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RE: As War Drums Beat for Syria, Remember, Lies And Propaganda Started Nearly Every War In US History

in #news6 years ago

I am so mad about this war shit. American Political leaders are all criminals in my opinion because of all the killing they are responsible for. Lets kill 100s of thousands of innocent people because their leader killed 40 and while were at it we will destroy all the evidence so that the false flag chemical attack can not be debunked!

What astonishes me it that the American people believe we have some national interest in supporting Israel and do what ever Israel wants us to.
America has no interest in the Middle east whatsoever! We have plenty of oil in the USA. This is just another attack for Israel nothing more!
They even passed a law in Texas that supports Israel over American interest and Free Speech. That should tell everyone something!
The truth about 911 the truth about the USS Liberty the truth about the cause of all these wars has always come out to be one thing. Propaganda

Where were the war drums when Israel attacked the USS Liberty?

We have 0 national interest in any of the wars fought in the last 125 years. There is only one group that wants these wars, the bankster cartels that control most of the world.


Great comment and a very timely piece by @johnvibes!

Lets kill 100s of thousands of innocent people because their leader killed 40 and while were at it we will destroy all the evidence so that the false flag chemical attack can not be debunked!

So true.

You know we all have to decide if we will follow the crowd or follow our heart.

I often wonder about the men that chose to fight these wars. How do they feel about killing a man or many men that they have never met? Killing people they have no argument against. Killing because someone told them to. Blind obedience to a master they don't know, that tells them to kill people they don't know.

Surely they don't realize they are fighting for men that have no conscience. Fighting for men that eat human flesh, trade in human organs, and in human persons. Men that are debased in their behaviour to others especially children.

Most of us don't think twice, that they call it "Human Resources" at the local company they work for. Please take a moment to think about that...................................Our humanness is being taken away from us one precept at a time. One law, one incident, one more false flag.
We all need to get it now in our own lives and fight against this evil that will eventually completely destroy or Humanness and Pollute our Earth were it is inhabitable.

The ones responsible for all this war are completely trying to destroy every sense of decent human interaction. Man with woman, Parents with children, Family is being destroyed as well.
They need us to be all alone and solo so they can push us here or there and "do what thou wilt" with us.

Now we have many Mentally Ill humans that should be called mentally ill coming out of the woodwork and we are told to accept them in our Daughters bathroom.

That one thing disturbs me more than anything else. That wonderful human beings will kill for no reason. That my fellow man doesn't need to be mad, hurt or even injured to go out into the world and kill, steal and destroy from other human being's.

Basically, nurture the minds before all else or those sick minds will destroy everything that needs to be nurtured.

well said guys, great conversation! I have nothing to add :-P

The bankster is just an outer layer of another layer of secret organization of the NWO group.

Thank you @jasonliberty as a carpenter it has taught me to hit the nail on the head. I read your post it is good. I have followed, it is somewhat heartening to find so many Red Pill folks on steemit.

Now if we can just organize get our message on point and spread like wildfire to the entire earth it would be good.

We have to figure out how to undo the damage, done to so many by the propaganda and actions of the ruling criminals and restore humankind to humanness.

That my friend is our biggest task.

upvoted your post jason thanks for sharing

Voteeeeeee truuuuump