The FRN Daily News Brief 2020-03-11steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news5 years ago

This Daily FRN News Brief is a summary of 8, articles about Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Headline-News, Latin-America, United-States, Eurasia, Russia, Anglo-5, Color-Revolution, Crime, Finance, Isis, Mena, Nato, Politics, Syria, Turkey, China, Conspiracy-Theories, United-Kingdom, Afghanistan, Defense, Ksa, Uae, Yemen, World, Ethiopia, Opinions.

Tags in this brief: Bolsonaro, Crimes Against Humanity, Duque, Venezuela, Explosion, Injuries, Moscow, Erdogan, Geopolitics, International Relations, Neo-Ottomanism, Oil, Russia, Syria, Terrorism, Turkey, US Imperialism, 5G, China, Huawei, UK, Afghanistan, Taliban, Trump, USA, War, Economy, Military, Saudi Arabia, Boeing 737 MAX, Ethiopia, Colonialism, ERA, Feminism, Ideology, Native Americans, Philosophy.

Let us know in the comments if there is anything you miss coverage on!

Table of Contents

Unholy alliance ups the ante against Venezuela

Published 2020-03-11 19:15:26 by Tom Winter in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Headline-News, Latin-America, United-States

VenezuelaInfo Translator note: The author, Thierry Deronne, has lived in Caracas since 1994 and is dedicated (Like Fort Russ!) to countering the MSM and "energizing the people's information [ressourcer l'information à l'intelligence populaire]. THE HOLY ALLIANCE ROUSES ITSELF AGAINST VENEZUELA* Donald Trump has just invited Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro to the USA to "see how to take care of Venezuela." Result: the two countries have signed a military cooperation agreement. To this pincer of the supremacist right, the forces of colonialism have added Duque of Colombia. MORE SANCTIONS Duque, this grand mass murderer of social activists, who seized power, as former... Continue ->

Tags: Bolsonaro, Crimes Against Humanity, Duque, Venezuela

Explosion rocks military unit near Moscow, four injured

Published 2020-03-11 16:27:43 by Joaquin Flores in Eurasia, Headline-News, Russia

An explosion occurred in the area of a military unit near the village of Krasnaya Poyma in Lukhovitsy, Moscow Region. Local media report several victims, according to preliminary information, among them there are conscripts. According to various sources, four or five people were injured, one of them is in serious condition. The military prosecutor’s office works at the scene.   UPDATED A TASS source in emergency services clarifies that, according to preliminary information, the explosion occurred in a garage in the territory of the unit. As a result of the incident, three military servicemen and one contractor were injured. There is... Continue ->

Tags: Explosion, Injuries, Moscow

Russia Rejects Turkey's Proposal to Jointly Steal Syria's Oil, Erdogan Threatens Turning to US Instead

Published 2020-03-11 12:27:11 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Color-Revolution, Crime, Eurasia, Finance, Headline-News, Isis, Mena, Nato, Politics, Russia, Syria, Turkey, United-States

ANKARA/MOSCOW - Turkey’s President said he has proposed to his Russian counterpart that the two countries "jointly operate" the eastern Syrian oilfields, adding he could make the same offer to the United States, which is already implicated in stealing the Syrian crude. "I made the offer to Mr. [Vladimir] Putin concerning the oilfields lying in [Syria’s] Deir Ez-Zor Province last week”, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday while returning from a meeting in Brussels, Russia’s Sputnik news agency reported. He said he had made the project contingent on Russian “financial support”. The Turkish president alleged that the plan would stop... Continue ->

Tags: Erdogan, Geopolitics, International Relations, Neo-Ottomanism, Oil, Russia, Syria, Terrorism, Turkey, US Imperialism

UK Lawmakers Reject Proposal Banning Huawei from 5G Telecoms Networks by 2022

Published 2020-03-11 11:25:40 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, China, Conspiracy-Theories, Eurasia, Finance, Headline-News, Politics, United-Kingdom, United-States

