in #news7 years ago


Happy Riches
11w ago
Is Jacob Rothschild really the head of The Illuminati?

As Lord Rothschild indicated in the above video clip, he has not been attending Bilderberg and he is not head of the Federal Reserve.

One has to admit that Lord Jacob Rothschild was very willing to answer the questions of those who approached him on the street and very pleasant about it. He is definitely not like the scum that are used as tools by those who desire to create mayhem in the streets around the world.

However, there is much evidence available that the Illuminati exists and Hollywood promotes the symbols associated with it. Being a secret organization, the Illuminati is not really seeking attention nor advertising what it is actively engaged in doing right now.

Hucksters claim that they were members of the Illuminati, only to dupe the public, but there are a couple of whistle-blowers who actually have veritas. So much so, that attempts to restrict access to this Interview with Ex-lluminati Programmer highlight the authenticity of the reality of her claims. Otherwise, if false, who would care.

Lord Jacob Rothschild has many positions as a consultant to boards of key hedge funds and banking interests. For the wealthy and perceptive Lord Jacob, being able to wave his magic money wand is not a problem for him; consequently he is able to illuminate what it means to possess wealth from his lofty positions of influence. This is no reason to consider that he is the head of the illuminati, though. Even if people are employed to assuage any idea of impropriety on his behalf in regard to an airliner mysteriously disappearing aircraft in the Indian Ocean that happened to have twenty employees from one of the companies under the conglomerate umbrella on board. These employees only developed a micro-computer more powerful than any computer in existence and four were co-applicants to the ownership patent. Nothing to do with Lord Rothschild at all. As he would tell you.

The Rothschild family is no small family anymore and there are numerous branches, even if they are like tentacles that belong to the same blue blood that, unlike octopus, do not die after mating, which is one of ten curious facts about octopuses.

Anyhow, Lord Jacob Rothschild is not the one who looks after the family’s hereditary fortune. David de Rothschild was given the responsibility of the family firm when Sir Evelyn stepped down from Rothschild chair. And a very open affair, too; even reported in the papers. No secrecy there, so why the conspiracy?

The Illuminati are a secret organization and nobody knows who sits in the chair of the organization, except those who have a need to know. All the sticky noses have no need to know, they are just members of the pleb, as are the ignorati, who dismiss anything they do not understand—which is why they are members of the ignorati and not the Illuminati.

From one Illuminati insider we learn what she heard about the end of the world scenario the Illuminati taught me? It was cult propaganda, but this is how they believed the New Order would be ushered in:

There will be continued conflict in the mideast, with a severe threat of nuclear war being the culmination of these hostilities.
An economic collapse that will devastate the economy of the US and Europe, much like the great depression.
One reason that our economy continues limping along is the artificial supports that the Federal Reserve had given it, manipulating interest rates, etc.
But one day, this won't work (or this leverage will be withdrawn on purpose) and the next great depression will hit.
The government will call in its bonds and loans, and credit card debts will be called in.
There will be massive bankruptcies nationwide.
Europe will stabilize first, and Germany, France and England (surprise) will have the strongest economies, and will institute through the UN an international currency.
Japan will also pull out, although their economy will be weakened.
Peacekeeping forces will be sent out by the UN and local bases to prevent riots.
The leaders will reveal themselves, and people will be asked to make a pledge of loyalty during a time of chaos and financial devastation.
Now if you really want to know who heads up the Illuminati, it appears you will have to wait until the DAY that the leader reveals himself or herself—but maybe it will not be a he or a she but an ITself.

Alexander Lee (梅治 新太)
writer, composer, presentation designer, slacker
12w ago

The Illuminati has been defunct for centuries.

Current organisations claiming to be “descended from the original Illuminati” are frauds created to get you to donate to them or buy their cheap T-shirts and necklaces.

Steven Hager
Author of "Killing Kennedy" and "Killing Lincoln."
12w ago

The Illuminati began in Bavaria as a penetration by Jesuits of the Freemason network. The Rothschilds, like many others, deployed masonry to help build their business connections.

The tall tale the Jews control the Illuminati is complete bunk. The only known American chapter is Yale’s Skull & Bones society, and very, very few Jews have been admitted to that secret society, and those that have were tapped fairly recently.

The real power behind Israel is the military-industrial complex, which reaps the rewards of all the armament sales to Saudi Arabia and military aid to Israel. Do not swallow the hoodwink Jews control the world. They are but one tentacle on the octopus.

Matthew Daneman
Reporter of pay-TV and satellite news, devourer of popular culture.
12w ago
If the Illuminati really exists and controls all world affairs from behind the scenes, you'd think it also would delete YouTube video is exposing its secrets if that video was actually true.

