Afghanistan's mineral wealth is no longer as important as it was when we invaded. At that time the only large known deposits of lithium, like for batteries, were in Bolivia and Afghanistan. The Bolivians were not playing ball, they have been pissed at American corporatists since Bechtel tried to own the rain there.
But that was a long time ago, in the meantime we have discovered a large domestic deposit of lithium. The oil pipeline was often discussed but the real prize there was the lithium, which we no longer need from there.
Good luck switching from dollars to the Euro which is shitting the bed. At the end of the day they can pick of they want to do business with the US or Iran and that is an easy choice for anyone.
A bit too much arrogance here, funboy51. America is the most indebted country in the world. Why would anybody, in the long run, want to trade for $$ any more? We all know the Dollar will collapse, the minute China says 'now'.
And if you don't need the mineral wealth, why don't you get out of Afghanistan?
And while you're at it, get out of the rest of the world as well, with your military bases and your invasion forces.
We are the worlds largest producer of oil and gas and the worlds largest consumer of illicit drugs. The status of the dollar is not going to change any time soon. Mexican cartels can't switch to the yuan can they? Are American junkies going to start exchanging their USD for yuan to buy drugs with?
As far as the Euro, take a look at it, it's shitting the bed. So china holds massive debt in dollars, what would that be worth if the dollar collapses?
We have been:

Because the leaders in your country like the protection provided by the American taxpayer, don't worry though Trump is going to make you pay for your own security, that will be great won't it?