HEARTLINES :: Because Most People Are GOOD! 💗
News is defined as "newly received or noteworthy information,
especially about recent or important events."
The problem is with noteworthy.
Which came first, sensationalism...
or the dominant CRAVING for it?
Doesn't matter which came first, but the reality we're left with
is one that largely overlooks, or is under-impressed by,
the many things around us that are Right, Lovely, True, and Good...
😇 ...like, Fernando. 😇
"Perdon, perdon!" I heard someone say to me,
as I also felt a tap on my back right shoulder.
I had been walking with upbeat music, kinda fast.
I stopped, reached to pull out an ear-bud, and spun around.
There stood Fernando. Breathing quickly. Holding a fist full of pesos.
My pesos!
I had just left an ATM, where I attempted a withdrawal.
That particular machine is out of order, or out of cash, often enough,
that I didn't think it odd when it didn't dispense my cash.
But I had assessed everything WRONGLY!
I obviously misread the message on the final screen,
grabbed the receipt without even looking at it, and walked out.
Fernando had walked in behind me
(I would never have known!)
as my money was being spat out.
The very same money that he grabbed,
and RAN to give back to me.
I absolutely cried. Hugged him. Called him my angel.
Looked him square in his eyes, and called him GOOD, man.
"Eres BUENO, Fernando!!"
I could tell he thought nothing of what he had done:
::shoulder.shrug:: "De nada, Senorita."
Meanwhile, I acted as though my life had been resuscitated.
It had.
Fifteen-hundred pesos (about USD$82) isn't a huge amount of money,
but his kind and decent deed, made me feel rich FOR REAL. 💗
Please don't let those manipulative media lines, mess with your head.
Please don't let the presented "state of the world" cause you to forget that,
even in the midst of reported mayhem and disaster,
most people are GOOD. 😘
@erikaharris you are amazing. you are spreading lights in the darkness. i am feeling positive wibes from your post.

LOL, and I am feeling the positive vibes of that adorable birthday boy! Thanks, @irfanullah :-)
There are definitely good people left in the world, no matter what the media would like us to think. I prefer to focus on the good and positive in life rather than focus on the negative. I'm so glad this young man was able to have such an impression on you. :)
45 years ago while dining, my wife and I, on our honeymoon, we’re brought a bottle of wine. The waitress said it was from the older couple across the room. When we looked their why they held up their glasses and said happy honeymoon. Ha, now how did they know, were we that sappy looking.
Great post, I wish there was a newspaper of stories like this " heartline" (no bad news allowed!).
There are all kinds of good people in the world. When you watch the news, or read the "Trending Topics" on Facebook, you get the wrong idea.
Thanks for sharing :-) @erikaharris I am following. Best of Luck !
#Facts Queen! Good People Do Still Exist! You're One of them Queen! 1k <3
Thanks, @stevenfletcher :-)
So heartwarming! You can see the light in his eyes. Nice young man!
I agree, @stillwatersart.