Teenage Girls Don’t Wear Diapers
Okay. I realize that the title of my article here is similar to that of my Steemit article titled “Teenage Girls Are Not Toddlers.” You may be wondering if my article here is a follow-up to that one particular Steemit article of mine. However, it isn’t. My article here is actually about the latest sex scandal involving a baseball player named Felipe Vazquez from the Pittsburgh Pirates and his two-year relationship with a teenage girl who has not yet graduated from high school.

In Part 1 of my Steemit article titled “Zhang Muyi Never Belonged In The Pedophile Closet,” I brought up the subject of Felipe Vazquez’s most recent brush with the law to make an analogy in view of the fact that Zhang Muyi never broke any laws, of course. Herein I wanted to elaborate further on the facts and events regarding Mr. Vazquez’s current situation with the criminal charges he is currently facing because of his two-year relationship with a teenage girl, and I felt that it merited an article of its own.
Now, if you’re a teenage girl who happens to be reading my article here and you have bladder-control problems that necessitate a diaper, then I want you to know that I have not written this article to poke fun at you for having to do so. Being a 14- or 15-year-old girl and having to wear a diaper every day because of your inability to control your bladder is no laughing manner, and my heart goes out to you. In any event, way too often I find news commentators, YouTubers, and people on the Internet in general describing a teenage girl as though she is a newborn baby still in diapers whenever a sex scandal involving a forbidden relationship between a celebrity or an athlete and an underage adolescent girl breaks in the news.
Like the majority of you reading my article here, I only know what the press and the media have reported about Mr. Vazquez’s two-year relationship with a teenage girl who is still a minor. Therefore, I’m not going to make him out to look like a goody-two-shoes, because it could very well be that he did some harmful things to this young girl that warrant a prison sentence and the likes against him.
At the same time, I feel that everyone should treat him fairly and stop misconstruing his two-year relationship with this teenage girl as an atrocity against a toddler that some maniac kidnapped off a playground. This young girl may not be old enough to vote in a presidential election and I’m not completely ruling out the possibility that her relationship with Mr. Vazquez was toxic, but she is also not a toddler and it has been a long time since she has worn diapers.
Teenage sex in large doses throughout the American population has been a reality for decades; and as long as there are going to be girls who become sexually active by their own volition when they are in middle school or high school, there are going to be situations in which teenage sexual activity and adult sexual activity cross-pollinate. It’s as simple as that. Never mind what all these know-it-alls say about teenagers and adults needing to remain on opposite sides of the legal age line with their romantic pursuits.
When an adult man, say, in his sixties or seventies grabs a toddler off a playground and begins sexually molesting her, there can be no debate that this man needs to be punished and ultimately removed from society. However, there are adolescents as young as 12 and 13 years old who actively seek out sexual relationships with older partners, and it does not do justice for society to view these youngsters as being child molestation victims in the same way that society views prepubescent children who fall prey to dangerous pedophiles as being so.
Self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts will argue again and again that an adult always has the duly obligation to reject the sexual advances of an adolescent whom they know to be below the statutory age of consent. However, because each and every adult has experienced life differently from one another, there are going to be extenuating circumstances that may cause certain adults to be easily lured into unexpected situations. Moreover, we now live in an era where fake identification is so easy for a minor to acquire. Hence, asking to see someone’s driver’s license to assure oneself that that person is above the statutory age of consent does not guarantee that an adult may not be inadvertently getting ready to take a gamble on his or her future with jailbait.
Pedophile-panic politics are spiraling way out of control here in the United States of America, and not enough individuals are speaking up against it. Well, as you probably have already guessed from the title of my article here, I am going to address the problem that self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts have created in equating adolescent girls to toddlers and even newborns still in diapers. In a figurative sense, that is.
1. Americans Have Progressively Gotten Worse About Viewing Teenage Girls As Still Being in Diapers
After having watched YouTuber Pam Jones’s video regarding Felipe Vazquez, which can be accessed from Part 1 of my previous Steemit article titled “Zhang Muyi Never Belonged In The Pedophile Closet,” and hearing all of her rhetoric about how she viewed Mr. Vazquez’s nameless teenage sex partner as a defenseless, gullible, little girl, what came to mind was this one incident from not too long ago in which I was in the parking lot of a B.J.’s Wholesale Club and a Hispanic woman parked her minivan in a parking spot that was designated specifically for mothers with infants. After she and her kids got out of the minivan, everyone noticed that her kids were mostly teenagers and that one of her kids even looked as though he could have been 19 or 20 years old.
Another woman approached this same Hispanic woman and got into a heated argument with her, telling her that she was committing a parking violation inasmuch as none of her kids were toddlers or babies. The Hispanic woman insisted that the term “infant” meant any youngster under the age of 21, which is the legal drinking age here in the United States of America, and that she was, therefore, well within her rights to park her vehicle in that same spot. A whole big scene unfolded right before everyone in the parking lot as these two women continued to yell at each other until their shouting match turned into a spectacle.
If you look in a legal dictionary, the term “infant” can describe a youngster who is below the legal age of majority whether it is 18 or 21 years old. However, I seriously doubt that whoever designed that parking lot to have designated parking spots for mothers with infants at my local B.J.’s Wholesale Club was thinking about creating those same designated parking spots for anybody other than mothers with either toddlers or babies or at least small children.
In any event, here is my point. Like the term “infant,” there also appears to be an ambiguity on how to define a child. If you look in a regular English-language dictionary, the word “child” will have more than one definition. That is, one definition will read that it is a boy or a girl before puberty, and another definition will read that it is anyone below the legal age of majority. Otherwise, an English-language dictionary will either have one definition of it or the other.
When my mother was 12 years old and in the seventh grade, there was a female classmate of hers who had recently gotten married; and, shortly thereafter, my mother found out that this girl had gotten pregnant. The girl was two years older than my mother at the time; and this same girl was ahead of the game, because she was already married to the father of her unborn baby and her husband was 18 years old and gainfully employed.
After my mother had told me about this chapter in her past, I asked her if she had told her mother about it. My mother responded to me that she hadn’t done so, because my maternal grandmother would have become upset upon hearing about it. My mother’s mother was about as old-fashioned as they came.
In those days when my mother was a preteen, people always responded with surprise and sometimes even shock upon hearing about stories like those. However, they didn’t go berserk about it as they do nowadays. A couple of years ago, I did come across an article or some kind of blog that a man had posted on the Internet about the events regarding his particular situation when he had found out that his 14-year-old girlfriend was pregnant with his child.
