Understanding All That is Going On Now Regarding Syria, Trump and The Global Elite - (My Theories - Clarity of Signal)

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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Many people with eyes wide open understand the White Helmets killed the kids in the most recent false flag in Syria.

Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group


The White Helmet terrorists have been present at all the Syrian false flag attacks since 2015.

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More proof here:

False Flagger: Al-Nusra Front Terrorist ‘Reporter’ Hadi Abdallah First Responder to Chemical Massacre in Idlib, Syria on April 4th, 2017


and here:

Western Media Cover-up: Well-Known White Helmet Terrorist Was Present at Rashideen Bus Bombing That Killed 126 Women and Children on April 15, 2017


The US media and government are in on it and complicit in perpetuating these false flags and murder of these children.

This video I made in early 2017 exposes it all.

Tapestry of Terror (Highly Graphic) - White Helmets Exposed As FSA Terrorists Linked With ISIS


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The British established the White Helmets and provided the uniforms as a psychological propaganda construct for regime change in Syria. The US is on the record as contributing over $27 million in funding, plus conducting numerous first person meetings with their terrorist leadership. US State Department spokesperson Mark Toner admitted this to AP reporter Matt Lee in July 2016. For the FSA (which is comprised of terrorist groups - Ahrar al-Sham, Jabat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda, ISIS, plus dozens of other Islamic jihadist groups) the US has supplied hundreds of millions in funding and weapons.

The overall reason for all this terrorist money and weapons supplying is to use them as a tip of the spear regime change tool just like the US did in Afghanistan in the 1980's. ISIS is used as an excuse to stay in the country and destabilize it. Hence the reason ISIS was allowed to grow and not actually start being destroyed until August 2015 when Russia entered the war. The terrorists are used as an excuse to be there when, in actuality, the real reason is for geopolitical hegemony against Russia, expansion of the Greater Israel project, control of oil pipelines and fields, expansion of Israel's illegally obtained Golan Heights territory for Genie Energy (global elitists), taking away Russia's warm water port at Tartus, establishing a Wahabi terror state that is easily controlled by Saudi Arabia and complacent to western interests and those of Israel. (Israel's agents have infiltrated all branches of US life, government, finance and media and use the US military as its own.)

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The Russia scapegoating is simply "projection" (a huge ruse) as Israel is actually the country that controls US politics, elections, propaganda, censorship agenda, etc. Everything they are stating about Russia is exactly that which Mossad's agents actually do to the US. Its all an inversion of reality created by Zionists and global elitists. The enemy is domestic this time around. Eisenhower's warning about the expanding MIC has proved accurate and USMC General Smedley Butler's statements have also been proven correct in regards to elitist wars for profit. The corrupt Zionist controlled media is the main weapon being used against the American people. Russia is not the enemy. Russia and Syria are protecting their own long held interests and those of Christians and other minorities in the Middle East as well. Israel uses the tactics of mass propaganda and divide and conquer strategy to implement its plans and foment chaos, including the EU refugee crisis which is also a part of the divide and conquer strategy. Israel has set its and the Gulf States (British Zionist created entities) Islamic FSA terrorist wolves onto Syrian Christians, and onto the backs of Europeans, unbeknownst to most. They are also using the FSA flooding into Europe to prop up the declining German population and labor force. Thus, allowing Germany to be the controlling powerhouse of all Europe. Its all for the global elite to maintain control over the masses.

The BBC recently recently reported that the western coalition aided ISIS's escape from Raqqa. That report is here:

Fall of Raqqa: The secret deal - BBC News

The Grand Chessboard strategy orchestrated by Zbigniew Brzezinski is here, as is the Israeli plan for the Middle East titled "A Clean Break:: A New Strategy For Securing The Realm of Israel.


IMI- Analysis – Understanding the Grand Chessboard – Leading German Think Tank http://www.imi-online.de/2009/01/01/imperial-geopolitics/

IMI-Analyse 2009/013, in: IMI/DFG-VK: Kein Frieden mit der NATO Imperial Geopolitics: Ukraine, Georgia and the New Cold War between NATO and Russia

Russia never helped Trump get elected. Trump was chosen by Kissinger and the Zionists. All is inversion, deception, projection, a massive psyop. The Zionists simply chose Trump over Clinton because he better serves their agenda. Remember their motto is "order from chaos". Kissinger has stated that Trump's unpredictable behavior and the fact that he is contentious better serves their goals. Divide and conquer. Hegelian Dialectic. All is a show. Russia are the good guys in WW3. To see the real Trump simply check out his speech at AIPAC in March 2016.