LONDON - The United Kingdom House of Commons voted on Tuesday to reject amendments to the country’s Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill, proposed by Conservative members of parliament, which would have prevented tech giant Huawei from participating in the establishment of UK’s 5G networks. In total, 38 rebel Tory (Conservative) lawmakers, including former leader Iain Duncan Smith and long-standing critic of the Chinese tech giant Huawei, Tom Tugendhat, broke party ranks and supported the proposed amendments, RIA Novosti reported. However, the Commons voted 306-282 to reject the revisions that proposed forbidding “high-risk vendors”, which many consider the Chinese tech giant as being,... Continue ->

Tags: 5G, China, Huawei, UK

REPORT: US Negotiates With Taliban Leaders From Pentagon’s ‘Kill or Capture’ List

Published 2020-03-11 11:03:43 by Drago Bosnic in Afghanistan, Anglo-5, Eurasia, Headline-News, Politics, United-States

WASHINGTON, D.C./KABUL - United States national security officials are criticizing President Donald Trump for talking on the phone with Taliban leaders mentioned on the Pentagon’s secret “kill or capture” list. Officials considered the president’s deed an “unprecedented breach of protocol”, according to the Daily Beast. “It’s ground-shaking that the president spoke to individuals on a target list,” a senior Defense Department official said, cited by the Daily Beast, adding, “It was a big give from our side, towards an adversary that traditionally has never held up their side of the bargain in numerous other attempts towards de-escalation and peace. We... Continue ->

Tags: Afghanistan, Geopolitics, Taliban, Trump, USA, War

SIPRI: Saudi Arabia is World’s Largest Arms Importer in Past 5 Years, With US Being its Main Supplier

Published 2020-03-11 09:00:53 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Defense, Eurasia, Finance, Headline-News, Ksa, Mena, Politics, Russia, Uae, United-States, Yemen

RIYADH - Saudi Arabia, apart from being known for its amazing human rights record, (especially towards women), has also been the world’s largest arms importer over the past five years and has boosted by 130 percent its major arms imports, a study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) shows. The results of the study, published on Monday, also showed that the Wahhabi regime accounted for 12 percent of global arms imports during the period from 2015 to 2019, PressTV reported. "Arms imports by countries in the Middle East increased by 61 percent between 2010–14 and 2015–19 and accounted for... Continue ->

Tags: Economy, Geopolitics, Military, Saudi Arabia, USA, War

NEW FINDINGS: Boeing 737's Software Pushed Doomed Ethiopian Plane’s Nose Down Four Times Before Crash

Published 2020-03-11 08:00:24 by Drago Bosnic in World, Anglo-5, Ethiopia, Headline-News, United-States

ADDIS ABABA - Ethiopian investigators released an interim report on the deadly March 10, 2019 crash of an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 8, confirming that a faulty sensor reading and the automatic activation of an anti-stall system were to blame, and saying that Boeing had failed to provide sufficient training to pilots. According to the report, two sensors meant to indicate the plane’s angle relative to the ground showed faulty readings which deviated by 59 degrees, with this causing the activation of the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), an anti-stall system embedded into the 737 MAX 8’s flight control... Continue ->

Tags: Boeing 737 MAX, Ethiopia

International Women's Day Retrospective

Published 2020-03-11 00:10:46 by Ronald Thomas West in Anglo-5, Headline-News, Opinions, United-States

A Fucked Up Fable When the Spaniards first recorded their interactions with the indigenous peoples of the Americas, they were amazed at the respect accorded to the women. Since, the criminality of a certain fable that holds women responsible for all of this world’s ills, due to the primal woman’s subversive collusion with a snake, is at the root of a problem, violence against women (and superstitions demonizing female intelligence), that is, these days, hardly unique to any society in the world. Quoting ‘Church Father’ Tertullian: “Do you not know you are each an Eve? The sentence of God on... Continue ->

Tags: Colonialism, ERA, Feminism, Ideology, Native Americans, Philosophy

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