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RE: Julian Assange Arrested, Links and Discussion

in #news6 years ago (edited)

On ZH someone posted an interesting idea. I doubt it is true, but it is reasonable and should be considered. Basically, how long would you want to stay locked up in an embassy? I wouldn't want to be in one at all.

Also, the investigation into the deep state is still ongoing, and they need witnesses against it who have more evidence to support the case. Who better than Assange? The theory proposed then, not mine, is this:

They bring him back to the USA, broker some sort of deal, he testifies against the deep state, and he's pardoned or something similar.

Trump is acting very strangely when it comes to this though, and yesterday he said he didn't know anything about Wiki Leaks. "That's not my thing." Uhm, hello? This is the same guy that mentioned Wiki Leaks 140+ times while campaigning.

I find it hard to believe that the deep state oligarchy, full of murderers and pedophiles, will actually be taken down. Who knows though. Stranger things have happened. No matter what happens we know Assange was part of the fight against them.

For that I salute him.


I'm curious what the Hygiene issues were. Did he just smell? What is going on with that.
Outside of that, I agree with your comments.

The hygiene "issues" are part of the smear campaign to dehumanise him. It'll be easier for them to make him vanish into a cell for life if they kill his character first. And even if he smelled, imagine the health issues anyone would develop while living in confinement for 7 years and the last year, without regular visitors, barred from medical treatment, video and audio recorded in every room. All of this is a form of psychological torture which I am sure had an effect on his mood. Depressed people don't care about basic needs like mentally healthy human beings.

Was Pamela Anderson not a regular visitor? A huge reason why the embassy grew tired of him was his dating habits. For a conservative christian country, they didn't go down well. He had quite a few accounts with OK Cupid it is emerging. Interesting you said smear campaign , the hygiene issue is that allegedly that he smeared his own faeces on the walls of a room and the cleaners in the embassy leaked it. If a 'guest' did that in my house I would be pissed off as well. Don't forget he was the one who turned up at the embassy disguised as a pizza delivery man. The log going into and out of the embassy is very interesting indeed. I don't believe the guy should face any charges over revealing truths but he was no saint either!

Where are the sources of all that you said? Are the embassy's logs publicly available?