Multiple videos revealing such are here:

Beyond The Divisive Agenda – Defining Donald Trump As A Tool of The Zionist-Elite And Why He Was Really Placed In Power To Wage War on Iran


Like Obama, Trump lied to his base in order to carry out his role and make the election look legit. Now he is intentionally undermining his base after the last year of media orchestrated anti-Russia smoke and mirrors. The entire Deep State apparatus is now realigning itself to its real purpose which always was to keep the public in the dark, expand the Empire and control the waking up masses to keep the global elite on top. The entire Trump versus Deep State charade the public is held captive to is a psyop.

The coming AI and mass surveillance state is the real greatest threat to the American people and their dwindling freedom. The global elite will not go quietly into that good night. In this sense, Russia is actually an ally of the American people and the only solid superpower that stands in the way of this coming dystopian future.....and it is coming. It is plain to see for those with eyes wide open. Strangely, the American prophet Edgar Caye seems to have predicted it.


Cayce spoke of Russia’s role as being the ‘hope of the world’ in a coming time such as this:

“In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.”

(Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29)

"Europe is as a house broken up. Some years ago there was the experience of a mighty peoples being overridden for the gratification and satisfaction of a few, irrespective of any other man’s right. That peoples are going through the experience of being born again, and is the thorn in the flesh to many a political and financial nation in Europe, in the world… Q. What is the name of that nation referred to? A. Russia!"

(3976-8)” [Source]

Oh, and the Russian trolls the media speaks of are you and me, the American people. Any American who rejects this orchestrated agenda is immediately labeled as a Russian troll. I'm told I'm one of the best there is, even though I am a US Marine Corps veteran, Weapons Co, 1st Battalion, 6th Marines , 2nd Mar Div 85-88 - True patriotism requires dissent right now.

Sad truth for veterans: This is who the US military will be fighting alongside in Syria should we go to full scale war against Russia and Syria.

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Important geopolitical document that helps explain the current insanity taking place.

The Syrian War and the Strategic Logic of US Imperialism’s Drive to Dominate the Middle East



You should use #informationwar as a 5th tag for this and posts like this. That'll get all the people following that tag to queue in and hopefully not miss posts like this. I posted this into their #postpromotion channel.

Thanks @dwinblood. Been out of the loop a little lately as I went on vacation with the wife and kids. Will add it on future posts for sure. Thanks for promoting it and helping get more eyes on.

Thanks Christopher for this great report!

I really really can't stand that witch Nikki Haley:


Nikki Haley: Wicked Witch of the West & Relentless Bloodthirsty Deep State Swamp Ambassador

Just the fact that this witch is still the US Ambassador at the UN tells everyone that she's a reflection of Trump himself, as he has appointed her. As in my post, she serves the interests of the Deep State / MIC / Israel ONLY and not of the American People.

I would say to the American people:


Otherwise you will find yourselves on the losing end of WWIII.

Wake up folks and support true patriots like @clarityofsignal.

Well said and awesome meme to boot.

Recent survey discovered huge petrol reserves under water in the Eastern Mediterranean bordering on Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. Beirut was shelled into oblivion in 2006 by the IDF. Five years later, so-called Syrian Civil War begins effectively removing Assad from the equation of regional political significance. Consequently, only the Jews have the political, economic, and social resources to develop the Leviathan gas fields. The Lebanese are attempting to set-up some type of commercial ventures into the Leviathan fields, but with the Syrian refugees mobbing across their borders, and conflict poised to spread into Lebanon, what fool will invest money into Lebanese pipe-dream?

Thank you for posting this @clarityofsignal, it was very refreshing to get your take on the current madness. I really do hope that you are wrong about Trump, but if he is running game (theory) on us Americans, at some point he will tip his hand, and reveal himself for who he really is.

I just hope if he is on the wrong side, that when he does reveal himself 'we the people' will have the time and power to prevent him from triggering an extinction level event.

Nobody likes nuclear winters!

