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RE: NY Times Glowingly Defends Israel's Crimes Against Humanity [VIDEO]

in #news6 years ago (edited)

i tend to think that the lack of response, or complicity on the part of the usa, is part of a larger issue of predictive mental self-medication being used to prevent people here (usa) from going crazy with shame and guilt, not for what their fore-fathers and fore-mothers did, but for our current unwillingness to make any amends for those things (slavery, concentration camps, reservations, mass killing and incarceration, etc.) that were done. reparations are most certainly owed to african americans and native americans (among others). any even semi-reasonable thinking person can acknowledge that theft of a thing of value demands some accounting. full value payment for the abuse, use, suffering and exploitation of these populations would not end the economy or fracture our country; it would simply assist in leveling a decidedly uneven play-field. rather than even entertaining the idea, however, we can focus our attention on the new group being defined as savages (see johnson v. mcintosh for the basis of property in our proud nation). our willingness to collectively allow for the suffering of palestine is a hell of a lot easier to deal with because it is nothing more than a continuation of american policy for all of american history; savages have no rights and we can take what is theirs with impunity, regardless of the harm we cause. going along with what has been happening for centuries is no big deal to an under-informed and overly suppressed public. to look at such one sided carnage and be able to defend it as some sort of conflict is demented, sick, and exactly what makes owning property in america psychologically acceptable without making any amends to those from whom it was stolen. calling out the obvious result of this, as seen in this brutal event unfolding in gaza the past weeks, means calling out our own not so distant history of doing exactly the same, and worse.


wow - deep statement & accurate - thank you - Momz