Colombia A Developing Country Or Underdevelopment?

in #news6 years ago

Before starting the next reading, the concepts of development and underdevelopment must be clear; the first term occurs in countries which have the capacity to assume the needs of their inhabitants, that is, to fulfill the purposes of prosperity, economic and social welfare; the second, is visualized when a State is not good enough in the production of wealth, having a failure to provide public services or productive capacities, where the great social differences are observed, these reinforce even more the poverty indexes.

Now, in the direction towards the presentation of this essay I take into account my position on the application of the policy which I perceive as a tool that aims to improve the quality of life and therefore the scope of development, this through policies public which assumes a role in society by shaping the economic phenomena present in it; Emphasis is placed on the importance of taking them seriously, they must be analyzed for their viability, their future benefit and their pretensions. If you decide to take a critical look, you can distinguish in the Colombian context as these policies have mutated into two classes: So then, on the one hand, we have public policies that provide opportunities (try to reduce inequality in the State); and in an opposite sense are those responsible for making market access impossible (policies aimed at keeping the poor and rich in their respective roles) which is perceived according to events that manage to speak for themselves, a clear example of this is Agro Insurance Income; It will also seek to analyze how these public policies can be applied by different economic models which are ultimately those that will determine whether they will lead the country after the developed or if on the contrary they stagnate in the underdeveloped, in conclusion I will seek to resolve through the facts that the question raised will be addressed: Colombia a developing or underdeveloped country?

Starting a country towards its development should be the main objective of any political leader, applying public policies without affecting the environment, generating conservation of resources, benefit all social sectors and not only minorities, but clearly this objective is seen truncated by corruption a monster present in society, many ignore it and many others prefer not to talk about it. Clearly we have made a mistake in making a hasty generalization to relate almost always if not always to politics as synonymous with corruption.

Politics is not bad in fact it is defined by some theorists as "the ideological form, power is focused on a group of people who lead and watch over the guarantees of a population." That is politics, a way of thinking, for means of which by legitimizing the exercise of power to certain people through elections exercising the famous right to democracy, it is expected of these people whom Colombians choose, represent and seek ways to generate progress in society. But there is the problem, a bad application of politics, once they rise to power, they forget the people, they do not start to think for society, but instead they seek to benefit certain minorities, generating huge inequality gaps, the problem lies more in the fact of the non-existence of the figure of democracy, going out to vote is not synonymous with democracy when those who govern and oppress us have always been the same, that is, we are very much like some dictatorships of the 21st century, Charles Bukowski a US writer, died in 1994 shares the same idea presented, he expressly said: "the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in democracy you can vote before obeying orders."

The wise words of Bukowski can not be left in that, in words. Observe how in our country we have been governed by them, as we have had dictatorships that have excluded several social sectors, especially the lower sectors in the social scale; they have been democracies that are selective and worst of all they handle a degree of injustice that really is outrageous, and as I said before, that corruption is a monster that is present and that many decide to ignore because to face it really implies risks, and I think it is pertinent to say what a friend once told me about what he thought of our country, although it is a reality, it is still a bit pessimistic for perception, that friend of mine said "if one is very good he dies of old age, if you are Amalas kill him and if he tries to do things right, threaten him or kill him "in such a situation I did not know how to react but it is part of the reality in which we move, all the false democratic concept that we have is really moving through a system corrupt electoral, media sold to power, the branches of public power do not seem to be clear about the concept of Check and Balance that is so fundamental in a social state of law co the one with Colombia.

So far, it seems that those who are guilty of everything are all those corrupt Colombian politicians and, in being in power, they have sought to benefit some minorities; however, we must admit that they have come to power for the people, a people who have suffered from ignorance, a people who have assumed great tax burdens, the people not receiving what is necessary for their development, with the impossibility of having an education free and quality because those who exercise power want it.

They want it and they do it through public policies and here is the center of the debate, those policies have already lost their end in themselves, and it would be very hypocritical to say the opposite for it on the one hand, we have public policies that provide opportunities (treat to reduce inequality in the State); for example, the policies of the type Save save that had great impact and came out favorably with the problem of a possible rationing of energy in the words of the president saints "Today we can say that thanks to the horro of Colombians there is no longer the specter of a energy rationing ", who after the policy promoted the # Apagarpagó evidence a public policy directed by the ministry of mines at that time led by someone who had related or adequate titles for the management of that ministry and not as it was known a few days ago Because of the problem of the oil spill, the person in charge of the Ministry of the Environment was an industrial engineer who did not have any studies on the care of the environment.

In an opposite sense are those responsible for making market access impossible (policies aimed at keeping the poor and the rich in their respective roles) which is perceived according to facts that manage to speak for themselves, a clear example of this is Agro Income Political insurance implemented in the Government of the current senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez who sínicamente presented the project as an aid to farmers to have the chance to grow economically and progress, this situation seemed very good, who does not like the fact of supporting the poorest peasant class, but everything was a sham, because in reality the policy focused on giving money to large landowners, people who had large tracts of land and many supporters of the political ideology of the aforementioned president, and as These public policies are many, which instead of serving to change the social reality and take it to the Developing countries seek to keep political elites and wealthy families at the top who only care about making their heritage grow, and unfortunately something happens that in a few words is summarized in giving the rich the opportunities to participate in politics, business with the state, the best quality of education and the people only give them the option of going out to participate in elections and paying taxes.

So the real point is the type of government that we have, since these political modes, these ideologies are what define the progress and welfare of the country, so, if we know that the ideology of the right only benefits the big businessmen, to those who are from ostentatious and wealthy families Why do people keep voting for them? I believe ignorantly that it is because they still have the hope of having an ideal country, but really, should we continue to vote for them despite having that hope? I think not, that it is time for change and give an opportunity to people who have not participated, people who think differently and can show that it is possible to change the country and change it for the better and leave the fear that if we vote for someone differently our government will enter into crisis. I would have liked to raise an analysis about the current proposals and the economic future posed by each presidential candidate for our country and how its future public policies would be, but I think that the issue is a bit out of the question and on the other hand that proposal could be understood as a persuasion for the political choice that the reader could have so I end this letter affirming that Colombia is not a developed country and for that it needs a lot to change many social and cultural aspects and policies should be more inclusive, where all the people without depending of their economic situation have the same possibility, it is possible to affirm that we are in the process of development but we do not stop being an underdeveloped State.

Cristian Andres PortillaPobreza-y-Desigualdad-en-Colombia.jpg