DTube - What The YouTube Shooting Can Teach Us

in #news6 years ago

One of our most recent video reports!
See the original article below:

Josh Sigurdson talks about the lessons of the YouTube shooting as a mentally ill woman named Nasim Najafi Aghdam shot up the YouTube headquarters, injuring 3 before taking her own life.
Aghdam apparently did it due to the demonetization of her videos.
In this video we are not going into the vast censorship by Google or the fact that the shooting happened in a gun free zone. Instead we are going to go into the strange and disturbing trend of politicizing tragedies.
Every time a tragedy happens, people rush to claim the suspect involved must be of the opposite political viewpoint. This is in essence creating a cartoonish stereotype of opposition.
Within moments of the story hitting the news, many were claiming the shooter was a right winger. Others were claiming the opposite.
We must stop falling for these games of collectivism and start blaming individuals for individual actions rather than broad strokes that doesn't benefit either side and does indeed benefit the government complex in their move to seize more power over the populace.
You don't blame cars for car crashes. You blame the individuals. You don't blame alcohol for drunk drivers. You blame the driver. You don't blame guns for shootings. You blame the shooter.

Collectivism is a disease and one must reject it even when it appears to benefit your view point, it is detrimental for us all as government uses crisis to implement further restrictions on individual liberties.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover this issue.

▶️ DTube

it teaches us that @berniesanders should be careful, just imagine whats going to happen when someone he has stolen thousands from catches up with him. youtube shooter lost a couple hundred? lol nothing compared to what bernie has done and will eventually end up dealing with.

Congrats on making yourself a target again.
