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RE: Innocent Mom Jailed for 5 Months As Cops Mistake Vitamins for Opioids

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Ignorance of the law is no defense.
But in cases where you refuse and are searched anyways it is easy to beat the case. As long as drugs are prohibited they will have an agenda of finding them during traffic stops. We don't have protection from any and all searches, we have protection from unreasonable searches.


I feel like your missing a much larger & far more important point in all of this. Cops are criminal coward enforcers for fictitious "law" dreamed up by a kakistocracy of people who have no more of a claim to your property or life than you do. If you are not damaging someone, their property or defaulting on a consensual contract then you are not a criminal & it's no one's business what you have or what you're doing. It's the cops & their corporate masters in the halls of "government" that are in the wrong here. The war on drugs is a crime against humanity...a war crime. The Perpetrators should answer for their crimes. The false belief in conscripted authority is another crime against the inhabitants of this planet. There's much more to say on this but, I'll have to leave it there for now. I hoped this helped.

I am not sure what led you to believe I supported the prohibition of drugs. The cops don't make the law, change the law and make drugs and guns legal for everyone and then they would never have need to search anyone who was not a murderer, thief, rapist or what have you. Then we would need a lot fewer cops and there would be far fewer bad cops and much less harassment. If a young black man can have a bag of weed in his car and a pistol then the cops don't really have a reason to bother him in most cases. Do you ever watch Live PD?

I don't want to watch the crimes of the cowardly police. I have no interest in seeing the subjugation & victimizing of my brothers & sisters. It hurts me when I've seen those types of shows in passing. "Far fewer cops"...there should be 0, that's zero, cops. All order followers must be shamed for their pretending to abdicate their personal responsibility for their actions. That is evil & they're acting like dogs..that's what their masters call them anyway. You're justifying the whore-able actions of the police as if their just doing their jobs. That gave me the feeling of you being sympathetic to the prohibition..sorry.

if you actually watched it you wouldn't see much of that. if you just watch police brutality videos all day you would get a slanted view. The police don't make the laws, seems like you are mad at the wrong people, do you have a referendum process in your state?

You are wrong sir, EVERY order the cops follow is evil. Their very existence is violence. I am pointing the blame, "mad", at the right people. Cops are the enforcement arm of the super evil " government". Without the order followers, the wicked machinations of the state would go unfulfilled. History shows us the TRUTH, that tyranny is brought to you by people who are "just doing my job." Morral men have a DUTY to disobey immoral "laws", so the enforcers of those "laws" are more culpable than the ones who passed them. The attack dogs of the elite actually brought the evil of the "laws" incarnate in the lives of their victims. You are wrong, without order followers, the"government" would be just a bunch of scared psychopaths dreaming of getting stupid people to hurt & take from others for the psychopath's profit. Wake up're smarter than that. Turn in your wicked badge.

You are wrong sir, EVERY order the cops follow is evil.

Catching murderers is evil? Delivering babies on the side of the highway is evil?

Their very existence is violence.

Not really, they are a reactionary force in general, they respond to violence, sometimes in kind.

I am pointing the blame, "mad", at the right people. Cops are the enforcement arm of the super evil " government". Without the order followers, the wicked machinations of the state would go unfulfilled.

Or they would then hire private mercenaries to do it, wouldn't they? Indeed wicked machinations like catching rapists, thieves and murderers wouldn't happen right?

History shows us the TRUTH, that tyranny is brought to you by people who are "just doing my job."

Tyranny is also ended by such people. It took quite a bit of organized state violence and order following to overthrow the British to make people free didn't it?

Morral men have a DUTY to disobey immoral "laws", so the enforcers of those "laws" are more culpable than the ones who passed them. The attack dogs of the elite actually brought the evil of the "laws" incarnate in the lives of their victims. You are wrong, without order followers, the"government" would be just a bunch of scared psychopaths dreaming of getting stupid people to hurt & take from others for the psychopath's profit. Wake up're smarter than that. Turn in your wicked badge.

And if it rained cupcakes we could always have a party but that's silly. It has never happened and it will never happen. Are you going to catch murderers?

I am sorry you're so blinded by your indoctrination to see the forest for the trees. Do you think communities will just stand by & let murder & rape go unaddressed? None of what you responded deals with the underlying issue I'm addressing here. Do you agree that all people are created equal? Then who has a right to take from you or make commands of you or rule you? That's one. Evil cowards can do good things sometimes but, anyone who blindly follows orders is among the worst sort of person there is. One day they'll stand to give an account for their every thought, word & action. On that day there will be no one standing in between them & their creator. "I was just following orders" won't fly. If you do evil, you are evil & all order followers are evil rotten cowardly scumbags. They'll have a one-way ticket to the lake of fire IF their not careful. If you respond to this I want to hear your justification for blindly following the orders of psychopaths in "governments", or any orders from anyone for that matter. Aren't we to think for our selves? What say you?

I am sorry you're so blinded by your indoctrination to see the forest for the trees.

I'd be lying if I said I had not indoctrinated a lot of people, seeing the forest for the trees is a colorful turn of phrase, not an argument.

Do you think communities will just stand by & let murder & rape go unaddressed?

They do now don't they? Why would they stop? What makes you think some sort of mob justice would be more efficient or egalitarian? will the mob avenge the distasteful as heartily as it does the popular?

"None of what you responded deals with the underlying issue I'm addressing here. Do you agree that all people are created equal?"

only in terms of their inalienable rights.

Then who has a right to take from you or make commands of you or rule you? That's one.

Congress and other legislatures have the right to pass laws as long as they don't violate my rights. That's pretty clear from the constitution.

Evil cowards can do good things sometimes but, anyone who blindly follows orders is among the worst sort of person there is. One day they'll stand to give an account for their every thought, word & action. On that day there will be no one standing in between them & their creator. "I was just following orders" won't fly. If you do evil, you are evil & all order followers are evil rotten cowardly scumbags. They'll have a one-way ticket to the lake of fire IF their not careful. If you respond to this I want to hear your justification for blindly following the orders of psychopaths in "governments", or any orders from anyone for that matter. Aren't we to think for our selves? What say you?

Most cops are not that smart, I think its foolish to equate your average American police officer who locks up people for things that you don't think should be illegal but he does to a Nazi, they are not lining up people in front of ditches and executing them, they are not tossing people into ovens. There are some who abuse their power and they should be held accountable, the rest are fairly decent people who may think differently from you and I about drugs being legal. In that case they are not doing anything wrong in their minds. Someone disagreeing with you may make someone stupid, but it does not make them evil. The people running drug companies to who lobby to keep drugs illegal are the evil ones, focus your ire on them if you want to actually change anything.