"See, in game theory, it serves you to be two-faced. Be everyone's friend 'till the moment you're not. You make them love you so much that when they're up against it, their loyalty will make them act against their own best interests. That's game theory. A cold, rational, focus on winning. Even if it's at everyone else's expense." - Prison Break (TV Series)

Great article, agree with your perspective on most points, but I am scratching my head about Putin. Unknown background, Ex-KGB, surrounded by Zionist Oligarchs, likes Chabbad...he can't be all that good. Maybe better than the other creeps, but "good"? Not so sure...

I have heard many theories in this regard, and there may be some truth to them. One can only wonder, particularly since Russia has a Rothschild established bank and Putin does work with many Zionist Jewish billionaire oligarchs, but the fact that Yukos billionaire oligarch Mikhail Kohdorkovsky transferred $9 billion to Jacob Rothschild's before he went to jail leads me to think that Putin must have gone somewhat rogue (off-script) on them. Unless of course, the elite wanted Russia built back up in order to act as the antithesis to the western powers and fullfil those MIC contracts.

Many hope Trump has gone rogue right now due to his supposed anti-swamp role in the US. I'm not so sure. His connections to Stephan Schwartzman of Blackstone Group and Goldman Sachs billionaire executives, plus Kissinger whispering in his ear, make me think he is simply a tool for the global elite and his scripted role is one of intentional confusion, chaos and divisiveness.

What I do is "use Russia to expose the western layer of the global elitist onion". I simply see them as the lesser evil right now and the best current tool to help expose all this geopolitical insanity. I simply got infuriated seeing my country supporting Nazis in Ukraine who murdered young women in Odessa, and terrorists in Libya and Syria who killed innocent people.

Alas, as far as Russia goes, if one considers that the elite operate with Russia as part of their Hegelian Dialectic, it is possible that Russia plays the designated foil to the Western Empire in order to perpetuate the global chessboard narrative and pump out military industrial contracts that benefit a select few at the top in these nations. It is possible that all the world is a stage and these leaders are actually all quite manipulative and evil. The fact they cooperate on space programs lends credence to their actually working together on all things. Like I say, I simply am using Russia to help expose one major part of the whole onion. I think that is what is important for me to do right now as the western world is currently more immoral and corrupted in my opinion, particularly since their illegal wars, invasions and support for terrorists have killed so many innocent people.

In the future, I may decide to focus more on the Russian layer of the onion. But right now I need them to expose these other western power entities. I should also point out something else of interest to me. Kissinger met with Putin on February 3, 2016, then again on October 28, 2016 right before the US 'selection'. Four days later the World Jewish Congress met in Russia for the first time in years. This also leads me to wonder if it is all Hegelian Dialectic, a played out game for the elitists control of the world. A few days later Trump was selected.



I think any country can be corrupted over time and it is possible Russia will be the future evil Empire similar to what the west is now. At my site I have an informative post on Dr. Anthony Sutton and Putin's mentor General Petrov that helps explain how the elite use the Hegelian Dialectic as a strategy of division and control. That may help shed more light on how I see the global chessboard as run by the elite. There are some fascinating, rare and highly revealing documents and videos there. Hope all this answers your question in some way. I'm sorry that I do not have a definitive answer. Kind regards.


Well, thank you! You put all my thoughts into form, just with better articulation and knowledge. I have only a gut feeling that we are missing a big piece of the puzzle. Nothing makes really sense in the current narrative.
I think your perspective comes already as close to the truth as possible given the information we are ALLOWED to get. Considering the vast amount of money and resources invested by the cabal in China, it might also be possible that Russia and China are being groomed as the future "Good" world power and the US is playing the villain this time. Who knows? Guess we will find out sooner than we think...

The White Helmets have received a great deal of local and international support but they have been targeted frequently by Syrian and Russian planes. Air raids and missiles targeted White Helmet centres and their members. The White Helmets also work to meet the further needs of civilians, establishing centres to help Syrian women and educate them on the surrounding dangers. They also began other projects, such as removing rubble and opening roads, with the goal of revitalizing areas that are still subject to bombings and military actions. I think war should be declared on Russia who is the main culprit not on the Syria as they have already suffered a lot


Of course they do! :)

Highly Graphic Video’s – White Helmets Film Themselves Participating in Beheading’s of Syrian Soldiers


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yup...you've convinced me..
there's a lot of false flagging going on.
do you get discounts on them?

Lol that picture....