This man was 18 years old when he had found out that his 14-year-old girlfriend was going to have his baby. Now, I don’t think that a four-year age difference should be that big of a deal, even in cultures like the United States of America and Canada where parents usually disallow their underage adolescent kids to date outside their peer circles. Unfortunately, there are many people here in our nation that still get up in arms about it. Not too long ago, I even saw talk host Steve Wilkos scream at a young man in his late teens and get in his face inasmuch as this young man had gotten a 14-year-old girl pregnant. Therefore, I felt that this true story was newsworthy for me to include herein.
I don’t remember the real name of this gentleman or the name of the 14-year-old girl who was pregnant with his baby. Therefore, for purposes of this article of mine, I’m going to refer to this young man who was 18 years old at the time he got his 14-year-old girlfriend pregnant as Martin. Herein I’m going to refer to his 14-year-old girlfriend as Malinda for that same reason.
After Martin had found out that Malinda was pregnant, he decided that he wanted to do what he believed to be the right thing and marry her. In his account of the events, he complained that his best friend accused him of being a child molester for getting the 14-year-old girl pregnant. For purposes of this article, I will call Martin’s best friend Craig.
Now, I wouldn’t be critical of Craig if he were merely showing that he cared about Malinda and wanted to make sure that her best interest was protected inasmuch as she was barely in her teenage years when she had become pregnant. I’m also not mindless of the argument that a true friend sometimes has to encourage his or her best friend to own up to his or her mistakes rather than agree with everything that he or she does. However, Craig continued on with his rant in which he insisted that Martin was a child molester in a way that demonstrated that he was only looking for a reason to torment Martin any way he could, even though Martin had done everything to atone for his actions.
Even after Malinda had the baby, Craig continued on with his baseless accusations against Martin of being a child molester. Now, I’m going to make it clear that if Martin were a relative of mine and I had the opportunity to confront Craig, I would have told that punk to go take a hike. In my humble opinion, Craig was never a friend at all to Martin in the first place. Also, if I were in Martin’s shoes, I would have told Craig to get lost a long time ago. Of course, I don’t know Martin personally, and perhaps some kind of guilty conscience of his related to his wife’s underage pregnancy had convinced him to hang onto what I view to have been an abusive friendship with Craig. I wouldn’t doubt that Malinda didn’t have much use for Craig. She was probably looking into a way to get a restraining order against Craig to keep that jerk out of her and her family’s lives.
Regardless of what any of us may think about Craig, it can be no mystery that these self-appointed pedo-experts and self-proclaimed child advocates walk around with a God complex insofar as they have no consideration for anyone who gets in their line of fire. If Martin chose to become a verbal punching bag for Craig, then I guess that it was his choice and his business. However, I can only begin to imagine how much Malinda must have detested Craig after having to hear him make ugly and hateful remarks against the father of her child and talk down on him as though he were a clone of the late Kenneth Parnell. I wouldn’t doubt that Martin’s parents probably would have liked to take turns giving Craig a good beating. With best friends like Craig, who needs enemies? It’s difficult to pinpoint why Martin put up with this jerk for as long as he did.
We, as Americans, all have to remember that we now live in reactionary times in which self-appointed pedo-experts and self-proclaimed child advocates like Craig can develop such an inflated ego that they become a danger to those around them, including their loved ones. These people act on impulse and emotions rather than thinking out what they are going to do or say before they do or say it. All of them believe that they have a valid cause to protect the children and the youth of the world, but, for the most part, they don’t even understand what they’re talking about and they don’t thoroughly research the issues that they’re pursuing.
2. YouTuber Pam Jones’s Followers And Viewers Are Mostly As Clueless As She Is About Pedophilia
After having watched YouTuber Pam Jones’s video titled “I AM A PEDOPHILE: Pittsburg Pirates Pitcher Felipe Vazquez,” I decided to read the comments section of her video so that I could find out what goes on in the demented minds of some of these self-appointed pedo-experts and self-proclaimed child advocates who watch her videos. Much of what I read did not surprise me in terms of what makes these individuals tick.
This one dunce named Chris Ryen posted the following therein:
The House is pushing laws to legalize Pedophilia And so many countries it is legal to be with a 14-year-old girl parents consent however it’s wrong we have to shut down the government worldwide.
Okay, Chris. Your spelling and structure or rather lack thereof make it difficult for the average layman to understand exactly what point you’re trying to get across in your post. However, I have some idea of what you want to convey to Ms. Jones and anyone else reading it.
First of all, I’ve heard nothing about the United States House of Representatives in Washington D.C. pushing laws to legalize pedophilia, whatever your definition of it may be. Furthermore, pedophilia itself is not against the law. Someone acting on pedophilia is.
Second of all, being with a 14-year-old girl has nothing to do with pedophilia. The Statistical and Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (“DSM-5”), which is a sort of Bible for mental-health professionals that is published by the American Psychiatric Association (“A.P.A.”), even specifies that 14 years old is too old to qualify as an object of pedophilia. Moreover, you don’t get to determine what is right or wrong for the entire population of the planet. Just because you like 18 years old as the statutory age of consent in the state jurisdictions of our nation that have them and there may be other Americans who share your opinion, it doesn’t mean that people in other parts of the world have to agree with your standpoint on these same laws. People in other nations laugh at Americans for even allowing their legislators to set the statutory ages of consent as high as they are here in our nation.
Third of all, Chris, before you go criticizing nations that have a statutory age of consent of 14 years old or younger, you need to consider the fact that these same nations have a significantly lower teenage pregnancy rate than the United States of America. Deadbeat teenage fathers obviously cannot thrive in societies where adolescent boys younger than 18 years of age have to compete with adult men for the affections of adolescent girls younger than 18 years of age, because middle-school and high-school girls have alternatives that spare them the agony of putting up with the shenanigans of teenage punks who only think about themselves and their own needs.
Lastly, Chris, if parents consent to their 14-year-old daughters dating outside their peer circles, then it is their choice and their business. Certainly Sarah Palin did not end up with any bargain son-in-law after she allowed her daughter, Bristol Palin, to date a boy (Levi Johnston) only four months older than her when Bristol was 13 years of age. In fact, Levi Johnston didn’t even marry Bristol despite that he was engaged to her twice. Hence, Sarah Palin didn’t end up with Levi as a son-in-law at all, which ultimately turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Even though this loser, Levi Johnston, was virtually the same age as Bristol Palin when he first started dating her, he treated her like a stepping mat instead of like a lady; and he does so to this very day whenever the opportunity presents itself to him. On the other hand, numerous adult/adolescent relationships have led to successful marriages and happy families. Therefore, Chris, the Puritanical Establishment isn’t always right about everything as you seem to believe.
