Soros got hacked. Can you guess what we found?

in #news9 years ago


It's a hackers world order on this edition of New World Next Week as the age of virtual flag terror arrives with full force. Who hacked who this week? And what was revealed? And what does it all mean?

Listen to the mp3 on or watch the video below:

Story #1: Hack Proves "Dissident" Groups, Movements Funded By Soros
“We're stuck in the Twilight Zone.”
Leaked Soros Memo: Refugee Crisis ‘New Normal,’ Gives ‘New Opportunities’ For Global Influence
Meet George Soros

Story #2: ’Shadow Brokers' Claim NSA Hack, Share Hi-Tech Hacking Tools
Edward Snowden Points to Russia on Alleged NSA Hack
James Corbett On ‘Declare Your Independence’ Radio
Wikipedia: MacGuffin

Story #3: ”Russian" Hacker Guccifer 2.0 Publishes Complete Personal Information Of 200 Congressional Democrats
Twitter (Temporarily) Suspends Account of Guccifer 2.0, Hacker Behind DNC & DCCC Leaks
What You NEED To Know About The NSA Hack And Bitcoin Ransom

#GoodNewsNextWeek: Little Free Pantries On Your Sidewalk Give Shelf-Stable Help

Who Got Us Into These Endless Wars?

Previous Episode: Imaginary BBC Detector Vans Now Scanning WiFi?


Another great post @corbettreport!

Just wanted to let you know that my new post "The 40 anarchists you want to follow on Steemit!" is up, and you're on the list :-) You can find it here

Thanks for that. A genuinely useful post. Upvoted and followed.

Appreciation for all your constant hard work and research @corbettreport. Keep up the good work! Soros is only able to do what he does because he's not truthfully reported on because of his influence on the MSM. You are changing that... Cheers! Main STEEM News!

Thanks James for putting me onto Steemit, it totally rocks, and I've earned over $400 already. I was hoping you were going to post some more stories here. I am a subscriber, but seeing your posts come up on my feed here is a buzz.

Tnx, very good article!

Regarding Assange, Snowden, et al., I became suspicious when they lived to tell their stories for a second time (via MSM, nonetheless).

LOVE to hear this! GREAT reporting as always- been a fan for a few years! Thank you James! upvoted, shared, followed as always!

I'm actually surprised he wasn't linked to more sinister things...

There needs to be more focus by the hacktivest community to target such individuals... also a word of warning, most movements are infiltrated and co-opted as soon as they display the least threat or are seen as a worthwhile tool for Governmental or Private Entities, so... investigate before supporting and then continue to watch and investigate...

Thank you for the solid reporting and (unlike many others) not jumping to conclusions without supporting data. I completely agree the best defense against these times is to have no emotional buttons to be pressed at all. Instead of being outraged and blowing off steam in useless protests, if we can take passionate, rational approaches to solving problems, we can accomplish so much more.

This comment kind of gave me shivers:

"The Internet is the NSA and the NSA is the Internet."

I hope a decentralized, anonymous, encrypted Internet will exist in the future.

I completely agree the best defense against these times is to have no emotional buttons to be pressed at all.

Words to live by