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RE: Mainstream Media Has Always Kept You Divided And Misinformed

in #news7 years ago

That's a good way of looking at it. It's not over until the fat lady sings...
My only comfort is that every post we make will be on the blockchain for a while and hard to remove. So at the least we might make it a bit harder for them to shut us up. If we can put only a tiny little turd into their punch bowl, it was already worth it. Or as Al Bundy used to say: "We Bundy's are losers, not quitters" :)


Ever since Al Bundy and that other Bundy (Ted), people have been conditioned to associate the name Bundy with degeneracy, and in Ted's case sadistic psychopath. Ironic that it's also a bloodline of the illuminati apparently. In that sense, the quote is also fitting.

Coincidence??? And there are also the latest enemies of the state, the rancher family. Heard a rumor that they are also coming from the same bloodline.

That's just too many coincidences in one place I'd say.

LOL. I love coincidences. Like, that a Peace Nobel Price winner has a similar name as the biggest Goat herding terrorist ever.
Osama Obama. Delicious :)