The problem that you have, Chris, is that you have a blind faith in the Puritanical Establishment. Otherwise, you would not be wasting your time listening to the garbage that Ms. Jones preaches to the world in the form of pedophile-panic propaganda. There is a reason that there are more nations in the world that have a statutory age of consent of 14 years old or younger than there are nations where the statutory age of consent is 18 years old or older, and it has nothing to do with pedophilia. These nations don’t want the same problems that the United States of America has. These nations likely have more effective ways of stopping child sexual abuse than the United States of America does, because their authorities are not spread out too thinly as a result of having to go after Lolita-style scenarios that really warrant no interference from external forces.
Also, Chris, what does shutting down the government worldwide have to do with anything? Do you sincerely believe that the world would be better off living in a massive anarchy with no system of government at all? If you do so, you are obviously not the brightest bulb in the bunch. It would almost be like going back to prehistoric times when there was virtually no law and order throughout the world. For that matter, you should try living in Yemen. That nation is one of the most lawless nations in the world, and it is a very dangerous place to live because of the ongoing violence and the lack of adequate medical care there.
Another one of Ms. Jones’s psychopathic followers whose name is Denise Wood posted therein:
Its time to change the laws any peodo is the death penalty and to put them in main stream jail 1st with no protection so they can know how it feels to be raped discusting vile low life scum sh–
Ms. Wood? If you want people to take your opinions seriously, you need to improve your spelling and grammar. I can still understand what you posted, but you don’t really help the way you present your viewpoint by projecting the image of someone who grew up in a crystal-methane-infested trailer park. Instead of being intelligent and knowledgeable, you’re just hateful and hostile toward anyone you suspect to be a child predator despite that Felipe Vazquez didn’t harm any prepubescent child.
Boy, oh, boy. How these self-appointed pedo-experts seem to love prison rapists so much. Now, I’m not going to pretend that I felt sorry for Donald James Smith after I had found out that he had been raped in prison. I didn’t. However, our society is reeking with hypocrisy whenever our criminal justice system continues to be permissive toward sexual violence behind bars while it continues to engage in narrow-minded austerity in its enforcement of statutory-rape laws that are broken and defective in an oppressive fashion. I detest real pedophiles and real child molesters like Donald James Smith. However, even though he was brutally raped in prison, it did not change him into a better person. In fact, it could strongly explain why he went from being a child molester to being both a child molester and a child murderer.
I would also have to ask Ms. Wood if she would think that prison rapists were so high and holy if one of them were to rape a member of her family. People like Ms. Wood don’t think about these same possibilities, and, therefore, their school of thought poses a danger to our nation. Moreover, Felipe Vazquez does not deserve to be gang-raped in prison, because he has never sexually molested a prepubescent child and none of us can conclude that he ever harmed the nameless teenage girl with whom he had been involved for two years inasmuch as she is at an age when it is not unheard of or even uncommon for youngsters to be sexually active.
What many of these sheep all seem to have in common is that they have an infatuation with violence, especially vigilante violence, even though they don’t have all their facts straight about the situation involving Felipe Vazquez. Many of them come across to me as Edgar Maddison Welch wackos.
To put it figuratively, what is particularly disturbing about individuals like Ms. Wood is that they all seem to believe that prison rapists have some kind of sense of nobility and divine purpose, when nothing could ever be further from the truth. If any of these self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts decide to lash back at me for saying so, then they can chew on this piece of information that I’m about to present herein.
So many years ago, the police in my local area erroneously locked up a 12-year-old boy in an adult penal facility after they had arrested him, because they had thought that he was 18 years of age and they didn’t believe him when he told them how old he really was. I don’t remember what the reason was that they arrested him. In any event, while the young boy was incarcerated, a group of his inmates gang-raped him. It was not until after he was released from the adult penal facility that the police became aware that he had been telling them the truth about his tender age.
I can imagine that the 12-year-old boy’s parents contemplated suing the police department for such a critical mistake. However, here is the thing. After this boy’s assailants found out that they had just gang-raped a 12-year-old boy, none of them sent any letters of apology to this young boy or his parents. In fact, I honestly don’t believe that any of them had any remorse for what they did to destroy this young boy’s life; and they probably would have committed the same atrocity anyhow, if the authorities had locked some other 12-year-old boy up with them who didn’t look 18 years old. Age was never a barrier between them and their heinous crimes against this young boy despite what any self-appointed pedo-experts may say to mislead the public into believing that these prison rapists and jail rapists really care about the kids of the world insofar as they seek to avenge sex crimes against them.
Prison rapists and jail rapists are the scum of society. They do not do what they do to serve some underlying purpose of good faith to humanity. They rape others behind bars, because they know that they can get away with it; and our criminal justice system does absolutely nothing about it. In fact, I would be surprised if there has been even one criminal case involving a rape in a penal facility that has gone to trial and has resulted in a conviction since 2003 back when President George W. Bush ratified The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 for the purpose of putting a stop to this abomination throughout the prison system and jail system here in our nation.
If a true child molester like Donald James Smith or the late Kenneth Parnell should be raped behind bars, I’m not asking anyone to feel pity for that individual inasmuch as he has put himself in that same dangerous situation. However, I’m also reaching out to my readers to discourage each and every one of you from condoning prison rape or any form of rape behind bars, because these abominations do have consequences for our society that we simply cannot continue to ignore. Moreover, prison rapists who continue to get away with their heinous crimes never get rehabilitated while serving time, because they’re not truly being punished for anything they’ve done in that they’re allowed to go on committing the same crimes behind bars that they were likely involved in before they were incarcerated. The fact that human trafficking is going on throughout penal facilities across our nation shows you how serious this problem has become. Of course, that is another Steemit article for another time.
