Looks like World War 3 coming for us All ! What are You doing to Stop this Evil that wills the Destruction of Everything ?

in #news7 years ago (edited)


So it seems that we are on the brink of World War 3 !! How did we get here ??

Maybe because all of these illegal wars started in the Middle East after this self inflicted wound which was 911 which apparently gave the West the right to go into sovereign nations and depose the leaders and kill the population ??

Maybe its also because of Israel and Saudi Arabia , incidentally the prime suspects in the murder of thousands of Americans in that fateful day in New York ! With their desire to extend their borders and destroy their neighbours !

Maybe also since the West entered the Ukraine and started their proxy civil war using waring fractions to destablise the country to the point where it could be used as a vasal state for the West against their "bogey man " Russia ??

Maybe with escalations in the South China Sea with North Korea, Japan and China of course ??

One thing for sure, with all of our governments here in the West now firmly in the hands of a criminally insane group of secretive murdering colluders against decency and reason we do not have much hope of keeping this bus in which we are all seated but clearly not driving from heading to the cliff just round the corner !

How do we that see convince the "Sheeple" that dont to stand up and say STOP ?? Your guess is as good as mine !

One thing is for sure, I for one am tired of trying and seeing that really nobody seems to give a damn that our whole world could be blown to bits by these lunatics controlling the asylum !

Hell even the Simpsons seem to know the writing on the wall ! So wy dont we all ??

I am tired of watching the stupid get more stupid and the dumb dumber ! Either wake up and start fighting this Evil or just lie down and Die and get out of the way ! Its your choice I guess ! I know what I am doing ! Do You ? Time to decide as time indeed is running out !


Published on 6 Apr 2018

Putin Final Warning to US And NATO Before World War 3

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WW3: Simpson's predicting WW3

Published on 1 Feb 2018


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !




Well said. After many decades involved in politics as a grass roots activist I am very cynical about the prospects for peace. I was in Hyde Park in March 2003 along with a million others protesting the imminent US/UK illegal invasion of Iraq yet Iraq was still destroyed and a million people killed in the carnage that ensued.

At the moment a huge responsibility rests upon one person who has spent most of his career protecting billionaire oligarchs. Putin can give into Trump and let him bomb Syria. In which case the conflict is in grave danger of rapidly escalating from a regional to open super power conflict.
Putin could also stand up to Trump and tell him that Russia will shoot down any US/Israeli missiles fired at Syria.
The history of appeasement in the 1930s shows that not standing up to an aggressor nation only emboldens it leading to a much greater conflict down the line.
I share your disillusionment with all political systems and the way that most people let themselves be manipulated by propaganda.

Great comment @saltycat, you are so right to cite the infamous period just prior to the outbreak of the 2nd world war as indeed there are huge parrallels to be seen and made here ! With a single man being hounded by multiple aggressors and been given no quarter or place in which to find saftety from their sabre rattling and negative rhetoric to the public ! Assad did not surely commit this last gas attack, if he didnt thatn its clearl who did no ?? As for protesting in the streets to prevent these criminals, I fear it will take much more than that to stop them ! Putin will not back down to these sickos, as he knows full well if he does then the madness will continue ! Maybe time to go into all of our political control centers, once deemed to be democratic by us and pull out these worms and throw them to the birds ?

Lets us hope Putin does not back down. He is being boxed into a corner on the economic, political and military fronts.
I agree with your last comment. Our so called democratic political system is dysfunctional and fails to represent the interests of most ordinary people.
Keep up the good work.

You know it's bad when The Simpsons predicts something, because they're usually right.

yes indeed @oyvindsabo, its kind of why i included it in my selection of films as its truly close to the bone the stuff which is constantly conveyed and even hidden into these emissions ! Seems the writers know something we do not ?? How could that be do you think ?? )

I assume writers in general are used to think through the what if questions most people are afraid or too ignorant to think about.

Well yes that could be an explanation true of the reason for this constant parralel to reality from something which is sold as fiction ! But then has been a film I saw which compiled a few different examples of where 911 was shown repeatedly in different episodes of the Simpsons ! Could it not be that they are more insiders and writing what the plans are ?? its famously a technique of the shadow government to feel for their doctrine to be exempt from karmic retribution that they are seen to give a " warning " to their victims before decapitation !

Ah, or maybe they distribute evil ideas through a funny tv show, so people will make a subconcious connection between those ideas and Simpsons and therefore not take them seriously;)

Or just move to Antarctica and wait it out. There are too many people anyway. We need another war!

yeah its true @steph-anus, so why dont you follow your own dictate and go kill yourself now ?? Help alleviate the world population problem with your own direct action ??

I'll rather kill 10 other people. You're not very creative, are you?

oh so you are a murderer then ? you confess ?? yes it always the others which must die in your sort of human experiment and solution eh @steph-anus ?

I wonder, did you figure out @steph-anus yourself, or is a 5 year old helping you to type this? I hope youre splitting your rewards with said 5 year old!

Its all a farce! Russia vs The West!
Its funny how we can ALL BE FRIENDS when it comes to the ISS Space station.
I personnally do not believe Russia are the problem... At least their values and standards are high....
My concern would be with third party conflicts and the ever increasing 5th column of decent within society....
But i appreciate your view and by the way, a good post.

Thanks @preppervetuk ) Some of my best friends here are Russians, thay are lovely people actually and are most certainly not a threat ! Its our criminally insane government controlled by the secret deep-state which are the danger, not them !!

