in #news8 years ago (edited)

Telegraph... "The student Left’s culture of intolerance is creating a new generation of conservatives..."

"With all of this book-burning and platform-denying madness sweeping up much of the media’s interest in campus culture...

The gradual rise of another group of students has gone under-reported...

British and American millennials and post-millennials – also known as ‘Gen Z’ – are warming to conservatism..."

Paul Joseph Watson... "We have a whole new generation emerging who have no memory what so ever of the right being in political power or having any dominance in the culture war...

All they've experienced is the lefts total domination of the culture war and their intellectual intolerance of anyone who goes against the grain...

You can't be the dominant culture and the counter culture...

That's why conservatism is becoming the new counter culture..."

Disney overreacts to silly "Kill the Jews" joke... Cuts ties with PewDiePie...

And 53 million subs...

YouTube stars defend PewDiePie after anti-Semitism fallout...

Philip DeFranco... “Thanks to you in the media, the way that all of you rushed to cover without looking for context, you have made him the temporary face and put him front and center in the conversation of free speech... you have only made him stronger and more important.””

Casey 'The CNN Very Fake News Shill' Neistat..."what this does underscore is that for YouTubers, just like everyone else in the world, you can say whatever you want but at times there will be consequences for it...”

"With great power comes great responsibility..."

h3h3Productions... "IT'S A JOOOOOKKKKEEEEE!"

Bill Maher calls Milo Yiannopoulos a fag...