If You Think That Things Are Bad, Maybe Read This?

in #news7 years ago

Markets are collapsing! Crypto is collapsing! Time to worry and hoard and cut the expenses!



I really have to become unpopular and say some uncomfortable truths here. Kinda getting tired of the overall apocalypse mood. And I'll be very brief because I got better things to do than try to explain something so obvious, when most people are not even going to read it.

First of all- what is happening now in ABSOLUTELY NOTHING compared to what's to come when the REAL shit hits the fan. Does this mean that I believe in some kind of doom scenario? Fuck no! But I decalcified my pituitary gland and un-washed my brain enough to understand some basic principles of how evolution AND involution works (google involution if you hear this the first time, I'm gonna hit the sack in an hour and I need to meditate before I do, so...), in line with un-bendable universal laws.

The current system in place is a virus. A parasite. A product of human ego. Something that works for few to the detriment of many. Something that systematically poisons its host, which is this planet. This system is not broken, it works perfectly the way it was designed- to enslave you, control you, and make you stupid. Eventually even steal your soul if they can pull that one off (and they are working day and night on it for decades), but about that other time motherlovers.

Because it's not broken, it cannot be fixed. It has to die. It has to collapse. It has to go to TOTAL SHITS so that a new, better thing can arise from its ashes. So don't cling to it, don't worry about it, don't try to fix it. Let that shit fall and remain as positive as possible. Do something useful, something creative, or just meditate. Make real human connections and quit being self-centered jerk.



Important message hanging on my fridge. Do you agree?

The new better system can only arise under one criteria- quantum leap in human consciousness, which is going to catalyze it (the fall of the parasite and rebirth). This is indeed happening already in more and more individuals and in much higher occurrence rate than ever in human history. But overall, the reptiles from deep state some idiots call our leaders still hold vast majority of earthlings in fear frequency (under which no leap up can occur), and totally brainwashed.

I have a rock solid faith that it will be during my lifetime, and not even during my old years (I am 38 now)...

that the shift, the GRAND AWAKENING will happen. I also understand, that in order for this to happen, all collective human karma, which was accumulated over eons and NEVER faced, always avoided, has to be faced and cleansed. That will manifest on physical level as something quite uncomfortable. Events that will not be cherry blossom walk. But as any unpleasant cleansing, it's a blessing in disguise and we can't run from it!

I see lots of traders these days, crypto or stock markets, lamenting over their losses.

I tell you something. If you only do anything because you wanna make $ on it, you're a parasite, a pollutant of this beautiful planet so please go and move to Jupiter, cause I fucking love my planet and I am making it a better place for my kids!! Tell me of what use are the people sitting behind the screens chasing candles? What kind of intrinsic value do you create? What heritage are you leaving behind? OK- I do it too sometimes (chase candles), but I always have a greater vision in mind, vision of greater service to the whole.

If you only trade crypto cause you wanna get rich and you never gave two fucks about how it can revolutionize this planet and make the parasite system fall sooner, then I have no respect for you, because you are of no use to anyone.

A selfish greedy person is always less dangerous when poor rather then with great material wealth. Money won't heal your heart. It will only give you more leverage to fuck up this planet with you selfishness more. Look around for fuck's sake, the planet is in this sore state cause sick psychopats with too much power and unlimited $ run it! So I'd rather have those who are indifferent greedy fucks- remain poor.

I hope this gives you some thought for reflection. But maybe I'm just a dreamer.

But I know one thing- I am not the only one.

Be well friends.

And don't worry. Be happy. You still got air to breathe and something to fight for.


Why do you think my Buddha is sitting in matrix and is covered by tattoos and wears a Guy Fawk's mask? Try to consult your higher self in silence, in darkness, on a yoga mat. It works, guaranteed. You just gotta silence that bitchy thing in your head...;)

hanes matrix 3 logo.jpg


Yes you are right! Just sit with the insecurities and stop worrying too much. Always feel good after reading your post and they always are a good reminder:)

haha babe we should write an encyclopedia of insecurities and how to get through them :) Happy we improved so much! <3

Word UP!
There is nothing else to add but some old school sounds 😍

Ha ha , I love this song in Korn version :D

oh well oh well .....thats for sure a good one :)

Wow Jan! You are a most inspiring writer whose words resonate with me deeply. I am a trader with no bank and only crypto assets yet I have been able to detach myself from this downward ride. I cannot let a number dictate how I should be feeling anymore. In fact, this ride reminds me of so many important truths for which i am most grateful. And money or no money, my little family & I will always find our way ;)

I am right with you on this!
BTW, My friend in Bali will contact you for some advice. FB me!

