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RE: Fake Narratives Need To Be Called Out - The Rise Of Fake Hate Crimes

in #news6 years ago (edited)

The left has gone too far since Trump got elected. All they do is invoke racism, sexism, anti-semitism or homophobia to justify their narrative, block any dialogue and get away with anything! I'm glad the Chicago PD has done their diligent work to expose Jussie's big lie, and I hope he will get the jail time he deserves for his crime. In fact, his case might get beyond the police level, since the FBI is investigating him too for the auto-hate letter he mailed himself, which falls under a federal offense. That means additional prison for him. The media and Hollywood rushed in their hateful pre-judgement when Jussie the VICTIM set up his story which fitted their anti-Trump narrative, without verification or waiting for the police investigation to conclude. This bullshit has been happening non-stop for years, until today where justice seems to prevail (we're yet to see whether the case goes to trial and whether he will be found guilty and jailed).

P.S. Lara Logan was recently interviewed on FOX news where she exposed the media's liberal bias.


it does seem to go too far quite often. I talk about why the left seems to get a pass invoking hatefulness even when they claim they are the victims of it, or at least where that mindset comes from in my latest post called Why People Love Socialism

This victim mentality is more prominent in the last few decades and that post explores possible reasons for this and its link to the shift in our education over the last couple of generations. You may find it interesting.

I'll watch the link you send me and get back to you about it. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my post.