Cui Bono? Who Benefits from the Las Vegas Killings ? A certain "John" seemed to know, warning 4Chan Users 3 Weeks Before it Happened !?

in #news7 years ago (edited)


There is an expression that was used in Roman times, when investigating political murders and assasination plots when looking for the guilty ! Its " CUI BONO " which translates to " who profits or stands to gain ?

Well in the case of the recent Las Vegas Shootings, where 59 innocent people are reported to have died and hundreds seriously wounded ! 4Chan social media web site users have been as ever hard at work and slowly a very ugly picture begins to emerge ! One which is further substantiated by an anonymous commenter under the name of " John " ! It seems he came online there three weeks before this horrendous event, to warn all there to avoid large public meetings in Las Vegas !

How did "John " know ?? As clearly he did, as his warnings were not of an empty nature as we have clearly seen !

I am posting this video which breaks down very clearly the information being released now on "johns " warnings of the shootings and also of the reasons he also gives up for these shootings to happen. As apparently it was to back up a plan of a Security Scanner company OSI SYSTEMS to push this same technologies already present in all of our airports into every public space imaginable, hotels, train stations and shopping malls to name but a few examples !!

The company OSI Security Systems owned by Michael Cherttoff who was one of the people incidently, to write and promote the " Patriot Act " to the Bush Administration ! His company then went on to be chosen of course, to supply all metal detectors and body scanners to our Airports ! A deal worth Billions of Dollars to him and his investors, One of the biggest being George Soros who has put his billions into Chertoffs compnay ! Should we be surprised ?

But it gets worse, as it seems now that Chertoff had contacted Sheldon Adelson a very shady Casino and Hotel Chain owner to press for the need to install his dangerous raditation producing machines into all of his hotels in Las Vegas. Citing that the already extremely tight security imposed there was for him, not enouugh !?! Well since the attack at Mandalay Bay, Chertoff,s rather prophetic statement has been proven to be correct ! How Convenient is that ?? Indeed where is all the CCTV footage that should by rights exist of the " shooters " movements too and from his room carrying lots and lots of heavy equipment ? But perhaps the fact that the owner of the Mandalay Hotel " Murren" is a good friend of Adelson and more than likely Chertoff too. As they are all known huge benefactors to the Democratic party, handing over millions of dollars to Hillary Clinton in her last Presidential run ! I think we can expect to see nothing at all from his top dollar video security system surely installed everywhere possible in Murrens Hotel ! So I think you begin to see now what we are all seeing, or at least I hope so !

Who stood to Gain from the killing or " Qui Bono ? "

I am supplying the video below that breaks down the rather complex, yet plain to see connections between the Democratic Party and these three "moguls" of a " tolerant yet security hungry " world that aims to remove more of our rights due to this horrendous act that quite possibly they themselves organised and stood to gain from !

the following text is taken from this amazing piece of detective work composed by the collective works of 4Chan users and is put online by " ", well done to them for this amazing work again ! The link to the site is at the end of my post is you would like to read it yourself !

" If nothing else, the two men in question, Michael Chertoff and Sheldon Adelson are certainly powerful men with a history of shady financial and governmental dealings. If you were going to pick two people who would simply have the connections and resources to arrange an incident like the one in Vegas, you couldn’t cast a better pair. Let’s keep in mind though its not like these two were called out to fit the narrative only after the fact, but rather singled out weeks ahead of time, along with the target location of Vegas. "

Here is a thread I took from a comment section inside Infowars where some posters had copy pasted the mysterious "smoking gun " informations given up by "John" on all of this Evil doing by this clear collusion of rich and powerful men for their own profit and at our own loss of Life and Liberty !

Kiesermeister • an hour ago

Someone using the screen name "john" on 4chan warned of an event in vegas before the shooting happened..
Coincidence.. maybe not ??

Kiesermeister • an hour ago

Here's another 4chan from "john"

if their plan is successful state of nevada will pass a law in the future making all casinos have mandatory metal detectors and backscatter machines. soon after a federal law will be passed to put these machines in universities, high schools, federal buildings, you name it. osi systems and chertoff are the main producers of these machines. sometime around 2020 chertoff and osi will merge into a single company. after they merge the owners will sell off all their stock and make billions in profit. mr chertoff has been in contact with sheldon adelson. mr adelson will become a huge sponsor of these machines and he will be the first to put them in his casinos when the law passes. this is my last message for now. don't expect me to return anytime soon -john

Ben Franklin Kiesermeister • 36 minutes ago

Cui Bono? Who benefits from this Las Vegas tragedy?

