Bitcoin Free Waterfall

in #news7 years ago

Crypto Bitcoin currency is still phenomenal. This digital asset has a very fast movement from rising to falling down
There is a bitcoin user who suffered a huge loss named, Sean Russel, he has invested in bitcoin since November last year.

At that time he invested US $ 120,000 (Rp. 1.8 billion) and then within 1 month the investment jumped to US $ 500,000, (Rp. 7.4 billion) he was happy to be able to collect huge profits in a short time,
When I woke up at that time, I saw that the value was increasing, "he said.

But in December bitcoin was at the level of US $ 20,000, and is currently down trading at US $ 6,300. Alias ​​is already free.
he also tried to reduce losses by transferring bitcoin to bitcoin cash, and other crypto money such as ethereum and Ripple unfortunately his efforts did not yield the loss he experienced had reached 96%.

this loss made me devastated and the trauma I had seen about bankrupt billionaires and now I am in that position.
a cryptocurrancy researcher Michel Rauchs explained that indeed the increase in bitcoin prices is unpredictable, unfortunately many inexperienced investors like housewife students even grandmother's grandmother who only follow the trend.
they are notified by adverts if this investment in bitcoin is a good opportunity, they are affected and buy but now they are suffering huge losses,
previously there were those who warned investors not to look at bitcoin as an investment instrument, last week fell more than 20% in the past two days after Bussinea Insider
issue a report if Investment bank Goldman Sachs cancels plans for the sale of cryptocurrancy ...
