Announcing the REAL Fake News Awards!

in #news7 years ago


So we all saw Trump's "fake news awards" last week and enjoyed the stupidity of the dinosaur fake news establishment being skewered once again. But #fakenews is not limited to bogus stories about Trump. As Corbett Report stalwarts will know, fake news is being pumped out all the time on any number of issues. So let's hold a REAL fake news awards!

▶️ DTube

I look forward to your posts! Keep getting the truth out!

Not a member there in the Corbett Report community, but pointing out fake news propaganda was our work last year and since the warmongers started targeting my country Syria with all the nonsense they could do, they've been doing so since at least 1956 btw.

This was about the BBC coverage of the horrific terrorist attack against buses evicting literally women, children and sick people from the besieged by alQaeda never spoke of in Western media two towns of Kafraya and Foua northwest of Syria - sorry for some missing video clips, YouTube deleted my channel and I'm re-establishing it here and on ButChute for now:
BBC: Apologize for Your Vile Reporting of Terrorist Attack on Syrians from Foua & Kefraya

I'll try to get more here although I know they won't make it to the contest, honestly couldn't afford the membership in the Corbett Report. But just general info.

Hey @arabisouri
I'm pretty sure James Corbett mentioned this story. He certainly did a few pieces on the western media spreading untrue stories to alter the public's perception of what is really going on in the Middle East. He also did an interview with Eva Bartlett you'd probably enjoy:
Either way, you don't have to pay a membership to follow the Corbett Report: membership is really just for those who want to support James, as everything is freely accessible (well, apart from a subscriber's newsletter and a monthly video, which is really more personal than actual news content anyway, and access tot he forum).

Thanks @nicksikorski for the reply and the link. I'm following James since quite a while now and shared his posts in several of the places I post on like on my FB page New Syria, on my twitter account and website even I mentioned about the subscription because James set the condition to accept entries is by subscribers to the Report only.
I didn't see his piece on analyzing this BBC post in particular, but doesn't bother to spread again everywhere especially that Established Media bombard us with thousands of repeats of the same story.
I also follow Eva and Vanessa Beeley as well, I've been covering news on Syria from day one and have a large library that YouTube deleted and it was because of James mentioning BitChute and Dtube that brought me to Steemit.
Thanks again.

Sorry, I wasn't paying attention! OK, I see what you mean about membership (although I think you can literally give as much as you want: a few hundred yen or less per month, for example). I wonder, do you follow Newsbud, too? They operate more of a pay-to view membership, but you can watch all of their content for free one month after it has been posted. I'm a big fan of Sibel Edmonds and I really recommend her work (she's originally from Turkey and worked in the FBI before blowing the whistle, so she knows the Middle East well, too).

Thanks again, I'll definitely look into these new outlets.

Interessting idea and there are so many stories to think about. Since I don't really read our local newspaper I do not have that many specific articles but I'll try my best.
I've seen an article on a "factcheckers" website bashing the corbrett report, you could pick that one apart and I'll send you a storie about diffamation in switzerland.
Cheers and have a nice day

@corbettreport Fake news is a whole industry nowadays. It is a vital mechanism of massive deception and manipulation of the public sentiment in order to push dark agendas. The mainstream media are owned by the same people who profit by wars. But yeah, great idea with these awards. Colbert deserves an Oscar lol. What a huge difference it can make from Colbert to Corbett!

Nice post

There is a new super fake news story on the horizon....the 'macedonian name dispute'....all under the the cover of liberating the people, so they can join NATO and the good ol' US of A in the war mongering globalist efforts, to break up nations into chess pieces to suit their own self interest.

The media will cry and cry and cry and make up the most vile lies and propaganda to prop up the national security state.....coming to your favourite mainstream print and TV news outlet soooooon!

I would like to give the fake news award to all the negative news coverage of trump. If they really didnt like him they would have treated like they did ron paul from the very begining and ignored him. Instead during the entire campaign trump had more news coverage than any other candidate. Doesnt make sense to me.

Is making pseudo scientific claims considered as "fake news" if so then this news channel claiming that
unless we give our money to Al Gore and his cronies for the our horrible sin of breathing air, chocolates will disappear in the year 2050, all the while providing almost no sources for such claims should be exposed.
No wonder, the brutal censorship of people exposing fake news outlets who are spreading global warming alarmist propaganda rarely ever gets mentioned by media outlets from both sides of the political spectrum.

CNN and BBC themselves take the crown!

Don't spoil it for me, I haven't seen them yet. Let me be the first to nominate CNN: The Most busted name in news

But of course the whole establishment media is just replaying the same old shit they always have.

"After 1953, the media network was overseen by CIA Director Allen Dulles, by which time Operation Mockingbird had major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies.[5] Its usual modus operandi was to place reports, developed from CIA-provided intelligence, with cooperating or unwitting reporters. Those reports would be repeated or cited by the recipient reporters and would then, in turn, be cited throughout the media wire services. These networks were run by people with well-known liberal, but pro-American-big-business and anti-Soviet views, such as William S. Paley (CBS), Henry Luce (Time and Life), Arthur Hays Sulzberger (The New York Times), Alfred Friendly (managing editor of The Washington Post), Jerry O'Leary (The Washington Star), Hal Hendrix (Miami News), Barry Bingham, Sr. (Louisville Courier-Journal), James S. Copley (Copley News Services) and Joseph Harrison (The Christian Science Monitor).[5]"