Mike S Kiesermeister • 42 minutes ago

People ask the question "who benefits from the attack?". This certainly does add to the list of potential motives.

Kiesermeister Mike S • 41 minutes ago

People gotta look into these 4chan posts..

Obviously, this "John" fellow knew something that others didn't

Kiesermeister • an hour ago

Here's another 4chan post from "john"

"it's called the "high incident project". they want to make the american public think that places with extremely high security aren't safe. they are trying to create more regulations. you will see laws proposed within the next few years to put up more metal detectors and other security devices. media and politicians will be saying places with lots of police need even more police. i can't guarantee anything will happen tomorrow but las vegas is on their minds.

Kiesermeister • an hour ago

Here is original 4chan post from "john" I have provided this as I know a lot of folks dont like to click links.

look i feel bad for some of you on this website. so i'll let you in on a little secret. if you live in las vegas or henderson stay inside tomorrow. don't go anywhere where there are large groups of people. also if you see three blacks vans parked next to each other immediately leave the area. you're welcome -john

I am now supplying a link to this great article talked about in the video above that was written based on the information shared on 4Chan and the more than startling revelation of this " John " ! So that you too can read and understand these damning details which connect the dots and show the most likely "perpertrators " of this the most hidenous and murderous mass shooting ever in American History !!

Please leave me your thoughts and reactions to this information below in my comment section below, thanks



I saw this too - yes. Upvoted and Resteemed. I wrote in 2014 about Adelson as it was alleged that he was a funder of international terrorism:

Great work gentlemen!

Yes well I have been reading the link given by @ura-soul and this info combined with the info here in my post must be a huge reason to bring in the this Mr Sheldon Adelson in for some pretty serious questioning ! But then that would be in a good and "normal " world, sadly we can see by this media brainwashing us with the 32nd floor shooter Paddock theory, with the " professional " law enforcers doing nothing at least on the face of it ,to look into the information clearly out there !! Namely the shooter,s on the lower floors and the broken windows on the lower floors too ! This was a photo taken by a witness that testified that there were lower windows in the centre of the hotel and which actually do correpsond to the muzzle fire or " strobe light " !!? filmed by the taxi driver viral footage ! I think these windows are just over the lobby abd so would explain the extremely loud volume of that belt fed m240 machine gun which did without doubt the most damage ! Again multiple shooters, secuirty of the hotel need to be questioned ???


Thanks for the resteem @ura-soul , thats great to get this out as far as possible !! This to me looks really looks like the thing to me ! Should we be surprised as indeed almost imedeatetly we had Hillary using this to further her clear desire to take away the guns, putting Ameiricans still m ore at risk to this sort of event ! But to see a few choice " usual " suspects such as Chertoff and Soros pop up yet again certainly doubles down on the reasoning for this cold blooded murder of citezens out for a good time ! I think the " John " whistleblower on 4Chan is a legitatmate source and his warnings are seriously damning evidence in a court of law as they are prior to the event and indicate more than clearly the big players in this dastardly plan ! we must have and want justice ! Did you know they have already started to install these awful peoples scanners in the entrances of casinos, what a joke I mean if there are no images of the shooter from Mandalay why would these scanners change anything when its the owners of the hotels that seem to be at fault here not the technology !!

you are welcome. I will do some more research into this source of information soon.
do you have a link that shows new scanners being installed already?

wow your site looks awesome )) Yes let me look that up it was an information given out in a youtube video which did actually show some articles on this very subject ! Ill look and get back to you on a DM in our private place ok ? have you seen this ?

Thanks - ok - you can mail me ([email protected]) or PM me at ureka if you like.

you know this is a first for me ! I have more veiws than votes !? why is that ? why would people come and read my post but not vote ? Are they afraid to be put on a list or what ? crazy !!

It's pretty normal. Views also include traffic from outside of steemit and those visitors can't vote.

well in that case its good news I guess, I hope my stuff gets out there and is seen ! this should be information catalogued and useable by anyone at any level and forever eh ? lol

ok this is the article that i saw mentioned in the video i was telling you about ! Its not body scanners yet, just detector wands for random bag searches !!

