I'm Not Out of Control I'm Just Not in They Control

in #news8 years ago (edited)

So I'm sure by now we have all heard about or seen Meryl Streep's Golden Globes speech. I like many (34.28 million viewers) opted to watch the NFL over the Golden Globes (9.76 million viewers) so I heard about and witnessed this speech via twitter. Streep, who's films I could care less about and her opinion on politics even less, decided to take her time allotted to give thanks for the Cecil B. DeMille Award to regurgitate media lies and already debunked claims against the President Elect Donald J Trump. By now I am sure if you have read my post you know I am a supporter and Yuge fan of the PEOTUS, so yes I am biased, at least I can admit it. With that being said I thought I'd put a little something together about this incident.

So she begins by claiming her audience is among the most vilified segments of the country, and then proceeds to vilify the PEOTUS with her lies. I challenge these elites to put their numbers of people vilifying them against Trump's. She proclaims foreigners are vilified, I think she must be talking about Russian hackers and maybe Wikileaks who knows. She finishes her victim list with the press, she must be talking about all those fake news sites, poor CNN look what they have done to themselves. She follows this up by saying "everyone is from different places" how astute! She begins to list off celebs birthplace, which was about as exciting as Mathew 1 in the bible. Right about here is where she says something that really struck a note with me "Hollywood is full of outsiders" holy fuck! did I just hear that right? Judd Apatow couldn't write better irony! she follows this bold statement up by throwing shade on the NFL and MMA which is followed by ovation where the camera pans to rich white snobs clapping. I feel no need to respond to this I'll let Dana White do the talking for me:

Following this is where we will get to meat of what really bugged me. She is now going into her lie about Trump mocking a disabled reporter. She claims it broke her heart. Well what breaks my heart is that at an award show where you are receiving the highest award, in your line of work, for your life's achievements, you use your time to cry about something you could have simply did 5 mins of research on and found out didn't actually happen. Yes Trump mocked a man who was disabled, but no he did not mock his disability! Now if your claim is that, some people because of their lot in life, should be completely free of mocking that's fine. I disagree with that opinion but at least it's not predicated on utter bullshit. This is not what she was saying though. She was claiming that Trump purposefully mocked this man because he was disabled. So to that I will respond.

First the man, Serge F. Kovaleski, has arthrogryposis he does not have spasms of any sort he just has joint contracture, or shortening of the muscle, in his right arm and hand. He does not talk in a funny voice everything besides his one arm is completely able. The dishonest media (oh maybe that's what she meant by vilified) froze an image of trump doing his go-to flailing mock at just the right moment so it does look like he is making his arm crinkled up like he has a contracture. This of corse was not the case, we've all seen the video, trump is flailing both arms wildly.

Secondly as alluded to in the prior paragraph this mocking that Trump used against Kovaleski is his go-to. He has done it long before making fun of Kovaleski and many times after. If you don't like that Trump mocks people at all, then we just have to agree to disagree because I love it and we have a zero sum gain. So for some video evidence that this is Trump's go-to and he has done it before and after the Kovaleski mocking I will refer to a few youtube clips:

here he is making the same motions to make fun of Ted Cruz

and In an 2005 interview on CNN with Lary King he makes the same motions to make fun of himself (if my time code doesn't work start at 8 min mark)

Lastly I would like to say that I really don't think Trump had any clue who this guy was. If you think a man who meets as many people as Trump knows what every single reporter who writes something mean about him looks like than I don't really know what to tell you. I don't even remember what the guy who handed me my coffee this morning looks like and I have only seen one person today since I woke up, not including my dog.

With that said do I think Hollywood elites should be talking about politics? Sure they can use their time how ever they want, but if they do so in such a hobsnobby way I will probably skip your flick so you are only losing potential fans and retaining those who were going no where. I do understand that she may have really felt passionate about it and wanted to speak out, but you're are butt hurt over media lies and again 5 mins of open minded research would have saved you a lot of wind. I also think it's kind of dumb because talking down to someone doesn't really bring them to your cause. Meryl you are talking to a room full of people who arn't even allowed to express a dissenting opinion with out fear of losing their career and a TV audience who already cares about superficial things like acting awards. The rest of us are going to find out about it in our own personal echo chambers and our first sip of your opinion will be sour. I do disagree with Trump tough, Streep is a wonderful actor not one bit over rated, I do not enjoy her work but she is good at it. I would like to conclude by saying that my favorite part of her speech was her mocking of Hillary Clinton, someone get Meryl a water. (see we can all lie about who's mocking who).

love me, hate me, agree, disagree feel free to comment! That to me is what my Steemit is all about!



It is always hard to take the unpopular stance on any subject matter but you do it well and make your points very well. I had not thought about how she used her time to bash someone, she should have been grateful and commented on that. To me she lost all credibility with the MMA comment and must of had an issue with Rousey being knocked out, probably more so than she did.

Thanks for the post, I hope it gets some traction.

right I wanted to go more into the MMA part but I thought Dana really had more clout and knocked it out of the park. I will say it really showed a look into her character the way she think she can decide what is and what isn't art. “The second-hand artist blindly following his sensei or sifu accepts his pattern. As a result, his action is and , more importantly, his thinking become mechanical. His responses become automatic, according to set patterns, making him narrow and limited.” Bruce Lee

I think that Cody is right, Upvoted & Followed you as well btw.