New Books Tuesday: May 8
Many people know that Wednesday is New Comics day. Somewhat less known is the fact that Tuesday, in the US, is New Books day.

Weekly disclaimer: This weekly post highlights some of the books being published on any given week, usually in the science fiction and fantasy genres, both YA and books for adults. I am VERY likely to miss cool new books, so please feel free to tell me about them in the comments. Sometimes these will be books I've read a pre-publishing copy of, but most of the time, they will not. These are books I find notable, but I certainly don't read fast enough in English to be able to read all the cool books that come out every week.
As I wrote last week, May is bringing many, many books. And this week is bringing one of my most anticipated books of the year.

This isn't just my most anticipated book of the week, it is one of my most anticipated books of 2018. All Systems Red, the first Murderbot novella, was a breakout book. It is also going to be the next book published by Nova Press, my tiny Israeli publishing company. I've had the audiobook of the sequel on pre-order for a while, and while you're reading this, I'm probably listening to it. I can't really say anything about the book without spoiling the first Murderbot novella. So just go get that and read it if you haven't. If you have, you're probably reading the sequel too.

Here's the thing. I don't really care about this novel or the series it starts. Another epic fantasy series about dudes? I almost fell asleep twice while writing that last sentence. But Feist is one of the most popular fantasy writers ever, and I'm sure I have readers who will be happy to know he's got a new series.

Kenyon's necromantic historical fantasy series, about demons and and deadmen (and deadwomen) is well reviewed and the first novel has done well. It looks fun!

This is a far future space opera, with what seems like a large convoluted plot and two separate storylines. This is the sort of novel that is hard to pull off, but can be great if successful.

People love police procedurals. People - myself included - love science fiction. So this is a reasonable combination. K.R. Richardson is the science fiction pseudonym of Kat Richardson, who is a successful fantasy author.

This is the most ambitious novel by successful paranormal romance author Lilith Saintcrow. This is an American dystopia, a story of revenge in the wake of a second American civil war.

This is the latest English translation of a Witcher novel by Andrzej Sapkowski, the series on which the successful game series is based. It's a prequel, of sorts, telling the story of Geralt's rise to fame and notoriety as a witcher.

It's a good thing this book's advertising material shouts out Philip K. Dick, because otherwise, the tell-tale signs of homage would have been way more problematic. This is an updated look at that basic PKD question: Is reality real, or is it some sort of simulation. With a tech entrepreneur dude as its lead, though, I find myself less interested. Sorry, tech entrepreneur readers.

Necromancy in the service of friendship and solving a murder mystery? This has my attention. On twitter, Anderson called it "the fat Mexican Wiccan story of your dreams," and I didn't know I wanted that until I just read that.
What are you looking forward to reading?
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New Books Tuesday

Sci-Fi/Fantasy isn't really my bag, but I do love me some historical fiction (especially if it includes time travel!) I did find some intriguing books or at least authors from this list that I want to look into further, though.
The "King of Ashes" cover caught my eye, but your review saved me from wasting my time! Thank you. I love these concise, not plot revealing blurbs you write. So perfect!