Child "Victim" of Syrian Gas Attack Comes Forward, Says He Was Given Food to Make Fake Video of Attack

in #news6 years ago

In the weeks since the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria, evidence contradicting the official story continues to surface.

This week, journalists on the ground in Syria recorded interviews with some of the people who were actually in the attacks - people who actually appeared in the video that was shared widely by Syrian rebels associated with the White Helmets on April 7th, provoking attacks from the United States Military and its allies.

One of the most compelling interviews was with an 11 year old boy named Hassan Diab who can be clearly matched with one of the victims in the video. 

Fortunately, the young boy is safe and in good health, and suffered no chemical attack symptoms, but he is surely traumatized and confused by what he just experienced.Hassan told Russian journalist Evgeny Poddubny that he was walking the streets with his mother in search of food, when one of the people that they encountered insisted that they go to the hospital.

“Somebody was shouting that we had to go to the hospital, so we went there. When I came in, some people grabbed me and started pouring water over my head,”  Hassan said.

Imagine being a young hungry child walking into a hospital expecting to find some food, only to be grabbed by strangers and soaked with water along with dozens of other children, all the while being surrounded with lights and cameras.The boy was eventually found by his father, who said that he saw no evidence of a chemical attack.

"I didn't hear anything about the chemical attack, I was outside but didn't hear anything. I heard that my family was in the hospital. I went to the hospital, walked upstairs, and found my wife and children. I asked them what had happened, and they said people outside were shouting about some smell, and told them to go to the hospital. At the hospital, they gave dates and cookies to the kids,” he said.

While it would be possible that a child walking the streets could get mixed up with actual victims in the midst of the chaos that takes place after this type of incident, however, even the doctors at the hospital that encountered these victims didn't see evidence of a chemical attack.

One doctor told reporters that they saw victims who hurt and killed in bombings that were regularly taking place in the city, but no trace of chemical agents.

"People from the White Helmets told us about the use of chemical weapons, but we saw no sign of that. If chemical weapons were used against those people, our medical staff would have also been affected," he said.

Today after the video surfaced, Russia’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia told Rossiya 1 that Moscow is planning to show the video about Hassan at the next meeting of the UN Security Council.Two other alleged witnesses say that they were working at the hospital during the time of the attack, and they also did see evidence of chemical agents.

"We heard an explosion and someone said it was a chemical weapon, we ran to where the noise came from and started pouring water over the people, but they seemed to be ok and then walked away with any help," one witness said.

"People got so confused, someone started pouring water over peoples heads saying there had been a chemical attack, i was at the spot with my wife and daughter but neither of us experienced any symptoms of chemical poisoning," another said.

Hassan's story is very similar to that of Omran Daqneesh, a Syrian boy reportedly pulled from the rubble of a bombed out building. Daqneesh’s image was broadcast around the world and used as a propaganda tool against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The truth was later revealed by The Free Thought Project and others that it is highly likely the opposition itself destroyed the very building in which Daqneesh was residing, then used his image to promote the myth that he was attacked by Syrian forces. According to The New York Times, Mr. Daqneesh told the real story of what happened immediately following the bombing. He never supported the opposition and appeared on Syrian state-run media to proclaim his support for Assad. 

As we reported this week, even the western mainstream media is begining to question the official story. World renowned journalist Robert Fisk pointed out that there was no actual evidence for these attacks, aside from videos from the White Helmets, a group that is notorious for creating propaganda. 


My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon. 


It’s good that proof is coming to light that this was yet again another false flag perpetrated to frame Assad and keep the western imperialists in Syria.
Why people keep falling for this this shit is beyond me, if anything it goes to show that western politicians are complete morons and shouldn’t be in power or are fully aware and colluding and therefore shouldn’t be in power, either way we need a change before these idiots get us into a conflict they can’t back away from.
Nice work dude.

yeah I have been shocked to see some alternative sources even falling for these lies..even the sites that are usually against trump, are cheering him on when it comes to this, its wild

You are absolutely right! I love how you sum up that western politicians should not be in power.

Yea, wasn't buying the attack for one second. The timing of it just makes no sense in terms of US troops pulling out, Assad maintaining control. It does however make sense for a foreign government to fabricate a situation in order to push the war in its favor. Nice post.

If you ask me you can't trust any of them when it comes to the truth. I am more inline with this article and the witnesses just saying they heard an explosion and were hustled into a building and sprayed down. Since the beginning I surmised that the real truth more than likely was the opposition forces didn't want the US pulling out like they stated the prior week and they set this up. If there was any "proof" of the chemical it was more than likely handed over as evidence by them also....where they got it from who knows but out of all the other theories that one seems most plausible. Like I said though you can't take what any of them say with a grain of salt when it comes to getting at the truth.

Yeah, all media has bias, I have bias, It is important to sift through the sources and come to our own conclusions, but when it comes to war, people need to be extra careful before supporting military action

Plus I'd like to point out that even if Assad had done this how would it make sense for the USA, France and the UK to drop bombs on chemical weapons storage sites and thereby risking a massive release of such chemicals aka a chemical weapons attack. Also how is it possible that so shortly after an alleged chemical attack that civilians would be walking, playing etc. at the exact location of said attacks, wouldn't a chemical attack deny civilians the use of this area for some time whilst it has to be decontaminated?

