ANOTHER False Flag Chemical Attack In Syria! - How This May Lead To Global WAR

in #news6 years ago

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In this video, I report on yet another massive false flag chemical attack in Syria blamed on Assad and the Syrian government.

First in 2013, Assad was falsely blamed for a chemical attack leading to the arming and funding of rebels who later became a group by another name which we cannot mention in descriptions on YouTube.

Then, as Tillerson and Nikki Haley claimed that overthrowing Assad wasn't a priority, for no reason whatsoever, the government and media wants us to think that Assad then attacked his own people with sarin gas. No benefit for him or the nation, they want us to believe he shot himself in the foot.

Now as tensions die down, just a day after we at WAM post a video showing declassified CIA documents from the 1980s exposing the US government plot to overthrow the Syrian government and destabilize, even cause attacks in public squares, there is yet ANOTHER false flag chemical attack. So every time the US gets less aggressive with Assad, we are supposed to believe that he attacks his own people, tugging at the heart strings of the virtue signalling populace and asking for the military industrial complex to come to his doorstep and attack the country?

Trump tweeted this,

"Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price to pay. Open area immediately for medical help and verification. Another humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever. SICK!"

What's sick is that he doesn't understand this is yet another false flag! Or maybe he does. Maybe he's just following the script of the deep state. I think we know the conclusions to draw here...

What an absolute lie. A total myth. A conspiracy due to bring the United States into war with countless countries including Russia, Iran and China who have formed a coalition and have vocally taken Russia's side as Putin threatens military retaliation if the United States attacks Syria again.

This is not going anywhere good folks.

This is an old script playing out. We cannot believe it. At any moment we may hear of Trump blasting rockets into Syria again and Russia and China have vowed to respond to such an attack.

Is this what we wanted? A World War 3 scenario? Neocons and the left blabbing on about Russian collusion making Russia the boogeyman? Causing instability in Syria. Responding to several dead by bombing the country leaving potentially millions dead? The U.S. is already responsible for 400,000 deaths in Syria since the Arab Spring. The hypocrisy is dizzying.

Stand up people! We cannot allow this to go any further! Apathy begets servitude and absolute destruction.

See the FULL video report here:

Stay tuned for more updates on this incredibly important story. Don't forget to Upvote & Follow!

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This rush to shoot first and ask questions later is really upsetting. Assad, with the help of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, has pretty much won the civil war in Syria and would have no reason to launch a chemical attack on civilians that would infuriate the world and invite a military response just days after Trump expressed a desire to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria.

Trump got a lot of votes due to his opposition to the Iraq war and his stated intention to keep us out of needless wars. He has not honored those campaign promises. He seems to be intent on starting a war with Syria and Iran. The result of Trump's attack on Syria shortly after he was inaugurated was that he was lavished with praise even by Democrats and MSM outlets like CNN. The praise has subsided and now Trump is criticized daily by the MSM. Mueller's investigation continues and Trump has to deal with Stormy Daniels and other issues. Attacking another country or starting a war is a tried and true method for changing the narrative and getting the public to support the government. The consequences of starting a war with Iran would be disastrous and even worse if an attack on Syria leads to war with Russia.

Great points. But I don't see Russia/USA at war. Russia has too much to lose. Today is about business and proxy wars. And it's no benefit to China as the one belt initiative passes through Russia and several of its allies. China is digging out of debt now and would have civil unrest if the status quo is not maintained.

Everytime Assad is winning, he busts out the gas in celebration. Either he is an psychotic idiot or he is being set up. Upvoted and following

Absolutely set up. Not even Hitler was crazy enough to bomb his own people. It makes no sense to destroy your own country if power is what you want...I've never believed this crap, and it's looking more and more like the West is trying everything to justify war on these guys. More death, more innocents killed by the West to blame it all on Assad and Putin.

Obvious set up

is this a smoke screen for the impending global market crash?they want us to shift our attention to what is going on in our economy.we are being played.


Global central bankers need a bailout on the same scale as they did before WWI and WWII. I'm not sure how to stop it.
Russia stopped Hitler. It will probably come down to Russia and China, trying to stop US/Israel and Saudis from taking over the globe.
Russia and company are being pushed to be the ones to stop the ever-expanding US Empire. US Military bases are in 70% of the globe...and growing.
And Trump gets to do the bidding of the Saudi's and Israel while he's at it.

It is annoying to hear people buy the propaganda. Hilary and Obama are not on the "left." They are war profiteering right-wingers, who love to start wars, bailout bankers and wipe the ass of billionaires.
Neither branch of the war party (DNC/RNC) is truly left or right anymore, IMHO...they're all just facsists tools of the oligarchs running our government.

The objective here is perpetual war. Trump hinted recently at bringing home troops then boom...there's a gas attack! Coincidence theory anyone? Then John McCain, Lindsay Graham, and the usual chicken-hawks take to the airwaves and say why the U.S. needs to be there. It's a broken record. How many times have we seen this before because I've lost track?

More proof of how desperate the cabal is getting risking total nuclear war with not one but two nuclear powers ⁉️ it was said once that a desperate man when drowning even to a sword 🗡 he will reach to pull himself out . Like a cornered wild animal it will strike back . The question is will the economy bomb go off first ❓They’re becoming SLOPPY . Great report 👏👍you called it ❗️✌️♥️👊🏻

your keystone was amezing.thanks