The point I would like to make about the above-aforementioned incident involving the 12-year-old boy is that if any self-proclaimed child advocate or self-appointed pedo-expert wants to refuse to believe that a 12-year-old is an adolescent rather than a small child, then those same people need to wake up to the fact that what happened to the above-described 12-year-old boy was no act of kindness to children. This young victim is probably psychologically damaged to this very day because of that same ordeal. It’s outrageous how stories like these never seem to come out in the press or the media as conspicuously and blatantly as stories about sexually precocious middle-school or high-school boys getting their 35-year-old teacher pregnant do. It is as though the way our society receives news regarding juvenile-justice-related issues has been fixed and rigged with the underlying objective of getting the court of public opinion to think a certain way rather than form its own opinions independently.
I did not realize that Ms. Jones’s YouTube video regarding Felipe Vazquez was done in the form of a live stream until recently. I looked at her live chat log to read what the comments there were. Most of them consisted of her and her viewers going back and forth with salutations. There was one YouTuber named Janet Space who said, “They make me sick.”
Janet Space? You make me sick! You don’t know the full specifics about what went on between Mr. Vazquez and the nameless teenage girl with whom he had a relationship. It does not do justice to say that his relationship with this girl was no different from what the late Kenneth Parnell did to Steven Stayner back in the 1970s or what Donald James Smith did to 8-year-old Cherish Perrywinkle back in 2013, because Mr. Vazquez’s actions bear no resemblance to those of these same two dangerous child predators.
I get it, Ms. Jones and all of you fans of hers! None of you would ever like the film titled The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie because of all the adult/adolescent trysts that take place in it. However, all of you seem to be clueless about most everything you say or post. You’re like a cesspool of mostly frustrated femi-Nazi hags who have nothing better to do with your time and your lives than snipe at celebrities and others who don’t fit into your make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection. However, if any of you self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts ever do anything lethally violent to the wrong person, then you better pray and hope that I never get summonsed to serve on the jury that will be deciding your fate; because if I do, then you can look forward to going to the electric chair in the event that my co-jurors decide to follow my example.
All of the fans of Ms. Jones? You’re like an uncouth mob of semi-illiterates who constantly rely on vulgar language to make your points, which are seldom ever valid, and you are fools for believing every piece of Puritanical nonsense that Ms. Jones and others like her send your way through their YouTube videos.
I know that I appear to be angry in my article here. However, people like Ms. Jones really appall me inasmuch as they think that they know everything there is to know about the situation involving Mr. Vazquez, when they don’t really care about the facts or the truth inasmuch as they are so absorbed into their white-picket-fence fantasy world or rather their pedophilia-obsessed fantasy world.
Ms. Jones? I have to ask you something. What if a group of adolescent boys between 13 and 15 years old were to break into your mother’s home and gang-rape her? Also, what if they subsequently were to lie to the authorities and mislead them to believe that she had enticed them into some kind of orgy or something of that nature, after they were arrested? One would not think that there would be law-enforcement officials or prosecutors who would be stupid enough to fall for such a ploy here in our nation, but, unfortunately, there are.
If you read Part G of my Steemit article titled “The Great American Controversy Over Underage Marriage,” you will find a true story about a 46-year-old woman who was raked over the coals in this manner after a 17-year-old boy had raped her and falsely accused her of statutory rape. In that particular situation, the prosecutor and the authorities both turned on this woman like betraying angels after she had reported that she had been raped.
If something like that were to happen to your mother, Ms. Jones, she would probably be wrongfully charged with statutory rape. She could try to explain to everyone what really happened to her until she was blue in the face, but there would always be vigilantes who would believe the boys’ story over hers. Then what would you do, Ms. Jones? Would you try to protect your mother from violent vigilantes who believed the young boys’ story over hers?
This is where I find myself becoming extremely disturbed about people like Ms. Jones. If everything that I described above were to happen to her mother, it would be possible that a group of vigilantes might gang up on her mother and perhaps stone her to death or do something else that was rash. Knowing how deluded Ms. Jones is in her thinking, I would not put it past her to join that mob of vigilantes and take part in stoning her own mother to death. Because Ms. Jones is in her early sixties, her mother would be an old lady by now who would be even more vulnerable to such injustices. For that reason, I’m stressing to everyone who is reading my article here that people like Ms. Jones cannot and should not be trusted.
Most YouTubers have a community tab on their channel so that their subscribers and other YouTubers can communicate with them in a more private setting than in the comments section of a regular YouTube video. However, in Ms. Jones’s case, her community tab is a bottomless pit of comments and statements that she herself has posted to elicit the comments of others. In that respect, she is like an overly ambitious sensationalist. I don’t think that a self-appointed pedo-expert comes any more certifiable than this woman, and her state of mind borders on that of an Edgar Maddison Welch wacko.
In figurative words, it would take five lifetimes for someone to read each and every one of her posts on that community tab. I begin to wonder where she finds all the time to type all those same posts. If she’s retired from whatever her profession was, then she needs to take up golf or a musical instrument instead of hanging out on YouTube for an inordinate amount of time. She has way too much time on her hands, and this so-called war of hers against pedophilia has so much wrong with it that it is likely not helping anyone other than herself. That is, in the form of views and subscribers on her YouTube channel in her particular case.
3. YouTuber Suga Shea Has An Even More Dangerously Extremist School Of Thought Than YouTuber Pam Jones
Just when I thought that I could never come across anyone any more certifiable than Pam Jones on YouTube who has commented about Felipe Vazquez’s recent brush with the law, I stumbled across this one YouTuber who goes by the username of Suga Shea. What is even more bothersome about her than Ms. Jones is that she doesn’t present herself initially as someone with psychological issues. In fact, you could almost take her seriously until you hear all the reactionary nonsense that she spews from her mouth.
Suga Shea’s video regarding Mr. Vazquez is titled “Felipe Vazquez, Tekashi69, Life and No sex 3yrs!” You can view it below.
YouTuber Suga Shea Turns Her Commentary Regarding Felipe Vazquez Into A Pedophile-Panic-Propaganda Exhibition
Suga Shea’s YouTube video is almost an entire torturous hour long. She already shows herself to be poorly informed about Mr. Vazquez’s situation early on in her video, because she cannot even remember his last name throughout most of her video. She does nothing to hide the fact that she does not have a proper command of the facts regarding his situation and that she did not perform sufficient research on it.
Suga Shea continuously uses the word “disgusting” to describe Mr. Vazquez. However, what is really disgusting is the fact that she appears to believe that deadbeat teenage fathers are products of normal adolescent behavior, when there is nothing normal about what deadbeat teenage fathers do before or after they get their underage girlfriends pregnant. That is, she verbalizes the fact that she buys into the make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection to which self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts insist upon confining adolescents whenever adolescents wish to “explore” their sexuality, so to speak.
