Commemorating the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the Giant Flag was flown.

in #news7 years ago


Commemorating the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the Giant Flag was flown.

The enthusiasm of the Bireuen community awaits the seconds of the proclamation of the 73rd anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. The momentum is something that is very forgotten for us, of course.


Flying the Red and White Flag measuring 27 x 10 meters was raised at the intersection of Cot Panglima, Jalan Bireuen - Takengon, Kecamatan Juli, Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province - Indonesia, Friday, 08/17/2018.

The large size of the flag was raised in order to welcome the 73rd Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. The raising of the Heritage Flag was carried out by four rock climbers from the Indonesian Rock Climbing Federation, preparation for the success of the event carried out long ago.


This activity also involved a number of students, students, military, police, 40 communities and elements of community elements.


Memperingati HUT Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, Bendera Raksasa di Kibarkan.

Antusias Masyarakat Bireuen menanti detik - detik Proklamasi Hari Ulang Tahun Republik Indonesia Ke - 73 sangat luar biasa. Momentum tersebut menjadi hal yang sangat dilupakan bagi kita tentunya.

Pengibaran Bendera Merah Putih berukuran 27X10 meter dikibarkan ditebing Cot Panglima, Jalan Bireuen - Takengon, Kecamatan Juli, Kabupaten Bireuen, Provinsi Aceh - Indonesia, Jumat, 17/8/2018.


Pengibaran Bendera dengan ukuran besar ini dalam rangka menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ke 73. Pengibaran Bendera Pusaka dilakukan oleh empat pemanjat tebing dari Federasi Pemanjat Tebing Indonesia, persiapan demi suksesnya acara tersebut dilakukan sejak jauh hari sebelumnya.


Kegiatan ini juga melibatkan sejumlah Mahasiswa, Pelajar, TNI, POLRI, 40 Komunitas dan Unsur Elemen Masyarakat.


Thank you infinity to @whalepower @bullionstackers @mysteem @goodkarma @estellereuh @paul-gillbanks @dragonpower @busy @hr1