the way to go. Rape is an act against the freedom of woman, any violation should not be exempted.
I think man who rapes woman, brings only harm to a society. The only benefit we can get from them is by punishing them in a way so severe that prevents future rape cases. Also, education is a must. If I were an authority in India, I would push for capital punishment in all rape cases, be it if it was my family member who did it or not.
To all the guys reading this, I know all of you are mostly educated and people with empathy, and will not violate the freedom of any woman. But I would like to remind everyone that we should treat all women like how we would treat our own mothers and sisters, and how you would want your sisters and mothers to be treated by other man.
I pray for all the victims of rape, and I wish everyone reading a good day.
Signing off,
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i apologise for the rather graphic picture, but it isn't an actual man getting burnt!
I was thinking it would probably be a whole lot better if the women there did start burning rapists in the street, that might make some think twice.
Anyone living in a country where the people don't have the right to bear arms has no way to defend themselves from rape or violence.

TRUE. I dont think India is ready for it though, in the case of India it might actually help guys with their act of rape @funbobby51
But men don't need help so it won't give them any advantage they don't already have. In India they could put a significant dent in the problem if they installed indoor plumbing, in addition to all the other advantages of indoor plumbing for public health, I guess a lot of the time they get raped going outdoors at night to go to the bathroom. Indian housewives own 11% of the worlds gold, they should include some pistols in their dowries.
Also, perhaps women should gang up and start raping men too!! hahaha jokes aside, I won't bring my wife and children to rural places in India. I liked the meme you sent
that's a very famous American. ;)