Conservative Brief taking dumb to a new level
If you follow my blog you probably already know that I have a tremendous disdain for all clickbait news that is rooted in opinion but attempts to gaslight the public with half-truths, opinions disguised as facts, or just outright lies. I am conservative but I will still call out these sort of BS in publications that at least in theory, are meant to be on my side.
It honestly wouldn't surprise me a bit of Conservative Brief, which has more of a social media following than any of the major news outlets other than Fox, was actually a site controlled by left-leaning people that are intentionally trying to make conservative news look bad. Well, if that is their objective, whether intentional or not, they can certainly claim that their mission has been accomplished.

Here's a version of the blurb that is appearing all over social media in various ways and forms across all platforms. This is an eye-catching headline but in today's world where people have the attention span of a goldfish, most people are just going to walk away from this presuming that Tucker was attacked by someone for political reasons since he is a mouthpiece of conservative values.
Most people wouldn't even bother to read the article that this links to and just go about their day telling others that Tucker was attacked and that conservatives need to be more vigilant.... That might sound like the words of a moron but folks, that is the kind of world we live in now, unfortunately.
Now let's have a look at the actual article.

Ok, the article is still not looking great. Attacked him while he was asleep! Those liberal cowards! How dare they! And yes the article is from 2024 but this just makes it worse because this is circulating a 2nd time NOW. It has appeared in the social media news cycle by Conservative Brief just yesterday. If someone isn't going to even read the whole article, what are the chances they are going to check the 2-point font below the enormous headline?
If you actually DO read the article though, you will see the real story and understand very quickly that this is simply a recounting of something that Tucker SAYS happened and was never confirmed by anyone. Then it steps over to a spiritual side that I think most people would simply shake their heads at.
In the article here is how Tucker was "assaulted" and I am directly quoting the words in the article.
I got attacked while I was asleep with my wife and four dogs in the bed … and mauled. Physically mauled by a demon or by something unseen that left claw marks on my sides,”

Say what now?
Tucker claims he had 4 claw marks on both sides of his body and was bleeding because he was attacked by demons in his sleep and this converted him to Christianity or something. I stopped really paying attention at this point because the article did an abrupt about-face when they then started talking about how he skyrocketed to the number 1 spot with his podcast after he left Fox or was fired from Fox.
So what do you, dear reader, think the real purpose of this trash article actually was? Are they attempting to cater to the religiously insane market, were they trying to sneak in another flex about Tucker getting so popular in podcasting since they had already written about that? Or were they trying to create fake news with the headline knowing that a large percentage of people aren't even going to read the article and just assume that Tucker was physically assaulted even though there is no proof of this at all?
Sadly, I fear it is a combination of all three... and if Conservative Brief's viewer numbers are any indication of success, it is working.
If you are getting ANY information from Conservative Brief I strongly recommend that you stop doing so immediately, especially if you only read the headlines. Click on basically any article that they write and you will see that the headlines are 90% BS, 90% of the time.
Almost all other "news outlets" do the same thing and the reason why they continue to do this is because the masses eat it up every time. We have to stop this ourselves, they aren't going to!