Game of Thrones - Arya Stark & the Many Faced God - Secret REVEALED!!!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

The Many Faced God & Arya Stark are really Hermetic-Kabbalah Magicians!!!

Yes, that's right they are Magicians in the REAL MAGICK sense.

Here's the CLUES.

#1 Clue) The Doors to his Temple are Black & White.

These colors are the same as the Pillars for Severity & Mercy (aka. Boaz & Jachin) as seen on the High Priestess Tarot Card & is also present on the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

These Pillars are representative of the Feminine Energy (Severity) Arya Stark & the Masculine Energy (Mercy) The Many Faced God.

#2 Clue) In Magick, a Magician walks between the Pillars of Mercy & Severity on what's called the Path of Mildness, as they have equilibrium between both the Masculine (FIRE element) & the Feminine (WATER element)Forces.

In Buddhism, this person has the title of a Buddha and it's called Walking the Middle Path.

In Christianity, this person is called a Saint or even a Christ and it's called Walking in the Light of Christ or the Path of God.

#3 Clue) A Magician is a Master of the Four Elements - Fire, Water, Air, & Earth

As you can see on the table in front of the Magician are his Tools: Sword(Fire), Cup (Water), Staff (Air), Coin (Earth). Often times a Sword can be represented by a Knife.

And as you can remember, when Arya and the Assassin first met he was carrying a Sword, a Knife, and offered her his Calling Card, a Coin. Later, if you remember, Arya and the Waif often sparred with a Staff. Then finally, inside the Temple, when the Many Faced God was helping people to end their lives, he'd have them drink from his last Magician's tool, a Black Cup.

#4 Clue) The God of Many Faces wears a Magician's Cloak inside his Temple.

All Magicians always wear a Hooded Cloak inside their Temple.

#5 Clue) The Elements of FIRE, WATER & AIR are Fundamentally needed for a Magician to Manifest something into the 4th Element, the Earth Realm.

And, these Three Elements are found all over, inside his Temple, The House of Black & White.

There's pools of Water. There's burning Fireplaces and Cups of burning oil throughout the Temple. Also, the Temple itself, for being technically "a House" has a very "Airy" feeling to it with it's Sky-high, Cathedral-like ceilings. And finally, I'd like to add the very material the Temple is constructed of is Stone, and a perfect example of a solid Earth Element.

#6 Clue) The Man of Many Faces is NO ONE.

Okay, there is a very Deep Secret I cannot reveal about this... Sorry, No Can Do, Amigos!

But, I promise if You Ever Decide to earnestly Learn the Mystery of Kabbalah Magick, then I promise, you will find out what I am talking about... This is something that has to be Experienced by a True Seeker of the Truth.

However! ... I can tell you, because you can read it in any Hermetic Magick book, Aside from the 4 Elements, there is a Fifth Element.

This 5th Element is called, The Akasha. And, it is considered the Great Unknowable, the Grand Infinity, The All, God, Universal Consciousness, etc.

It is the Place that is No Place. In this Reality, there is no such thing as Time or Space... It just IS.

But, yet, everything that has Ever Been, Is Now, or is Going to Be, comes from the Akasha... Like Jesus said in the Bible, "I Am the Alpha and the Omega." (Both the Beginning and the End.) ....... And, like the Many Faced God said, "I am No One." And, he's right because, like the Akasha, he is both No One & Everyone, because you have to remember, as a Magician, He has Mastered All of the Elements.

  • Btw, there is a LOT MORE about this, that delves deeply into Magick, but I think this should be enough to Rest My Case that both Arya Stark & The Many Faced God are both Hermetic-Kabbalah Magicians.

Hope You Enjoyed My GOT Theory!


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