WHY Trumpcare FAILED & What YOU Can Do About It!
In this video, I break down the recent failure of President Donald Trump's Obamacare repeal and replace effort (also known as Trumpcare) and why it happened.
While most Republicans are mad at Senator Rand Paul for standing on principle against government monopolization, there's more to the story. Rand Paul stood against it because it was basically Obamacare Light. Meanwhile, Trump calls Rand a "so-called Republican".
Well yes, exactly. He is being consistent in his beliefs rather than bend over and tow the line.
Government health care creates the illusion of "free" services. In reality, it monopolizes a few major corporations via state subsidization by the extorting hand of the government through taxation.
The more government funds healthcare, the more the medications and treatments cost, the more the government funds healthcare. It's the Hegelian Dialectic of problem, reaction, solution, repeat.
There's no incentive for competition in the markets so the monopolized corporations just raise prices and release medication that eases the symptoms instead of innovating and creating medications or treatments that SOLVE the problem.
This leads to smaller businesses trying to innovate to be forced out of the market. They cannot compete.
The truth is, the less government involvement, the less monopolization, the less price gouging, the more treatments, medications and marvels.
On the free market, businesses compete for the best product for the lowest price. They have incentive to innovate and they do.
On the free market, people have more money due to more production, more employment, higher wages, more competition and innovation, so therefor people are on average healthier and for those who physically cannot work, people can put money into a community pool for them and the medication or treatment would be far more affordable and have far greater quality.
This is all about the vote/demand of your dollar and that's what has historically worked. Not government monopolization under the guise of stopping big corporations and making care cheaper. People are being scammed by this narrative.
because Trump does not care.
which is why in 3 years, he will be fired.
Obamacare and Trumpcare will bankrupt the middle class. The GOP efforts only reshuffled funds to benefit red states. Forcing people to buy healthcare is a totally anti-freedom idea and should be rejected. The market needs to take care of healthcare.
But the cultural Marxists will keep mistaking force with compassion.
You are 100% correct!
Free market is corruption with facelift. As for cultural marxism. I just think it a word that makes no sense.
It was RyanCare (Paul Ryan ) more then anything
This post was very informative video thank you for sharing
you have my upvote
It doesn't work because the main reason to create Obamacare is not for the people.
So the cost and workability is largely irrelevant.
And that's exactly what it's become.
It's value lies elsewhere. The result has been phenomenal.
Why "Trump Care" Failed lol ??????
In the US, the Pentagon began an investigation into a soldier, a graduate of the prestigious military academy West Point, who openly confessed his pro-communist views. In the social network, Spencer Rapone published photos from his graduation, showing his cap, on the inside of which a black marker was written "Communism wins" and a shirt with the image of Ernesto Che Guevara.