An invalid point that Suga Shea stresses regarding teenage sexuality in her video is when she states, “Let them be nasty among themselves.” Okay, Ms. Shea. What exactly do you mean by this statement? It appears that you believe that a pregnant 14-year-old girl whose 15-year-old boyfriend turns into a deadbeat teenage father on her is so much better off than a girl that same age who hooks up with a man in his twenties and eventually marries him to live happily ever after. No!!!!!!! That is not how it is, Suga Shea.
Mr. Vazquez never impregnated the nameless teenage girl with whom he had a sexual relationship with for two years. In Argentina, the trumped-up sex charges against him would have been dropped immediately. In fact, he might not have even been arrested in the first place if his situation had occurred in that nation. I explain how the statutory-rape laws in Argentina work in Part 1 of my Steemit article titled “President Should Veto Immigration Bill Regarding Underage Marriage.”
I don’t know what the pornography laws are in Argentina. Therefore, I cannot comment on what would have happened to Mr. Vazquez if he had gotten caught with an underage adolescent girl in that respect down there. However, I do know that he would not be facing as many criminal charges as he currently is in Florida and Pennsylvania, because the Argentinean criminal justice system does not waste its time on Lolita-style trysts in the manner that the American criminal justice system does.
At the end of the day, it is as though people like Suga Shea cling on to the same outdated “societal norms,” and they expect different results from what they’ve gotten previously. Such a school of thought is simply unrealistic.
Suga Shea? If you really were someday able to see the light on these issues, you would be pushing Congress to pass a law that would draft deadbeat teenage fathers into the military on their eighteenth birthday. Because nations with lower statutory ages of consent than the United States of America have lower teenage pregnancy rates than our nation, it only goes to show you that older men are not the ones who are mostly impregnating these underage girls but rather underage boys themselves. Also, these underage boys are not necessarily giving these underage girls a choice in the matter.
There was a movie titled Things Behind the Sun that was released back in 2001, and it was about a group of teenage boys who brutally raped a 14-year-old girl after they had committed similar atrocities against other underage girls. That is, these boys were younger than college age. Allison Anders took pride in directing this same film, because she herself was brutally gang-raped back when she was 12 years old. However, her assailants were not older men but rather young boys the same age as her or nearly the same age as her. At the end of the day, adolescent boys younger than 18 years old have the most access to middle-school and high-school girls and the most opportunity to victimize them sexually.
Our nation has gotten to a point that we need to be exploring the possibility of re-instituting gender segregation in our public school system everywhere to keep these same injustices from happening to underage girls in as large numbers as they do. Unfortunately, narrow-minded individuals like Pam Jones and Suga Shea believe that it is mainly older men who go unleashing abuse and sexual victimization against pubescent and adolescent girls, but they are sadly mistaken.
Suga Shea goes way off-base in her video when she insists that Felipe Vazquez engaged in pedophilia upon becoming intimate with the nameless teenage girl with whom he had a relationship for two years. However, the fact alone that Suga Shea admits in her video that she believes that 17-year-old girls are still young enough to be objects of pedophilia demonstrates how very little she knows about what pedophilia really is and what it is not.
According to the DSM-5, a pedophile is someone 16 years of age or older who is sexually attracted to a prepubescent child who is five years their junior. The DSM-5 established the cutoff point at 13 years old to be a prospective object of pedophilia. However, if a youngster is an adolescent rather than a prepubescent child, that cutoff point then shifts down to 11 years old.
An adult who is sexually attracted to a 17-year old girl doesn’t even come close to qualifying to be a pedophile despite what Suga Shea believes. In other words, Suga Shea is completely clueless on what pedophilia really is. Now, if any of you are going to post in my comments section that Mr. Vazquez would still be an ephebophile and that ephebophiles need psychiatric help, then stop typing. The A.P.A. does not recognize ephebophilia as a psychiatric disorder.
Suga Shea? I agree with you that pedophilia is a mental sickness, and the DSM-5 even states so. I also agree with you that such people need to seek professional help to address these mental issues. However, you are not qualified to diagnose Mr. Vazquez formally as a pedophile, and he is not a pedophile. What you’re doing in calling him a pedophile is character assassination at best. Also, anyone who is hating on Mr. Vazquez in this same fashion is equally as culpable of the same wrongdoing and deserves to be sued for defamation of character. To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Vazquez has never sexually molested a child who was still in Tanner Stage 1. Therefore, he could not be a pedophile no matter how much you stretch your overly active imagination.
Suga Shea? You want someone like Mr. Vazquez to get therapy, but you don’t agree with the A.P.A.’s definition of pedophilia as described in the DSM-5. Therefore, you cannot rightfully recommend anyone to seek professional help from a field of medicine whose clinical terminology you do not observe or take seriously.
Suga Shea? Instead of shaming Mr. Vazquez for being something that he is not, you should be verbally attacking lowlifes like Fleece Johnson and LaMark Moore on your YouTube channel instead. They are the ones who have a sickness, because they proudly brag about all the men they have raped in prison as though society should simply accept what they do to harm others. I have met many women throughout my life that got married in their early or middle teens to men who were not necessarily the same age as them, and these women have lived happy and productive lives in the long run. However, I have not met even one man who was gang-raped in prison and liked it and would want to repeat the experience.
Suga Shea? I do agree with you that Mr. Vazquez could have gotten any woman his own age because of his money and fame as a baseball player. However, we don’t know what his adolescence was like. The nameless teenage girl with whom he had a sexual relationship could have been the adolescent first love that he missed out on during his teenage years. You can’t say that he has anything mentally wrong with him, because his actions would not cause a mental-health professional to diagnose him as a pedophile in accordance to what I have explained herein. He doesn’t prey on prepubescent children, and teenage girls are not prepubescent children despite what you may believe.
What Suga Shea and so many self-appointed pedo-experts like her are trying to do is change pedophilia from merely a psychiatric disorder described in the DSM-5 into a political construct in which they can modify its definition any way they please to serve their own agenda. Their practices are extremely dangerous to society, and they could put many innocent individuals into the line of fire of violent vigilantes and other Edgar Maddison Welch wackos who go on killing sprees against those whom they perceive to be pedophiles regardless of what the actual facts of the matter are.
