Cracker Barrel Employee Ran over!

in #news8 years ago

The incident occurred on July 19, in the parking lot of a Cracker Barrel on Bronson Memorial Highway in Kissimmee. Anthony Luis Cruz, a 29-year-old employee of the restaurant, had just pulled into the lot at 5:30 p.m. when a Nissan Versa pulled up closely beside his vehicle. After Cruz exited his car, surveillance footage shows the operator of the Nissan accelerating and running Cruz over, then driving over a strip of grass and leaving the scene of the crime.

He just floored it right at me and ran me over,” Cruz told WFTV, adding that a passerby came to his aid and called for help.
Cruz identified his assailant as a white man between 40 and 50, weighing approximately 210 to 225 pounds. Police say he was driving a white Nissan Versa with tinted windows and a “light blue tint” strip across the windshield


When you work at an establishment that caters to old people you have to accept the risk of being run over in the parking lot.