Eugene Mormon
BTh./PhD program Theology, Cypress Bible Institute (1997)
12w ago
I don’t know, and if I did, I couldn’t tell you. However, Jabob Rothschild is probably the head of the Rothschild family and empire, and controls it’s major assets if not all of them. From what I gather he is richer than anyone else in North America, possibly in the top five richest on earth. I can’t recall all the stats I had read. The Illuminati, like the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, have numerous groups with the same name, often all claiming to be the real and genuine group that has that name, and the others are all fake. Despite the numerous groups that claim to be “Illuminati”, none of them are likely to be the original. Possibly.

Christopher Aeneadas
former Haberdasher (2006-2010)
12w ago
No. The official head of the organization into which the Bavarian Illuminati were assimilated is named William Breeze. He does publishing stuff in Europe. Nice fella apparently.

Y’all make life confusing by unofficially applying a name to whatever conspiracy flavor of the month looks well organized. I’m not saying no conspiracy exists. Just that you are mislabeling it if it does.

John Templar
In Deo Fiducia Vinces
3d ago

The rothschilds are star chamber members, but the ultimate ‘boss of bosses’ is the grey pope orsini. "I Dislike The ''secret Government'' Who Rule The World"

“Why would the Jesuits use their implacable enemy, the Jews to further their designs for world dominion? The Jesuits never do anything out in the open where they can be exposed. If they are recognized as then culprits, they will be blamed and suffer the consequences, but if they can use someone else as the ’cause of the world’s problem’, especially an enemy they can destroy in the process, then they have simultaneously accomplished two of their objectives. The Jewish people are the perfect scapegoat. Since the Rothschilds are Jesuit agents operating under a Jewish cover, using them [i.e., the Rosthschilds] in forming the Illuminati back in 1776 effectively throws onus of this conspiracy on the Jews. The Rothschilds are certainly not the only Jesuit agents that operate under a Jewish front.”-William Josiah Sutton (Author of The New Age Movement and Illuminati 666)


Guthrie Devine
Conspiracy hobbyist and avid researcher of all things spooky
81w ago
It’s called the Eye of Providence, and it doesn’t mean the Illuminati, if that’s what you’re asking. It’s an archaic Christian symbol representing God, the eye representing his benevolent omniscience, and the triangle representing the Holy Trinity. By the time it ended up on the dollar, its usage had expanded somewhat to include any sort of benevolent watchfulness.

Nowadays, of course, people mostly do use the symbol to represent the pop culture image of the Illuminati and evil sooper-secret conspiracies in general—mostly in fiction—but it didn’t become associated with those things until well into the 1960s, roughly a century after the one dollar bill was designed.

Sean Wolthers
Lead HVAC Design/Service Tech.
52w ago
Forget the pyramid, have you seen this? Just as Christians have the Holy Trinity, (being the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) so do the satanists have their unholy trinity. (As above, so below). Trinity=tri, tri=3 there are three sides to a triangle/pyramid, and rest atop it is the all seeing eye of Horus. In a sense we are supposed to feel as if the dollar is a God to us, and we would do or be anything to accumulate those dollars. This is a method of control, and fear.
You have the right mindset, but you are thinking too inclusively. The illuminati is not some club, with a secret handshake, it is the name given to “the enlightened ones”(lucifer=the light bringer), The ones who know the true nature of this world. Being that there is a God, and there is a devil, and these individuals are on the side of the devil. The Lord said to have no other gods before him, and if the dollar is looked upon as a God, then we are placing wealth ahead of God.

How peculiar is it that the being portrayed in the dollar bill, looks exactly like “Lam” the demon depicted by Alastair Crowley….
Be not fooled into believing that these are “aliens”, they are in fact demons, or the fallen ones. And what is it say that one of these is depicted on the back of the dollar bill…

Paul Visentine
works at Rockwell Collins
47w ago
First of all, I don't believe the illuminati exists (see my in depth explanation below from another post).

Second, I believe the symbols to which you refer on the dollar bill are Masonic since many, or most if not all of our founding Fathers were 33rd degree Masons.

I don't believe the illuminati exists, simply because the concept defies human nature. I mean, think about it, even in our own country, the Republicans and Democrats are at serious odds and they're supposed to be on the same side for the best interest of our country.

Now, take that degrees of magnitude further…how would such an organization such as the Illuminati be able to exist when the conflicts of interests between the countries dwarf those of our own 2 parties?

Given the vast differences in government political ideologies and economics between the Illuminati member countries, such vast differences would cause such division that a house divided would fall far before any such organization could make it past its infancy.

So, I believe that it's complete and utter nonsense based on the sound logical argument I presented above. The conspiracy theorists don't use logic to back up their positions, they operate on irrational emotion and nonsensical hunches that don't hold water.

John Smith
51w ago
The Illuminati is group and people keep calling “The Eye Of Providence” (or the all seeing eye of god) “Illuminati”. The eye of providence is a symbol showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It represents the eye of God watching over mankind (or divineprovidence).

Shawn Bell
Author, Screenwriter, Media God
81w ago
There’s no such thing. The U.S. $1 bill contains no Illuminati symbol of any kind.

