IRS drops the Dime on Cryptos

in #news7 years ago

Good Evening my friends and Readers!

Looks like the "Cat is officially out of the Bag" as the saying goes. If your new here, welcome! If you not, well, then, we already knew this didn't we? The following article is absolutely explosive and deserves, well, something a hell of a lot better the a establishment Grammy! Sometimes, I actually think, people are tired of being slaves and, YES, listening to that little voice in their head that has been shouting for years," Something ain't F-in right". I do feel a slight tinge of happiness when my fellow men and women start to show that glimmer in their eyes....that look... of the beginnings of comprehension, as if they jumped for that rope dangling 10' in front of them....and they actually caught it! Now my friends...START CLIMBING.

I am Soooooo, Soooooo, tired, of seeing that blank look of non-comprehension, which is always followed by the shrug of the shoulders. IGNORANCE is in fact BLISS. But, it does not get you any where.

Less often now, one can see the occasional Zombie Stare...mouth wide open, no response, you know, The Dead Fish Syndrome.

So every one give the Daily Beast a MASSIVE pat on the back and a," Fine Job Ladies and Gents". They actually reported straight forward important news. Finding that is like searching for a Grain of gun powder in a Fire Ant mound.
Now What? Well I'll tell you.

The proverbial Sht has been hitting the fan for some time, its just that not many have noticed.

Next Up:

  1. People will start to panic, why? Because every single frigging "RED CENT" Crypto Coin IS and HAS been tracked by, yes our slavers. What are people going to do? Nothing. At least until there's enough people who have had their "Earnings" Illegally and Unlawfully garnished....repeatedly...lmao. At best, they will either shoot themselves or go rob a bank. That's assuming they don't have friends to "spot" them for a few weeks. And the Imaginary "money" will just start PoUrInG In for our slavers and THEN, THEN, we will not have a Snowball's Chance in Hell of getting out of financial slavery, worse then it is now. We will fondly remember the days when we could buy a pack of gum without "The Man" knowing about it.

  2. There will be some sort of war. They need Martial Law to control the masses as best they can and distract the people who still have no idea what reality they are in. This is appearing to be either the Korea's, Middle East, or coming to the aid of our ally India against China. Those are the top three, but their has been some deep dark secret stuff suggesting a false Flag Alien war. This is really up in the air. I heard recently that we are storing Nerve gas in Fort Know for some reason. I would not put it past them to start a false flag from there, as who in the hell is going to be allowed into Fort Knox to search for Nerve gas that may be used, in well, lets just say, a few local nefarious deeds. I certainly hope not.

  3. Crypto's are going to crash. Everything crashes. Especially imaginary things. Its not real, until its in your hand. In the case of money, its not real until the other guy takes it from you, and gives you what you want or need. If it does not put Food in your Refrigerator, gas in your car, or pay your bills directly, it AINT MONEY. This will be a Temporary crash though, probably 3-6 months would be my guess. This is to ensure control before the ACTUAL unveiling of the USA crypto currency.
    That's all I have time for today, but PLEASE read the article below from the DAILY BEAST, and tell all the LIARS that are evily trying to remove your wealth to go to hell, because your not,...hehe "BUYING IT"

  4. Oh, and if your late to the table, PENSIONS ARE in FACT crashing, get your money out asap. Take the hit, it will still be better then what you end up with.

                                                                               Good Tidings, Best Wishes


IRS Now Has a Tool to Unmask Bitcoin Tax Cheats
Cryptocurrencies were supposed to be largely anonymous. But a software tool gives the IRS has a better chance of identifying people who hide their wealth.
Joseph Cox
08.22.17 12:00 AM ET
You can use bitcoin. But you can’t hide from the taxman.
At least, that’s the hope of the Internal Revenue Service, which has purchased specialist software to track those using bitcoin, according to a contract obtained by The Daily Beast.
The document highlights how law enforcement isn’t only concerned with criminals accumulating bitcoin from selling drugs or hacking targets, but also those who use the currency to hide wealth or avoid paying taxes.
The IRS has claimed that only 802 people declared bitcoin losses or profits in 2015; clearly fewer than the actual number of people trading the cryptocurrency—especially as more investors dip into the world of cryptocurrencies, and the value of bitcoin punches past the $4,000 mark. Maybe lots of bitcoin traders didn't realize the government expects to collect tax on their digital earnings, or perhaps some thought they'd be able to get away with stockpiling bitcoin thanks to the perception that the cryptocurrency is largely anonymous.
“The purpose of this acquisition is… to help us trace the movement of money through the bitcoin economy,” a section of the contract reads. The Daily Beast obtained the document through the Freedom of Information Act.
The contractor in this case is Chainalysis, a startup offering its “Reactor” tool to visualize, track, and analyze bitcoin transactions. Chainalysis’ users include law enforcement agencies, banks, and regulatory entities.
The software can follow bitcoin as it moves from one wallet to another, and eventually to an exchange where the bitcoin user will likely cash out into dollars or another currency. This is the point law enforcement could issue a subpoena to the exchange and figure out who is really behind the bitcoin.
Jonathan Levin, a co-founder of Chainalysis, told The Daily Beast in an email, “All government agencies who have traditionally needed to 'follow the money' now need to also be able to follow digital currencies.”
“This is necessary to identify and obtain evidence on individuals using bitcoin to either launder money or conceal income as part of tax fraud or other Federal crimes,” the IRS contract notes. The document also mentions the IRS’ use of World Check, a database on companies, organizations and businesses designed to provide insight into financial crime and who might be behind it. (World Check does have issues though, including sometimes using Wikipedia as a source).
Public records show the IRS has paid Chainalysis over $88,700 since 2015 for its services.
Of course, just because the IRS has an easier time of tracing bitcoin today doesn’t mean that criminals won’t adapt.
“Those who are actively seeking to avoid tax, especially large amounts of tax, will move onto the next cryptocurrency that is not susceptible to the current tracking tools,” Alan Woodward, a computer science professor at the University of Surrey with a focus on cybercrime and cryptography told The Daily Beast. Some criminals already use alternatives such as Zcash or Monero, both of which provide more privacy features over bitcoin.
The IRS acknowledged a request for comment but did not provide a response.
The IRS has approached bitcoin tax evasion in some more controversial ways in the past. In a legal order filed last November the IRS demanded the identities of all US users of the bitcoin exchange Coinbase over a three year period. The case is ongoing.