In the meantime there are also reports indicating that civilians who live at Douma are saying that as far as they know it's a fake event. They don't know exactly what happened but they live there and nothing happened to them.

Yeah even if it is true, it is still no excuse for what has been done

Candidate Trump vs President Trump.

Thanks for locking this information into the blockchain. Have you downloaded the video and uploaded it to DTUBE for the same reason? We need to remember how things on youtube disappear quickly!

Great post, confirming what I thought right away about this being a false flag. Now the question remains, did Trump really bomb deep state assets and locations knowing full well this was a false flag attempt. Or was he really tricked into this. I think it is most likely the foremost, at least i really hope it is...

What the mass media pushes is always distorted. At the moment they push the WW3 is imminent rhetoric. Everywhere. Even if I browse something absolutely not related, it pops up again and again. The same politicians/media that always wanted wars based on 100% lies are now against weapon usage and try to fearmonger people with global war.

Spent a little time on researching when the attack happened. I don't know what to believe at the moment. An "Anonymous" twitter personality did a live report about the case, which seemed interesting. I've read things like they went along with the supposed chemical attack in order to lure out terrorists. Russia, USA and Assad, full cooperation. The places that USA bombed where evacuated long ago. So basically they let them believe Assad's forces are vulnerable during the attacks and the terrorist forces become too cocky and went directly into a Russian+Assad military trap.

Odd somehow. Especially if we think about how many news there were about the West financing rebel/terrorist groups.


a.) It's the same old war must go on crap because it's profitable. That's why they create tensions to spend big money on the military.
b.) They indeed tricked the terrorists and that pisses off a large number of powerful, corrupt douchebags who would love to see a decades-long conflict and the terrorists alive and well. Hence the pushed WW3 outrage to discredit everyone involved and cause global rage against them.
c.) The mainstream media have changed(haha, right) and reports the truth. Trump wants war with Putin and China and WW3 is indeed imminent. Tbh, I really doubt this.

Exactly well said and summarized, if all we do here is just look at the facts than is very obvous this is all BS.
--March 29th Trump said that the US will be pulling out of Syria
--April 7th the Syrian government reportedly gassed their own people with Sarin
--Back in 2017 the Syrian government was accused of gassing there own people with sarin as well
--2/8/18 General Mattis finally admitted there was no evidence that Assad/Syrian government gassed his own people after saying that there was no doubt about it and launching airstrikes as a result

So to recap, Trump says the US will hopefully be getting out of Syria, the Syrian government in response to this decides to gas/attack its own people to make sure the US stays in Syria (which makes absolutely no sense).

Its already been proven and shown that this exact same thing happened back in 2017 and was proven to be false already.

For the final kicker, the US is working in a joint response with the United Kingdom and France on these latest attacks. Both countries are a shill for the deep state and both countries have Prime ministers are little else than talking puppets for there masters in Macron and May. If nothing else gives you red flags, than this should and if these countries are involved, its probably bullshit.

Typical. The globalists are the most disgusting monsters on this planet- We're in a new age now, where for the first time the people can start to see this scam that "leaders" have enforced on the people for thousands of years-

I agree. This is nothing new. It's something that has been in the making for a long time. Globalist's have been at it since world war 1. You only need to look through history to realize it...

I heard today that trump was planning to pull out of Syria then one week later "chemical attack. Makes no sense that when we are finally going to pull out that all of a sudden they attack their own people.. Yea right , I'm glad mainstream is even questioning it.

I'm as confused as you are mate. We can only be patient and stay hopeful until we finally know what is going on. It will come out eventually...

The hits keep on coming! We need to start doing regular polls and finding out where the majority of the people stand on these bullshit MSM lies. There are so many credible actual journalists that have totally busted this story that everybody should at least be questioning it by now. We know the drones who watch just 15 mins of MSM per day won't have a clue but we still have to try and reach them.

They don't have a clue because they don't question what they are told. That is where the split in the road occurs. When people like you and I sit down and actually think for ourselves. And when you tell them the truth, and show them evidence of the actual events, they chose to deny it. I am curious to see where steemian's lie on the political spectrum... Upvoted!

Thanks, @sailormann. Very well written.

I'm thinking of doing the polls on Gab and incorporating them into a post here. Keep an eye out. I'm happy to let others join in on this project. We need to actually start doing something other than simply writing about stuff. Nothing extreme, but we can share our ideas and work together to effect change - sort of like a properly functioning gov't is supposed to conduct themselves.

Everybody knows what happened, but "western" governments and MSM simply don't care... they are untouchable, "truthers" may bark, but will not bite...

every one know what is the real matter

....maybe that should be "the plots"...who in the heck knows who to believe, they all have their agendas. This one get real close to plausibility then most but in the end it's just another side to many speculations.

Here is to hoping we can sort all this out before it gets much worse. It would be great if these monsters can be held to account in our lifetime instead of 80 ueqrs from now.