Throughout her video, Suga Shea continues to stress that she believes that Mr. Vazquez needs to get his head examined. However, her mental health is easily questionable in that she believes that teenage girls still wear diapers. Putting it figuratively, that is. She reveals that she actually thinks that teenage girls are “little kids,” which is so not true. Mr. Vazquez did not grab a toddler from a playground and sexually molest her, and Suga Shea needs to realize it. However, because she is a self-appointed pedo-expert, her ability to reason is severely defective.
Suga Shea believes that merely by calling someone a pedophile, they magically become one. Adult/adolescent relationships, toxic or not, have nothing to do with pedophilia. Suga Shea’s thought process has been warped. It is as though she perceives that the human race is divided up between prepubescent children and adults and that adolescents do not exist. If everything she believed were true, small children and adolescents would all be going to the same parties and playing pin-the-donkey and bobbing-for-apples at those parties. She does not think on a logical wavelength.
Suga Shea spends most of her time rambling on and on in her video and not making very much sense about what she says. She makes it no secret that she is enamored with the terms “pedophile” and “pedophilia.” I have to presume that she has never read the DSM-5 in her entire life, and, therefore, she doesn’t understand most of what she is saying about pedophiles and pedophilia. It perturbs me that anyone would take her seriously, but there are sheep out there who actually take stock in her pedophile-panic propaganda.
If I were to be summonsed to serve on a jury in a statutory-rape trial and I were to hear Suga Shea running her mouth during the court proceedings for any reason, I’d feel much more inclined to vote for the defendant to be not guilty upon deliberating a verdict. She annoys me to that same extent.
Suga Shea speaks about the court system giving death sentences for pedophilia. Okay, Suga Shea. I’m just as anti-pedophile as you are; and that opinion of yours is fair enough, because Florida actually used to execute child molesters back in the 1980s. However, Suga Shea is caught contradicting herself in this respect, because further back in her video she is found telling others not to hate pedophiles and to accept “where they are.” Therefore, in that sense, she is a hypocrite, and her lectures regarding acceptance further back in her video are as phony as three-dollar bills. Moreover, if Mr. Vazquez is not a pedophile, then she has no legitimate reason to bring up this opinion of hers.
Suga Shea even goes so far in her video as claiming that people in our nation take pedophilia lightly. No, Suga Shea! Nobody in our nation takes pedophilia lightly. The problem with our nation is self-appointed pedo-experts like you who wish to take writer’s license with the definition of pedophilia and expand it to include incidents of teenagers straying outside their peer circles to seek sexual gratification that bear no resemblance to actual child sexual exploitation.
Suga Shea? It is dunces like you who encourage more Edgar Maddison Welch wackos to come out of the woodwork to inflict violence and mayhem on others despite that those individuals may have absolutely nothing to do with the sexual molestation of children. I realize that there are adult men who do terrible things to pubescent and adolescent girls, and it is not my intention to speak in any of those men’s defense. However, there are many more adolescent boys under 18 years of age who inflict harm upon underage girls in the form of impregnation and subsequent manipulation, and these boys deserve to be drafted into the military on their eighteenth birthday and shipped off to some place in the Middle East where they are going to spend a substantial amount of time in a battlefield, fighting for their lives.
Sugar Shea? In your video, there is talk about cutting off the limbs of pedophiles regardless of whether they are really pedophiles or are only erroneously perceived to be pedophiles. I would not doubt that there are teenage mothers who would like to cut off their deadbeat teenage baby daddies’ limbs and brand them as pedophiles. Also, I wouldn’t doubt that these teenage mothers’ parents feel like doing the same. However, self-appointed pedo-experts like you would hypocritically consider such actions to be politically incorrect in that event, especially if these baby daddies were minors.
There are middle-aged women out there who freely and falsely accuse any adult man over the age of 21 of being a pedophile for sharing feelings of intimacy with adolescent girls who may not be old enough to vote in any election. However, as the hypocrites that they are, many of these same women find nothing wrong with their teenage son getting an underage girl pregnant and then turning her into an object of bullying for himself and his friends. Then when the pregnant girl seeks child support from their teenage son after their teenage son makes his intentions of being a deadbeat known to the young girl, these same middle-aged women always demand a paternity test only to add insult to injury. Hence, these women have no true moral high ground to pass judgment on men who go down the same road with an adolescent girl that Felipe Vazquez did.
Suga Shea? Instead of slandering Mr. Vazquez, perhaps you need to devote yourself to more noble and constructive causes in support of children who have actually suffered some form of abuse or another. For example, you could lobby to reform the inheritance laws in our nation so that anybody who has suffered physical abuse or incest at the hands of their parents will stand much less likelihood of ever someday becoming homeless and destitute in their adulthood. It cannot be disputed that the inheritance laws in our nation are mostly defective and inadequate and that they do not protect the individuals who rely upon them the most. Anyone who followed the trial of the Menendez brothers is likely aware of that fact.
Suga Shea? How do you even know that the nameless teenage girl who was sexually involved with Mr. Vazquez for two years got hurt? Everything you say in your video about Mr. Vazquez is pure speculation. You refuse to get out of your mindset that this nameless teenage girl is no different from a toddler who watches Saturday morning cartoons and plays with crayons. You show yourself to hold this same belief about every adolescent over the age of twelve. You’re not living in the real world, and you should not be making statements about Mr. Vazquez that you cannot back up.
Suga Shea? I may not be a religious person. However, I pray and hope that no 14- or 15-year-old boy ever rapes you, because if he does, you will not think of him as being a little kid while he is on top of you, violating your body in every way possible. After it is all over and done, his parents will probably charge you with statutory rape despite that you were the young boy’s victim inasmuch as they will not want their son to be locked up in a penal facility or anywhere. You will find yourself eating your own words. Now, don’t get me wrong. I would never wish such an atrocity on any woman, but you may become one of those people who have to learn the hard way.
Suga Shea doesn’t show herself to be in a sound enough psychological state of mind to be passing judgment on Mr. Vazquez. She even admits in her video that she herself has issues with her own sexuality, even though she does not hesitate to make false accusations against Mr. Vazquez of being a pedophile. Then again, it seems that many of these self-appointed pedo-experts have serious issues with their sexuality, and, therefore, they have to misconstrue situations like that of Mr. Vazquez in a belligerent manner only to make themselves feel better.
