We trying to repeat history or what?

in #news8 years ago

In in what feels like an effort to recreate a scene right out of the history books, mainly Pearl Harbor.

For the first time since WWII,

the U.S. Navy has no Carriers at sea... I mean really?

Now I'm not one to delve to deep into the polotics, except when it comes to military issues. 

And as a refresher for our my younger readers, American Naval Forces have always been used as threat prevention around the world, and in December 1941 we got busted with out pants down, basicly the entire fleet sitting in harbor, ships just lined up on Battleship row,  waiting to be sunk one after another..

And this week, with the U.S.S. Eisenhower docking, and the U.S.S. Bush was stalled departing until after Jan 20, we have created a problem... Hopefully one that will pass by uneventful... Hopefully.

however I have to say, I fail to see the wisdom of such a tactic, given the state of tension between ourselves and Russia, Syria, China, ummm nevermind, 

lets just cross our fingers shall we.


I do not feel the might of the aircraft carrier is what it used to be. I doubt it would be much of a game changer if they were all moth-balled or sunk.

There is no tension between America and Russia. That is just media propaganda to get us into WWIII.

We have been actively at war with China for a decade and a half. But, how will they continue their covert war, while overtly America and China rely on each other?

Thanks for the info that I never would have known about.

I agree the old flat tops are not the force they once were, but don't cut them short just yet, a carrier strike group or two staged in just the right part of the world, can bring down an intense amount of damage in a short time...especially in areas where any sorties without them would have to be refueling flights... And it says something to still be able to get 40+ sorties flown while bringing other assests to bear..
Oh and yeah I fully agree that 90% of the " tension" between Russia and us is staged propaganda.. I do feel that relationships were damaged to an extent with comments made by HRC & POTUS... But there is and always has been that slight underlying tension between the two, it's what kept the Cold War going ... And in the right situation, especially airspace over Syria/turkey/ etc things could happen...NK had a sub go missing recently where they shouldn't have been near us, and China.. Well China is just untrustworthy in my book... And let's not forget Iran...
My point being, If ANY one had a beef they wanted kick off with us, nothing like lining everything up to help em out... Especially in a day and age where we have shown enough weakness as it is.

"American Naval Forces have always been used as threat prevention around the world" ... another interpretation would be, "American naval forces have always been used to project American power around the world."

NOT having an American carrier in the South China sea, or doing a 'training exercise' in the Baltic sea REDUCES tensions in the world & hence makes us all safer.

That could be one way of looking at it

Another way of looking at it is, when one country spends more than the rest of the world put together... it's the rest of the world that should be nervous