ORANGE MENACE: Trump Focus On Opioid Law Enforcement, Not Treatment [dTube]

in #news7 years ago

This is not good. Donald Trump has promised to make fighting the opioid epidemic a priority of his administration, but now the president appears to be more focused on enforcement rather than treatment. We KNOW that this doesn't work. The problem is NOT street dealers, it is the issue of how people are getting hooked on these drugs to begin with.

▶️ DTube

I never see @Davidpakman respond... 😔Please dont treat us like the side chick man 😂.. YouTube aint treating you right...

I respond to people all the time. Best of luck.

Lol nice... it worked!!!😉 Keep it up. Love your show. Been watching daily for a While.

Yep, it's the same thing with his post's content, very one-sided...
Guess he's still stuck in the Left-Right paradigm (a.k.a. divide and conquer)

The opioid issue is multi-faceted and requires a multi-faceted solution. It's like termites attacking your house. You can't just cut off their water supply and hope they don't find or already have a back-up source. You can't just fix the damage and hope they won't attack it in the same place again. You can't just kill the bugs and assume the damage they created won't cause structural issues at some later date. You need to simultaneously kill the bugs, cut off the water supply, and fix the damage they produce. If you cherry-pick a portion of the opioid issue to save money or other resources it will just continue to be an issue in other areas and ways.

Interesting analogy

@davidpakman I agree with you completely that it is a public health issue and needs to be addressed as such.

Warning don’t read if your not up for the bad!
I have seen too many people now fall between the cracks we call our medical system here in Canada. It is definitely not the drug dealers on the streets that created a demand but rather the pharmaceutical industry that gets people addicted to the drugs they can’t afford to pay for when coverages laps, furthermore the physicians don’t seem to correctly explain the need to wean yourself off of the drugs they prescribe you.

I personally have had an issue with this and antidepressant, was terrible for me but I lived. A few years ago now I lost my best buddy Tristan Watterworth to his battle with depression, they had put him on a combination of lithium and Saraquill(may not be spelled correctly) which is opiate-based knowing full well they were reactive with alcohol and he was a drinker and he overdosed because of it.

1 1\2years ago my brother Carl had a stroke, he was put on Fentanyl and after being clean from crack for 25 years he went back to it trying to smother the addiction he was left with after the hospital.

My other friend Ryan was run over by his ex-drug dealer after getting clean for 9 months, ended up being put on Fentanyl and again when released was not given the supplies to be able to wean himself off. Ryan Hill overdosed after I went out of my way to help him get off the streets for a second time, he was clean for 3 months and found out his body was failing him from Fentanyl abuse which he only had in the hospital!

Then there is my mother, who after her death I found out was schizophrenic somehow never told anyone for 20ish years. She died from heart disease caused from drug abuse and her autopsy revealed it was street drugs and through our research of her prescriptions found that she had not been given the correct dosages to wean her off successfully. So as you pointed out she was forced to go to streets and none of us knew any of it because of her mental state, very good at hiding her flaw.

In short I highly suggest everyone stays away from anything opiate-based unless absolutely necessary and you do your own research into how to wean yourself off successfully so you don’t fall between the cracks like some of the people I love.

They need to fill their private prisons somehow. They didn't give Jeff Sessions money for nothing in return.

The hard line approach is most likely going to make things worse. Just look at what is going on in eastern Europe and Russia. instead of treatment, the decades long hard line approach to the opioid epidemic there has caused an AIDS/HIV epidemic and led the the creation of horrible street drugs like Krokodil. Krokodil is essentially a heroin substitute which is made with codeine/opioid derivatives that is cooked with gasoline and other solvents. Taking Krokodil is a death sentence because it dissolves the human body from the inside out.

the main problem of going after the dealers is that there is always someone ready to take there place.
so I agree with you 100% stop the problem we need to fix it from where it starts and not what it turns into.

Yeah, but Big Pharma probably donated to his campaign and the people more traditionally considered to be drug pushers and dealers most likely did not.

Trump financed his own campaign. He did not get Big Pharma money.

The problem is that the U.S. under what is being called the "deep state" fought a fake war in order to corner the worlds market on opium and through their backdoor dealings are pushing it in prescription form to hook people and then when they are classified as addicts they conveniently have street heroin readily available through the "deep state's" drug smuggling rings. These are crimes and we need tough law enforcement to stop it. Furthermore "treatment" is run and approved by the insurance companies and medical corporations that are also part of this "deep state" and no effective treatment is possible as long as they are in control of the whole sphere of opium and opium addiction.
We need both strong enforcement and effective treatment.
To say that by going after tough enforcement is ignoring the need for treatment is a dishonest premise.

Studies indicate medical marijuana reduces opioid use and addiction. Marijuana is legal in DC. Ironic, right? I have an idea to fill the prisons, incarcerate all the pedophiles and LE who engage in surveillance abuse of innocent Americans. Problem solved.

I foresee that President Trump will legalize cannabis for recreational use nation wide, this will be one of the main reasons he will win the next election. Bookmark this and come back in 2020 and roast me if he didn't do it.

Maybe Trump knows that too & that's the reason he is doing it. He probably does't want it to work.