in #news7 years ago

checkmate2017 ISSUE:0007
Good evening all!
Here is the tactical breakdown for the Charlottesville incident:

80% of the people were just there watching the debacle, standing around eating popcorn and enjoying the show.
15% of the people were bussed in Elite supported "Antifa" agitates
5% of the people were bussed in Elite supported "White Racists" agitates

The Primary mission: Promote the separation of Americans while sowing disorder and chaos through distraction and deceit.

The Secondary mission: Push forward with the Original goal of causing Country wide Civil Strife in the effort to cause a full blown Civil War, for the justification of enacting Martial Law and ensuring the Federal slave states Power for the continued goal of American subjugation and degradation.

The Thirdiciary mission: Obscure and Distract the American population from the actual anti-constitutional governing past, present, and future policies and procedures needed to ensure the American peoples complete unknowing self destruction;
by way of lost history, lost self awareness, mind control through medicines, media, and public education indoctrination, and direct manipulation from 2.4g and the new 5g or whatever it is now frequency manipulation.

We the PEOPLE, are not stupid ignorant buffoons. Many are sheep, but many are NOT. We know what the elite are trying to do. We know well the methods the elite use. The sheep or ignorant, are guilty only of trusting you and not knowing the truth, at worst they blind themselves from truth because of the pain it will bring. Chaos can not control itself, destruction can not be leashed.

For Now, the people ARE law enforcement, we ARE the military, we ARE the employees of the various government departments. We must make the right choice when given unlawful orders, AND HONOR your vows to each other, your families, and yourself by ACCEPTING the repercussions of saying," No, go F-ck yourself Sir/Ma'am" I will get another job, and KEEP my/our Honor." (THAT is how you protect yourself and family)
Understand that there will ALWAYS be a Evil Prick that has no problems with anything, telling you to do something bad, but you have a choice.

Recommended Actions:
1 Do not go to these false flag rallies
2 Do not waste your time watching false news
3 Do not believe anyone in congress, is doing 1 single thing to help you. They are not,(except perhaps the Honorable Paul family), nor do they care.
4 Protesting is a waste of time, by getting a "Permit" and not being able to carry a firearm, you are allowing your constitutional rights to be violated like an idiot. You are also opening up yourself to identifying technology, jeopardizing your family, and giving them the perfect opportunity to help you into an accident.
5 What you need to do, is not within your ability. Period. Pray to whomever you please, that may help. If you realize that all of congress is corrupted, self serving anti-constitutionalists, then you realize YOU do not in fact have the power to immediately dismiss them...ALL, as is the only way out of what's coming.
6 Realize the President is just a figurehead, and has little power to affect anything. A diplomat.
7 Understand that PEOPLE are not the problem, IDEAS are not the problem, OPINIONS are not the problem. The Constitution is NOT the problem. HISTORY is not the problem. Global Warming is NOT the problem. What's left...IS THE PROBLEM.
8 Understand that FEAR is the reason you allow yourself to be used in enslaving others.

*"Take the pain now, or Take the pain later...THAT is your only choice, THAT is your only freedom."

Good Day all,