
The Serpent is a symbol. The Serpent (Satan) in the Garden of Eden tempted Eve to take from the Tree of Knowledge and bite the apple (gnosis). The Vatican worships the Serpent (satan/lucifer) for giving them the power to be Gods on earth thanks to Gnosis (knowledge), while keeping the masses in the dark.
It's got nothing to do with the Elites being reptilians. If you believe Pope Francis and the Jesuits are reptilians you're being fooled.
With all the provable conspiracies going on every time David Icke was on the BBC he would waste all his time on the unprovable reptilian thing instead of focusing on real evident conspiracies .
Having said that there is some truth to bloodlines originating from the first men who probably were not human (Anunnaki etc) but if I was invited to a TV show it would be the last argument I'd cover, I'd focus on the provable conspiracies first.

Who said Pope is reptilian? Do you have to be reptilian to be part of conspiracy? Of course not.

He didn't talk about reptilians from nothing, he was ask about it among other things.

Because it was a cover story to avoid talking about the zionist rulers and a distraction to make "conspiracy theorists" look like complete idiots.

Now they are doing the same thing with the moronic flat earth story.

This is all pretty std zionist tactics

I actually have investigated the flat earth story, and yes I'm saying it's utter bullshit too

That is just your opinion. It is not about reptilians, it is about nature of reality and existance of many dimensions we can't percieve with our sences. There is big backgound story before reptilian stuff, but of course most of people only hear reptilians so it is automatically funny.

The nature of "conspiracy theory" reality is jacob rotchild - anyone who doesn't even mention that evil prick is either clueless or a shill...

You obviously didn't read just one of Icke's books

I've been reading them for 20 years and I've read all but the most recent one.

I think they are about 80% spot on but they never really fully discuss the elephant in the closet...

In fact he goes out of his way to make the Jews out to be the innocent victims of the zionists.

No mention of the fact that ALL the zionist mind programming is coming through Jews (TV, Movies, news etc)

So the next step from mentioning Rothild is to look into the entire global entertainment industry - are the Jews really "victims"?

That trick has already been done, and it was called "the holocaust" - yes I'm calling bullshit on that too, but David Icke isn't... He skirts around the subject and a bunch of Jews accuse him of bing a "holocaust denier"
Except he isn't. See the trick?

You really believe every single jewish person is part of conspiracy? That is so far away from truth, most of them are slaves like everyone else.

I believe every single news media company, the TV companies, cable networks, Microsoft, Apple, all newspapers, all of Hollywood, all major radio stations, every popular album since 1945, most best selling books, the vaccine industry, the water fluoridation industry, and first and foremost, everything to do with "money" is all controlled and run by Jews. They are under zionist control for sure, but they are doing their all out best to continue the system and profit from it.

Not all Jews run everything, but everything is run by Jews for zionists. And they get paid in full, no questions asked.

There is pretty much nobody who calls bullshit on all this, the non Jewish majority (more than 98% globally) are too scared to mention it, and with a couple of exceptions, very few Jews are keen to raise the subject.

Meanwhile the 911 con, the holocaust con and the past 20 years of false flag terrorism are all lapped up by a brainwashed public too scared to even question this stuff because their mind programming is very well done.

Now then, why are Christians called Christians, and Muslims called Muslims, but Jews are constantly being called "The Jewish PEOPLE"? - is that like an extra mark of respect? Yes it is, and that is how mind control works...

The sort of stuff nobody gets to hear about : Alois Hitler, father of Adolf, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber and Baron Rothschild...

Oh my god, I didn't know about this. Thank you for the info!

well said, though I remain on the fence about Flat Earth (I'm still researching it)...what I know for sure is that NASA lies constantly and uses CGI + greenscreen tricks (very evident on the ISS videos).

This is a great video and transcript which puts all that flat earth crap in context as a way of discrediting the "truth movement" And it actually seems to be working too.

A lot like that con man Alex Jones does...