in #news7 years ago

checkmate2017 ISSUE:0008


TOPIC: Watched the following on YouTube

"Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro 8/19/17 - Judge Jeanine Fox News August 19, 2017 Steve Bannon Fired"

Upon watching this video, I yet again see a very disturbing media conversation about the recent deaths of police officers, of whom have been attacked specificly because they represent the current Law Enforcement in America.

This video was all about the cry baby, woe is me, hard life of a Cop, and how they are so open to being attacked and how they are a major force of all thats good and right. BULLSHIT. I'll say it again, thats complete Bullshit, more lies, and a shit ton of shovelled excriment. How can I say this you ask? Because I was a F-in Federal Law Enforcement Officer. The reason I'm not anymore? Because I realized through all the smoke and BS that we crushed everyones God given rights and the rights given to us by the Constitution, from YES the DEATHS of many patriots like myself, on a daily basis. I find it very unfortunate that the majority of my peers at the time either did not recognize this or worse did not care.
When you are pulled over by Law Enforcement do they say to you,"IGNORANCE of the Law, is ACCEPTABLE so....I will explain the current Law, Military Admiralty Law, or better, explain CORPORATE Law, and then you will be Free to Go." No they do not. NOR do they explain to you that Constitutional Law or "Natural Law" no Longer exists. It died back in the late 1880's when the corporate hostile take over began....With the help of a few people in Congress.
SO, If a Law Enforcement Officer is believing like I did, that Police are there protecting the people, and enforcing the Constitution, you are factually IGNORANT. Look it up. Do your own research on the most disgusting secret in the destruction of Americans rights in the history of this country, baring the massacure of 100 million+ Native Americans.
A Ignorant Cop is the same a crooked Cop, and the most dangerous thing in America today.
Now I apreciate the men and women that are "trying" to do whats right, and think they are. Some do immense good. The reality is, if you are serving the devil, and are a angel of light, you still are doing much more damage then good. Thats a fact.
BEST EXAMPLE: In the news a video clip of the BOSTON BS fest, the Mayor I believe, could be wrong, as my memory is old these days, stated that 1 group of people had a "PERMIT" to protest, and the other groups did not, so they were debateing on arresting people for "UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY".

ARE YOU F_IN serious? SERIOUS?! That Mayor and the Police Chief should have been immediately removed from their positions with a independent panel on their ENTIRE PUBLIC SERVICE.

Absolutely the most disgraceful display of "Law Enforcement" I have ever seen.

IT Is Your RIGHT, by God and the Constitution For these United States of America to SAY What you Want, Where you Want, AT ANY TIME or PLACE you want. And the Government nor Law Enforcement, has any Lawful justification in saying otherwise, if they do, that is called Direct Unlawful Action against the people of America, and warrants immediate permanent suspension. It also brings to mind the fact that THE PEOPLE have the right to REMOVE governing people or institutions at any time. That is what we have lost in losing the Constitution, and being snookered into a Corporate Law, Federal Dictatorship. That and much more.

So, Mr. Mayor, Mr. Chief of Police, you are either extremely Ignorant, OR you are openly comiting Domestic Treason upon the People. Not Good Folks. a "UNLAWFUL Assembly" my azz.

Now, Boston before this crap, was a great place, and great people. Thats a fact. But instead of marching in the streets and taking it out on each other, perhaps you should all meet at the BPD and Mayors house and demand your rights back. Or not. Just keep bending over and taking it in the tail pipe, as one of the most militaristic police forces in America, continue to give it to you. And continue to beat the hell out of each other while they watch with enthusiasm. False flag after false flag.

To The Topic:
The Florida Law Enforcement is probably the second most militaristic police force in the United States. This absolutely ridiculous YouTube media article had a cop saying they are using the same equipment they had over 30 years ago. Really? I did not know they had MRAPS and full body armor as well as drones and f-in sonic wepons back then. By THE WAY, any Law Enforcement that is equiped in any way comparable to the military, IS ALSO AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION. But that doesn't matter anymore. Why? Because when they pull you over with that f-in armored MRAP its important you know who is in charge.

What they are doing:
Justifying their "NEED" to have equipment and weapons, that will rip you apart into many many pieces, including your children. They are taking away your ability to protect your self and family, and empowering themselves to F-K your shit up, if you do not "COMPLY" and that word by the way, is NOT in the Constitution, and I did use it a lot, EVERYDAY.

The Tactical Prediction:
Law Enforcement will follow their unlawful orders, and continue to increase their military readiness, and increase their Enforcement of Corporate Law, to such a extent, that the people will in fact view every Law Enforcement officer as a DOMESTIC THREAT to life and liberty, and in return, many more good people will die believing that they are the "Force for good" in policing.

For Law Enforcement-
Go Back to enforcing the true Constitution, Find another job were you are actually helping people, or start training like a Marine and get used to the idea of coming home in a pine box covered with a Corporate Flag.

Why, because not even Pre-Crime is going to stop 150 million Americans from ripping you into pieces if this crap continues. At some point, At some point, the intelligent Americans, are going to realize that the way up the chain of command, is by ripping out the hearts of the first in charge.

You know I am correct. Whats worse, your Superiors know this as well. Brothers and Sisters, get on the right side quickly, time is almost up.

For Civilians-
Do not Start the Civil War, give the good men and women in Law Enforcement the time and education they need to do what the really want to, help you and their families. Help them get the strength they need to see that they are not serving the people, but protecting Corporate America. They can truly be heroes for the people without dieing as traitors in history.

I DO NOT reccommend protesting at Police Departments, Mayors Offices, Trooper Quarters, State Congress Halls, Sherriffs Offices, IRS Corporate Offices, Town Halls, Courts, etc.

I DO NOT reccommend giving every Law Enforcement Officer their "Standing Orders" reference-
-Constitution for these United States of America, with the "Constitutional Republic" book mark.
-Bill Of Rights

Stop Believing anything the media or government tells you. Evaluate all information yourself.
Stop supporting your own enslavement. Do not fly on planes, stop buying crap you do not really need. Trade in your "NEW" car for a old used one and pocket the difference buy investing it in gold or silver, kept in your secret hiddie spot. DUMP the mortguage, get a smaller house or pay it off ASAP. Get rid of extra vehicles you do not use on a daily basis. Pull all your money from the bank except a minimal amount. Stay out of Crypto Currencies. Move your families together and build up "FAMILY" strength. EXAMPLE: instead of wasting money on rent, everyone move into 1 house and buy it out right. Impossible? No, you can do it. Stop wasting your money on eating out at GMO cancer restaurants. Build your strength and money by keeping it in the family not wasting it on 4 different rental apartments because,"Its not kool" to be F-in smart and a strong family. If you getting taxed like a Mo Fo, STOP BUYING the Shit thats being taxed! Cant do that? Bull! If you are smart enough to realize your overtime is causing you to pay more in taxes, STOP doing overtime and actually enjoy life a bit.
Anyway if you actually made it this far in the reading, congratulations, you get the point. Get off your rump before you get planted on it.

Best Wishes and Good Day