I have not been able to confirm that Chertoff owns OSI Systems. This news story states indirectly that Chertoff's company deals with OSI but is not OSI.

OSI is a publicly traded company you can find out who the major shareholders are pretty easily, the article says Chertoff consults for OSI

Yeah nice @matthewpro7799 ) lets do this ! In these times its " we the people " that are the "order" Lets give these disgusting self serving demons a taste of "OUR" law )


Have you seen the heavy selling of stocks of MGM enacted by Mr Murren ? 18 million dollars of stocks sold in the months leading up to the attack !! With the latest and greatest sell worth 10 million being just three weeks before the attack ! Prior Knowledge of the coming event for sure , just like the heavy selling prior to 911 ! ? Its really just too tempting for these people, a sign of their total disease no ?

I did hear about that, yes. I just looked a bit more into it and I was going to say that in the interests of fairness I really don't know that him selling the stocks was directly connected to the events in Las Vegas.. However, I just read his biography and not only has he founded a cancer institute which provides the deadly chemotherapy and radiation therapies that kill so many needlessly, but he was previously CEO of Deutsche Bank - the same Deutsche bank through which the trading your pointed to before 911 were transacted!

Very interesting post, Adelson is a Republican mega donor. Someone from his paper wrote this was "muslim terror" along with ISIS claiming Paddock joined them six months ago.

Thankyou so much for this headsup on this article made by Adelsons newly aquired newspaper @matthewpro779 ! This explains why he bought it for well over its face value ! Yes this is the bogus story being put out that Paddock was a recently converted Muslim !! Pull the other one I say, it has bells on it )

Yes I saw this info laid out also.
So many benefit from this shooting as was the case with 9/11.
Difficult to pin it on any one person when so many stand to profit either financially or through gaining more power.
Nice post dude.

Well I think that this fella " Johns " info given to 4CHAN lays the blame where it be, especially as his warning came three whole weeks before the event ! That right there is just so damning and needs real investigation if you ask me ! thanks for your support, much appreciated !!

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

- Albert Einstein

Yes @wise-old-man ,could not agree more with this quote you cite ! As our own silence is as much the enemy here as the people who seem to put their profits before our own lives !

When you can't beat the Evil, its time to GTFO of here !

Yes well i bet we both wish we could!! thing is where to go now @jtstreetman ? thanks for your comment and support!!

Well, Acapulco to start off with, apply for residency, go to another country, get passport there, apply for residency ..THEN move anywhere or back to mexico.and nvr use USA passport again. (How to avoid US .Gov taxation)for expats.

There is not one casino and hotel camera that caught this dude bringing all that stuff upstairs hahahaha This is a joke! You can tell anything to blind people and they will believe it ;)

Agreed @neo-wiza, thing is we are not all blind and I think this information is abouto go viral as people slowly pick up the pieces ! I pray that Trump will jump on this to take out these disgusting "neo Liberals " that clearly hate him so much !! Will be killing two birds with one stone and we can all breathe a little esier once this dramatic and digusting murder of Americans is exposed and the perpertrators are put away where they belong !

wish could give a 100 percent but am fighting on my post that was for the people, and some retarded downvotes will not stop it

thats ok @battleaxe you are not alone to not give me a full 100 percent vote, at least you are honest and tell me, not like a few lol !! too bad for them i have steemdb and know how to use it )

Hey @gomeravibz Thanks for getting this information out! This reminds me of the Richard Reid shoe bomber incident and indeed Chertoff certainly made a vast sum of money from that debacle. What sick minds seek to profit from all of these innocent peoples deaths? I guess it's a double edged sword because the security services are given the perfect excuse to install the security grid of their dreams whilst potentially billions in profit are made for private interests. They are certainly living by the motto "Never let a good crisis go to waste" :( .. Thanks for getting the word out my friend!

Yes @perceptualflaws that certainly how it looks right now ! Its like the 5g radiofrequency prison they have built around us without our true knowledge of its significance ! They think of profit ad control why we think of paying our food,rent and taxes ! Insane really this pyramid of death, especiallly for those at the bottom !

You may want to change 'ancient Greeks' to 'ancient Romans'. Just to avoid confusion...

yes you are correct thats good to point htis out ) its actually Latin, so yes rooted from the Romans as you so rightly say @thename!!