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RE: Mainstream Media Has Always Kept You Divided And Misinformed

in #news7 years ago

I admire your dedication Ryan. You continue to speak up. Maybe you can give me a pointer on what makes you keep going. To me the situation appears to be hopeless. Most people are so dumbed down that they will never wake up as long as they have food on the table. The rest is heavily indoctrinated, mislead by shills or simply to daft to grasp the severity of the situation we are in. And here we are, preaching to a few thousands while Alex Jones spews his garbage to Millions, poisoning the minds of the few who are bright enough to realize that something is wrong in our society.
I have pretty much given up hope. We are getting poisoned every day and are being bombarded with so much crap that we are overwhelmed by it. We could not solve one single problem. Not a single one. I would love to keep fighting. But how? What the fuck can we actually do? So I am asking you...what keeps you going? What do I see wrong?


Sadly, you see nothing wrong my friend, and I often share your hopelessness, as the situation is quite dire. I just cannot sit by and do nothing. Spreading truth is why I am here, and whether or not I even make a dent in the larger agenda, if I know I opened the eyes of one just one person, then it was all worth it. And just as Tupac said, “I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world.” We never know who we may affect with our words. It is that alone that keeps me going. It may seem hopeless, but as long as we are able to speak, the fight is not over. #StayVigilant

That's a good way of looking at it. It's not over until the fat lady sings...
My only comfort is that every post we make will be on the blockchain for a while and hard to remove. So at the least we might make it a bit harder for them to shut us up. If we can put only a tiny little turd into their punch bowl, it was already worth it. Or as Al Bundy used to say: "We Bundy's are losers, not quitters" :)

Ever since Al Bundy and that other Bundy (Ted), people have been conditioned to associate the name Bundy with degeneracy, and in Ted's case sadistic psychopath. Ironic that it's also a bloodline of the illuminati apparently. In that sense, the quote is also fitting.

Coincidence??? And there are also the latest enemies of the state, the rancher family. Heard a rumor that they are also coming from the same bloodline.

That's just too many coincidences in one place I'd say.

LOL. I love coincidences. Like, that a Peace Nobel Price winner has a similar name as the biggest Goat herding terrorist ever.
Osama Obama. Delicious :)