Ah but I am not in Bali any more. We are living in France now in a house with Yaari art on the walls!

Wow! I had no idea that you moved back to Europe. What happened to your pretty house in Ubud?
I would need some Yaari Art here as well :)

Pretty house in Ubud will be empty now. Waiting for the next traveler to take it. This is our home now. Notice the pic in the middle ;)


The man who owns this place lived with us for a few weeks when he came to Bali and we were living with Yaari at the time, so he was able to get a few scribbles out of him.

I miss his loveable madness. He messaged me yesterday with another crazy story. The stories never end!

Did you see my unfinished documentary of his life I put on Youtube?

Thank you for being here @mammasitta! Much Love sister.

I am back and read again because I was fascinated by so much energy and passion.
Changed my VP for you Jan! 😘

Thanks so much @mammasitta! Passion pulsates in my veins for sure, too much of it sometimes :) Virtual hugs your way!

Thanks for saying this brother @samstonehill ! I know that a person with your lifestyle and mindset and a beautiful family to take raise has to be very awakened. We are up for a lovely ride in this lifetime, and we shell be the change bringers, may we chose so, which I bet we do! Much Love and Blessings!

@jankasparec : "I tell you something. If you only do anything because you wanna make $ on it, you're a parasite, a pollutant of this beautiful planet so please go and move to Jupiter, cause I fucking love my planet and I am making it a better place for my kids!!"

Fuckin' Brillant!

:P Let's move them to Jupiter haha :D Thanks bro, following you @zanoni

hehehe, just read your answer. Thought about Planet Steemit, absolutely the same, I think 40% can move to Jupiter, too.
Best regards

Very well said Jan. There’s no other way it can turn out really and that message on your fridge is the way I’ve lived my life for the last couple of decades. If only more people lived by those words then maybe there wouldn’t be a need for so many counsellers. Amen!

Thank you Mark, good to hear from you buddy! Yup no worries :)

Your painting lessons are great Jan. I only wish I had the time to buy some canvasses and paint and give it a go. I’m sure one day I won’t have to work so much so I’ve got the time to revisit your blog and try my hand at being an artist. Cheers

Hi Jan, I wrote a post the other day which was a review of my posts so far. It has a lot of pictures of Steampunk sculptures as well as some of my carvings. I’d love to get your opinion and any advice you may have for formatting my posts. Please don’t feel obliged to look at this post. I understand you probably don’t have the time with all of your art endeavours. But if you like the sound of my description then here’s the link.

Not making a shit ton of money easily and quickly is probably bigger luck then making it... In a big way it is what seperates and divides us. So it's better to be poor but contribute to well being, then rich and live a life most selfish. Now if you can become aware and spend money wisely, maybe then you can actually put it to good use. Money has been something that has long eluded me, but I think that's my art protection. Maybe one day when I wouldn't let it go to my head, but will know how to best share it instead!

Blessing bro, keep up the good work and spirit ✊🏽

I hear you bro. I am actually making lot of money now so I'm planning to buy my first property in Canada this year, in a beautiful area of Okanagan lake. But even that will eventually be used to gather people who have greater values of Great Awakening as life priority. Wishing you the best, you deserve abundance as any other human walking the Earth! Much Love

Time will say. Just need patient. Nice story

Damn, I wanted to use that Jean Luc picture for another post.

Glad I beat you to the spot Ace! :) But I bet you can still use it bro. I'm not that notorious in Steemit world ;)

thought friends are great people, enlightenment friend is very easy to understand thank you for sharing @ jhoni happy to follow @jancasparec

Good point Jan! Here is also plenty of greedy people minding only how to get rich and selfish grab resources in their sacks.
I think that decentralization in bond with this ancient technology of maintaining common ledger (blockchain) can contribute a lot to the better world.

Thanks a lot for your comment Tom bro! We shell make it in the end, we shell be victorious!

Cryptos goes another BBBR! (Booom!, Bubble, Burst, Rebirth!)
It happened 8 times already!
And everytime we reborn stronger and higher!