Something's not quite right with that there space station, seen way too many dodgy clips of mistakes on youtube.

Its a pile of Junk.... We.... the little people are being toyed with..

LOL I tend to agree, have a watch of this blue screen fraud, the mans in the next room not in any tin can in the sky.

oh good lord that is absolutely ridiculous eh @deliberator ! They have been lieing to us all of our lives these dweebs !!

Yep but I get the feeling you already knew that. :-)

it is a blue screen with a masking/tracking grid. Not a green screen.

I never said it was a green screen did I?

Plzz give me upvote?

Those who write the "news" always want you to feel like we are on the brink of ww3. I see a lot of signs we are on the brink of peace and the powers that be are terrified at the prospect. And if its the Muslim thing it goes back way further than the 20th century. Muslims are why America had to field a Navy and fight foreign wars in the first place.

I hate to say this but your last sentence is not only Islamphobic but historically inaccurate.I can recommend a long list of books if you really want to find out why American imperialism has fought so many wars over the list century.

If you hated to say it then you wouldn't.
By all means enlighten me where did America send troops abroad prior to the Barbary wars? How is it "Islamophobic"?

yeah @sillykat sure hated saying that eh @funbobby51 ), but did anyway !! lol

I hope he replies, I love learning new things about American History, it is such a rich subject.

Criticizing anyone is not something I do lightly.
You mention the Barbary Wars which lasted from 1801-1815.
You said, ''By all means enlighten me where did America send troops prior to the Barbary Wars?''

Well, after the successful war of independence from Britain there were just under 4 million Americans who lived within 50 miles of the Atlantic Ocean.
The next order of business for the American government was to expand its borders by stealing land from the native American tribes.
''Indian Removal'' from the 1790s onwards became the official policy of U.S. governments which sent their troops into FOREIGN TERRITORY to steal. pillage and rape on a massive scale. Indeed, Howard Zinn, America's greatest historian has called this Indian Removal policy genocidal in nature.
Besides, the gradual theft of native American land from the 1790s onwards the U.S. fought the war of 1812 which according to Howard Zinn,'' was not
(as usually depicted in American textbooks) just a war against England for survival, but a war for the expansion of the new nation into Florida, Canada, into Indian territory.''
quote from Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States

Btw he is a she.

1812 is after 1801, no troops were sent abroad to fight Indians and the territory they were removed from at that time was legally acquired from the French and English. They didn't commission the Navy to fight Indians did they?
Who were the first American navel vessels after the revolution commissioned to fight?

"Howard Zinn, America's greatest historian "


American troops were sent abroad in the 1790s to steal native American land.
In your comment you are in effect justifying the genocide of the Indians by claiming that the USA acquired Indian land ''legally'' from France and Britain. It is quite incredible how you can justify the theft of Indian land by what amounts to a white supremacist attitude.
Your pedantic hair splitting and sophistry fails to cover up your gross ignorance of American history.
As for your disparaging of Howard Zinn what can I say about your erudite manner: From nothing, through nothing to nothing - Hegel

Thank you for never giving up @gomeravibz, we all lose hope and hit rock bottom once in a while, it's all a part of the hero's journey. May this time of despair lead to even more strength. Sending you all my love.

Oh blimey hello there @lyndsaybowes, how nice really to see you back on my post and give me this super touching comment, thankyou )) Yes I have been busy with saving my home from the grips of the Ocean but know I am back in the saddle and back into the battle ! Its fight or die with these people ! Intellectually I mean ))

You know the Russia bogeyman card has been played as long as I can remember, way back when I was still at school (1970's), the local park patrol in Perry hall park Birmingham, used to say to us kids every day, "The Russians are coming, you mark my words, the Russians are coming" well that park patrol man would be dead by now, and he never did get to see his imaginary invasion it seems.

Hmmm Birmingham eh ?? lol 70,s !!! how funny ))) yes he,ll be dead and buried no doubt and they did never arrive ! But while we were all worrying about that invasion, it happened under our noses while we were hiding under the tables ! It came on boats and planes and has never stopped since ! Its not the Russian forces that did what America could seemingly not under Obama, that is to say neutralise these death junkies in Toyotas called ISIS ! Instead of offering the hand of thanks to these brave men of the Russian Forces we spit in their face and say they are the enemy ! Plain stupid, disgusting and well........outright insane when you look how they totally have dominated the development of military technology to the point where I feel for sure we will be the big losers !! But then so will the Russians as this war will be the end of us all ans there will be no water of food to eat once it has ended and the dust settles or not !!!

.... yup,thats what ignoring politics,and non voters get you....

best way to deal w/ greed and corruption...just ignore it...it will fix it's self...

hey @jesse2you, yeah I dont mind them fixing themselves, but i sure dont want them fixing me and my friends to boot while they do it !

Sadly, "world peace" has been hanging by a thread for years. History has proven to be cyclical, we have not learned from the past, we are the only animal that does not learn from its mistakes, for years there has been an economic war in development, at present, the planet is led by the big corporations and multinationals that have caused huge destabilization scenarios for economic and monopoly purposes only.

Yes " world peace " is a dream which we seem to be chasing as people, but our " leaders" meanwhile chase power and control over us ! In this climate and with these criminals driving the bus we will never be on the good road ! Its time to kick these " drivers" of our lives out into the dust where they belong and take control of this bus called our lives and put it where we want to be ! This day I truly feel is coming as indeed how can we possibly continue down this same road without losing everything @mjzo??