Important things to understand to live a life of value and happiness

in #news6 years ago

Everyone knows the secret to a happy life but no one wants to focus on it. This secret needs attention and a full implementation only.

Life depends on your thoughts. If you are thinking good thoughts then life seems beautiful and easy. If you are thinking bad thoughts then the people around may seem to be deceiving you and using you.

It is your mind and the thoughts in it that are going to determine how your day is going to be. If you wake up, open fb and find that an innocent civilian was killed during a robbery then there is no chance that your next few moments are going to go good. Now the person with a healthy and happy mindset won't focus on the news. What he will do is he will pray that may all the people stay safe and will get off of his bed for office. But if you keep thinking negatively while laying on the bed that there is too much crime out there or more innocents may get killed because police is also corrupt or anything like that, then obviously your whole day is not going to be good.

There are certain aspects of life that human race has forgotten and it is important that they are reminded what important aspects of their life are missing.

HAPPY FORMULA. The happy formula is very simple. When you will give happiness, you will receive happiness. You should try to make the people happy who you know are going through hard times. You should comfort the one who is upset or tensed. If a person follows this happy formula, it is not possible that he won't come out happy. A quote that is related to this formula is "You reap what you sow." If you are sowing hate, you will receive hate and if you are sowing positivity, you will receive positivity.

START HELPING. Helping people who are going through hard times is the best thing to do. You should give a little consoling speech to them and try to make them able to come out of their problems as a winner. Healing other people's wound would actually heal your wounds.

TRAIN YOUR MIND TO THINK POSITIVELY. Try to think about happy things. Try looking forward to your day in a happy tone of thoughts. When you look in mirror, try to smile at yourself. Try complementing yourself. Keep your mind diverted to the positive side of life. Instead of thinking that no one is honest to you or helping you or everyone is deceiving you, you should start thinking that everyone loves you but they are a little busy in their lives and that is why they are not being able to give you some of their time. Always find the positive aspect and live by it in your life.

BE GENTLE AND KIND. You have to give value to this society. You should have a personality that gets along with people easily. You have to sometimes fake a laugh on someone's joke so that he doesn't feel lame. Whenever you see a child, you should pass a smile to that child or play with him/her. You should be kind to the poor and the needy. Next time you see a poor man, just pass him a smile so that he doesn't feel neglected in this world. You can be the change in the world if you want to change the world.

Last but not the least,

LET GO TOXIC PEOPLE AND MOVE ON. These toxic people are always going to drag you down with their worthless talking. You should kick them out of your life. Don't literally try kicking them out of your apartment but try socializing with them much less and socialize with the people who are good for your life and eventually finish your relationship with the toxic people. Sometimes these toxic people are really close to you and you can't kick them out of your life, in this case, try NOT listening to them. Don't listen to what they say. Keep your ears open but don't let their negativity reach your mind. Don't let them disturb your mind.

Remember, it is your mind that can make this world a heaven for you.

Please follow me @content.creator for more articles about life and motivation. I have also written a true inspirational story about a woman who defied all odds and excelled at life.

Image source: Pexels


More of this every day:

will try my best :)