Trevor Streeton
former Computer Instructor (1995-2015)
4w ago
Most rational people here on Quora - God bless them - pooh-pooh the existence of the Illuminati. Rational people are out of balance since we have two hemispheres in our brain and they have to be both developed if one is to function properly.

There IS a program being advanced by a multi-generational group of related families (dynasties).

The fabled Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt (Wise Guy if you know German), on May 1 1776, were just one of their many masks. Just because they were busted doesn’t mean that their program was halted. It is in full force.

The core concept is to conquer the entire world by deception in contrast to by force. They are very patient and operate by infiltrating and subverting the most important power centers. They follow a Luciferian doctrine - Social Darwinism - and view concepts like ethics, morality and empathy with contempt. Conscienceless expedience rules.

Their principle technique is to ensure constant chaos in the world which they can then use to further the agenda. People put the corruption and general rottenness of the world down to flawed human nature. As someone wiser than me pointed out long ago, there is no “human nature” there is just human behaviour. We are so easily manipulated because most of us are decent and well-meaning and willing to co-operate and believe our “leaders” are just like us. They are not. Most politicians are corrupt, self-serving whores and serve the central banking cartel.

The symbolism of the pyramid is the mathematical marvel of Cheops Pyramid, which, believe it or not, interfaces with Torah, another mathematical marvel, which Jewish sages have been assiduously studying for thousands of years. Would this study persist if there was not a profound content?

The Luciferians - a marriage of convenience between the Jewish and Anglo-Saxon elites with no allegiance to any nation, ethnicity, creed or ideology, are informed by the Talmudist sages, who use esoteric numerical and alpha-numerical sorcery (using both Hebrew and English numerologies) to encode their major operations. Anyone who studies their techniques can find their fingerprints across the centuries. Orthodox mathematicians - God love ’em - will not touch this subject as it offends their rationality. It IS pseudo-science, no question. However, the fact is, that the number system and the numerologies of the English and Hebrew alphabets can be tortured by associative “reasoning” to conjure potent concordances that can then be mapped onto names and dates. This is possible because of intrinsic numerical coincidences in the decimal number system.

A simple example of esoteric math
The Epoch of the Hebrew calendar is October 7 3761 BC, which is 341 days EARLIER than the creation on September 13 3760 BC. Why is that, you might ask? It is an irrational notion of Divine Time.

The number pi/6 is one of the tools in their mathematical armoury. It ties to the Giza Pyramid. (The height is 481 feet and 481 is the first self-locating sequence in the decimals of pi/6). In addition, it is the Anglo-Hebrew Concordance integer, which enables a peculiar marriage between their alphabets).

341 is the gematria of the three mother letters in the Hebrew alpha bet. They are to be found on the 3 horizontal paths in the Qabalists Tree of Life.

341 is the sum of the 7 primes: 37 + 41 + 43 + 47 + 53 + 59 + 61.
The product of these numbers = 584,803,025,179. Call it P. Quite a large number.
P MOD 2701 = 2257 = 3761
(2701 is the gematria of the first verse in Torah
“In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth).
With the cubit dimensions of the pyramid:
P MOD 280 = P MOD 440 = 219 = 3
73 is the gematria of Wisdom, so this is triple wisdom!

2701 is the English gematria of “National Security of the USA”. Chew on that.
2701 is the English gematria of “The Thirty-third Degree of Illumination”, a reference to the elite degree in Freemasonry. Chew on that as well.

You want to call this a coincidence?? Isn’t it more rational to conjecture that the numbers and the texts were crafted especially chosen to mesh?

The number 919, is the English gematria of ZION. It can be split into 9 and 19. (It symbolises - via September 19 - the 7th day of creation since 913 - September 13 - symbolises the first) 9 + 19 = 28, the second perfect number and the character count in the Torah verse. Prime(28) = 107, October 7, the Epoch date.)

Add these 9 numbers: 37 + 38 + … + 45 = 369 = 3(341)
The sum of the digits in pi/6 in this range sum to 37.
369 MOD 37 = 66 a perfect square, In fact 369 = 937 + 36

Add these 19 numbers: 61 + 62 + … + 79 = 1330 = 25719
(79 is the prime index of 401, the core prime in the Torah verse. 401 - 79 = 322, signature number of Skull & Bones and the gematria of the Biblical Hebrew word “Hebrews”).
The sum of the digits in pi/6 in this range sum to 61.
1330 MOD 61 = 7
7 a perfect square. In fact 1330 = 21*61 + 49
9 + 21 = 30 equivalent to pi/6.

Still believe in coincidence?

Paul Forshaw
Rabbit hole survivor and hardline rationalist.
22w ago
There is no “Illuminati triangle”, and there is no Illuminati, therefore, it cannot mean anything.

Julianne Smith-Devereaux
Again, see above.
81w ago
It basically means, ‘The All Seeing Eye’. A lot of musician’s do it, but true Illuminated Member’s do the symbol in Illuminati Ritual’s.


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Outlook not so good

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