Suga Shea’s viewers appear to be on the lower end of the totem pole of Darwinist evolution in that some of their statements are laughably stupid. For example, as she was reading comments from her viewers aloud, she indicated that one of her viewers had used the word “pedophiler,” which is not even a real word in the English language or even the Greek language. Whenever you hear that expression “pedophiler,” you can almost be rest assured that whoever is using it knows very little or nothing about pedophilia and has likely never read the DSM-5 to look up its specific definition.
Another one of Suga Shea’s viewers stated to her, “Wealthy elites are pedos. They control most sh–.” My response to that statement is that if such an assertion were true, then why would eighteen be the statutory age of consent in many state jurisdictions of our nation?
After watching Suga Shea’s entire aimless YouTube video, I did the unthinkable and I read her video’s comments section, not expecting to find anything posted there that was any less intellectually bankrupt than what she had stated in her video. Most of the YouTubers that posted in her comments section were just as brainwashed as she was.
In the comments section of Suga Shea’s video, YouTuber NORTH CAROLINA MUSIC posted, “Pedophiles deserve death.” I agree with you, NORTH CAROLINA MUSIC, if those pedophiles have sexually victimized a prepubescent child. However, Mr. Vazquez is not a pedophile, because he never sexually victimized any prepubescent child; and no mental-health professional has ever formally diagnosed him as a pedophile. His nameless teenage sex partner may not even really be a victim outside the realms of the law in the event that he never forced or pressured her into having sexual intercourse with him.
In the comments section therein, Aaron Potter posted:
He was bumpin that KRS-1, 13 and good. Believe it or not, its older guys that justify having intercourse with little girls by saying "Well she was already sexually active" because she had sex with someone already and is not a virgin. So I'm with you Shea, leave the kids for the kids. But obviously, some people are attracted to little kids.
Mr. Potter? Mr. Vazquez did not have sex with a little kid. She was not a prepubescent child but rather an adolescent. There is a big difference. And, yes, I get that you buy into all this pedophile-panic propaganda that has misled you to believe in your make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection. However, it is not as simple as you think it is.
Mr. Potter? Let me ask you this one question. If a 15-year-old boy brutally raped your mother, would you think of him as a little kid? You probably wouldn’t. Also, if your great aunt were to tell you that she got married at 14 years old to a man ten years older than her, you’d probably have an easier time wrapping your head around it than you would if you were to find out that some 15-year-old punk was messing around with your 6-year-old niece. Therefore, you need to get rid of this misconception of yours that teenage girls are still wearing diapers up until they are legally old enough to vote.
Mr. Potter? You actually believe that a 13-, 14- or 15-year-old girl would be better off with a boy her own age than with an adult man older than her under any circumstances? Okay, perhaps you should try fixing a girl that young up with that 15-year-old boy in Ohio who was convicted of raping a 64-year-old woman described in my Steemit article titled “Idaho Wisely Rejects Underage Marriage Bill” back when he was 14 years old. See how that relationship would go. Perhaps you’d want to hook her up with someone like Philip Chism. He was a 14-year-old boy who raped and killed his 24-year-old schoolteacher. Otherwise, maybe you’d want to introduce her to Nathan Walker, Avion Lawson or Jakaris Taylor. They all three committed sexual atrocities against a 35-year-old mother and her 12-year-old son in West Palm Beach, Florida. Therefore, I’m sure a teenage girl would have a fun time with them.
Mr. Potter? You probably realize by now that I’m being sarcastic in the above paragraph. However, I have to be so, because I’m sick and tired of you self-appointed pedo-experts and self-proclaimed child advocates always sugarcoating these same-age and similar-age relationships involving adolescents with the sole purpose of supporting your lame and cliché arguments against adult/adolescent relationships. Adult/adolescent romantic relationships have absolutely nothing to do with pedophilia. Same-age and similar-age relationships among adolescents are not all what they appear to be. Sarah Palin could tell you that much. She told Oprah Winfrey so in her interview with her that is shown in the video below.
Sarah Palin Explains To Oprah Winfrey How Levi Johnston Put Fame And Fortune Before His Own Son
In the above video clip from an interview between Oprah Winfrey and Sarah Palin from so many years ago, Oprah Winfrey brought up the subject of Levi Johnston, who is the father of Sarah Palin’s grandson, Tripp. Sarah Palin stressed to her that Levi Johnston had been a no-show for his scheduled visits with Tripp, because he was too busy with his media tours. The irony of it all is that Levi Johnston could have taken all the money that he had earned from his media tours and paid all the back child support money that he had owed to Tripp’s mother, Bristol Palin, back then. Instead, he squandered most of it away on material possessions that he did not need. Therefore, Mr. Potter, all is not always so pristine and beautiful in the garden of same-age-adolescent romances as you obviously believe.
In the comments section of Suga Shea’s video, Nichele Stevens posted:
Straight up nasty he's going too say he didn't know how old she is. One thing I know a lot of Spanish cultures care less about age.I think a man like him wants a a child too get in her head,control,making her wide open and then he got her sick individual.And I know nobody's perfect but I do hate pedos,WS,rapist serial killers etcc...
Okay, Ms. Stevens. I may not agree with anything you stated in your post, but you do have a right to your opinion. However, don’t be accusing Mr. Vazquez of being a pedophile if he doesn’t even qualify to be one under the criteria of the DSM-5. What you’re doing is character assassination. You don’t have the right to make him out to be a serial child rapist. The man hasn’t even stood trial yet for the charges against him related to his two-year relationship with the nameless teenage girl.
Once in a while I used to watch this one Showtime series called Californication. As you can clearly see from the title of the series, it was not family-friendly. However, it had its abundance of funny moments. In the first season of that same Showtime series, the protagonist named Hank Moody, whose role was played by David Duchovny, became sexually involved with what he believed to be a college girl approaching her early twenties. It was not until after he had sexual intercourse with her that he found out that she was really 16 years old, and the statutory age of consent in California, of course, was 18 years old and has been so since the year 1913.
The entire scenario encompassing this same liaison came with the usual jokes. For example, there was a scene in that series in which the 16-year-old girl assured Hank Moody that he would not have to flee to France to go to live with Roman Polanski. Eventually, the authorities found out about the liaison, and they arrested Hank Moody on a charge of statutory rape. Several characters on the show cracked jokes about child molestation inasmuch as Hank Moody was going to trial for his sexual involvement with a teenage girl who was not yet old enough to vote.
Now, I agree that child molestation is no laughing manner. However, when our society allows for all the self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts to lump the sexual molestation of prepubescent children in together with incidents involving unlawful sexual intercourse between adults and willing teenagers, this is the kind of adverse effect that ensues. That is, many people begin to act insensitive about child molestation altogether. The irony of it is that self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts strive for the opposite effect.
Self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts want the court of public opinion to believe that an adult having harmless sexual relations with a willing teenager is no different from a habitual child molester grabbing a toddler off a playground to commit unspeakable acts against her, and, to a great degree, they have achieved this same effect on many people. However, the magnitude of harm that these self-righteous do-gooders are inflicting upon society in that they are also causing many people to become desensitized to the entire tragedy of child molestation far outweighs any benefits they believe that they are deriving from this same practice of theirs.
At the end of the day, our nation ends up with way too many individuals who are wrongfully branded as pedophiles because of misinformation on what pedophilia really is, and our nation also ends up with way too many small children whose sexual victimization goes unpunished inasmuch as this same misrepresentation of what pedophilia and child molestation really are causes widespread desensitization among average Americans.

4. My Conclusion To This Topic
While I do agree that adolescents younger than 18 years of age may not have the same experience and social skills that adults over the age of eighteen do to deal with all the difficulties that come their way in the romance marketplace, it does not do justice to misguide the public into believing that adolescents who are too young to vote are equally as gullible and impressionable as prepubescent children under the age of eleven. Overall, teenage girls don’t wear diapers.
Despite any pedophile-panic propaganda that self-appointed pedo-experts like Pam Jones and Suga Shea may deliver to their viewers regarding situations like that of baseball player Felipe Vazquez, Mr. Vazquez has not yet been tried for the charges against him and he shall remain innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Moreover, even though the laws may deem him to have sexually victimized the teenage girl with whom he was involved for two years, reality may have it that he never did anything to harm this girl and that she wanted the sexual intercourse as much as he did. Moreover, it is possible that a girl that age can have a much more positive sexual experience with a man in his twenties or older than she would with a boy her own age, because there are so many teenage minor boys who use and abuse these girls for their own selfish sexual gratification as I have described herein.
As Americans, we all need to resist any attempts that self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts like Pam Jones and Suga Shea make to get any of us to buy into their make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection, and we need to treat their pedophile-panic propaganda as harmful misinformation. If any of us find ourselves serving on a jury for a trial similar to that of the ones that Felipe Vazquez will be facing in Florida and Pennsylvania, we all have to remember that we have the right to apply the doctrine of jury nullification to the verdict in the event that we find that sending a defendant like him to prison will not serve justice.
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''that she believes that 17-year-old girls are still young enough to be objects of pedophilia''
Naglfar94.exe has stopped working please reset system.
When I read that part that the lady in the video said that my mind nearly shut down wtf? no..no is a joke right? please tell me it was just a joke that lady really did not say that it is not a joke though is it? she really meant it I..I have no words.
I had to comment about that part there I am not even done reading this whole thing yet I am baffled at the... oh..oh my...please excuse me while I cry in silence for these people oh my god...there is no way anyone could be this stupid on this or that much without knowledge that-..oh...I..I just..wow.
Yeah. I don't think this woman really should have been making a video like that on YouTube. She was commenting on something that she's not informed about, but that's how those self-appointed pedo-experts are. They think they even know more than the experts. Unfortunately, many of them are finding their way over to Steemit, and now the Steemit writing platform is starting to become more and more inundated with this same kind of propaganda.
As much as I hate the Resource Credits system here on Steemit, part of me can understand why it was implemented. Before there were any such thing as Resource Credits here on Steemit, it was nice for me to be able to post however many articles or comments I wanted to without worrying about any posting limit. The only real downside of it was all the trolls I had to deal with on Steemit back then. Fortunately, after Steemit implemented the Resource Credits system, a lot of those same trolls disappeared from the platform.
Nevertheless, these self-appointed pedo-experts are beginning to migrate over from YouTube to Steemit. I came across an article by one of them recently regarding a politician on the East Coast who got his 17-year-old secretary pregnant and then married her after she turned eighteen. This politician may not be a poster boy for family values, but the Steemian who wrote the article was way out of line in continuously calling him a pedophile throughout his article simply because the girl that this politician married was one year shy of the voting age when he first became involved with her. I was going to give this Steemian a piece of my mind in his comments section, but I figured that he wasn't worth expending my Resource Credits on.
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I didn't realize how crippling that last fork was to the little fellas.
Freebornangel? Thank you. However, before I could do that, I would need to know exactly how to do that. This would be the first time that I would be claiming my rewards in the 2 and a half years that I've been on the Steemit platform.
If you could provide me with a link to a set of instructions, I would greatly appreciate it. Or if you could explain the process to me directly, then that would even be better. :-)
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Thank you. :-)
You're welcome @epicenterdefacto
also I have a question heh call me naive or inexperienced about all this if you will and I am in a lot of ways or maybe I view things with a much more innocent outlook but..since you mentioned it what are these ''difficulties'' in the romantic markeplace you speak of? and what some other people claim?
I-I dunno what are these difficulties?? if two people are together and it is a stable pairup there should be nothing to worry about yes? I can see if a couple was perhaps a bit toxic or had some issues but what is to come for a perfectly loving couple? what are these ''difficulties'' that many mentions? and wouldn't it make more sense that it is really only exclusive to certain couples? I believe that experiences and difficulties if any at all is different from couple to couple because of different individuals..bah I don't know it leaves me scratching my head in confusion because there shouldn't be any problems if you are a perfectly stable couple together.
anyway great article enjoyed and resteemed to mine as always.
Naglfar94? I'm glad that you brought this to my attention, because what I meant to say in my article above was "romance marketplace." I went ahead and corrected it therein. Essentially, YouTuber Coach Red Pill provides a video regarding what those difficulties in the romance marketplace are. I embedded that same video in Part 1 of my Steemit article titled "President Trump Should Veto Immigration Bill Regarding Underage Marriage." So that you don't have to look for that video in that article, I've gone ahead and have embedded it here in my response for you to view. Here it is:
I don't agree with every single, solitary thing that YouTuber Coach Red Pill says in his videos, but I think that he went above and beyond in the video above. Of course, however, I do disagree with him on his point about how nobody should ever stray outside their pasture under any circumstances. Anyhow, I'm happy that you liked reading my article above, and I appreciate that you took the time to read it. :-)